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This one is really great, great speaker and really interesting info about the uses of mdma in psycotherapy. Thanks to @waterboy 2.0 for posting the original playlist. I think this one was my fav or about 5 i've listened too so far. One interesting thing he said was about how hardly any of the people who participated in the study actually had the downer after taking it which was interesting too. 

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"here's a picture of a brain, have i convinced you you're in a simulation yet?"

"no? how bout this: optical illusions exist. check mate dummies"


where's the god damned proof? i dont see proof just conjecture.

is this what these simulation arseholes are calling proof?

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On 02/12/2018 at 10:33 AM, DiscoStu said:



"here's a picture of a brain, have i convinced you you're in a simulation yet?"

"no? how bout this: optical illusions exist. check mate dummies"


where's the god damned proof? i dont see proof just conjecture.

is this what these simulation arseholes are calling proof?

I once consumed way too much shrooms and found myself on what I thought was the shell of the universe and it felt like my body was merely a 3d holographic representation of my energy on the inside of the universe.  Interestingly since then I've found that that a holographic sphere actually has just enough space to describe the contents within perfectly.  I can't prove anything either way just like that guy but at least I know better than to give a TED talk while talking out my arse.

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