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The Corroboree

Earthdance perth


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I was thinking we should have a little ethno meet and greet on the saturday arvo if people are interested. I will try and bring some seeds along to give away.

Also, I will be running a mushroom cultivation workshop on saturday morning. I'd love it if others with some experience came to share their techniques, or if you are just getting into it then come along for some learning. I will be going through basic techniques such as making a spore or LC syringe, making grain spawn, pasteurising bulk substrate, inoculating logs, and anything else I can think of. The idea being that you can walk away with a general basic idea of how to grow mushrooms and probably have a decent chance of success purely from what I go through.

Please note that I have promised the earthdance organisers that I will be discussing edible mushrooms only, so it will not be a psilocybe cultivation discussion session. They are very concerned about the public image of the festival. However all the techniques that I will be demonstrating will be general ones transferrable to most species, so you can reach your own conclusions from that. As well as this, because I am down on the program (with my real name) I would prefer to keep my forum identity and my real life identity somewhat separate at this event, so if I don't already have an offline friendship with you, please respect this at the workshop. Come up and introduce yourself afterwards and we'll see if we can get some ethnoheads together for an unofficial meeting.

Edited by creach
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Your mush growing workshop was excellent, definatly got me keen to start experimenting

well then i achieved my goal

these are the last good shots i got... my 'dancing pics' don't in anway compare to ronny's, who i was trying to emulate. the light was dodgy, my lens was foggy, and i didn't feel comfortable getting in people's faces too much. also, the ratio of photographers to dancers was probably something like 1:10, which is pretty ridiculous... it all felt a bit wrong. So i didn't achieve my other goal, which was to take some sweet pics of people dancing a la ronny simulacrum.

anyway, here they are... not quite as good as I was hoping, but a reasonably depiction of the vibe anyway.


Tiger man

morning mist

Tijuana Cartel, again...

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