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psychedelic links thread


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Xavier Renegade-Angel is a trippy arse show, here's an excerpt.



The whole show is based around psychedelic sayings that are fucked up for comedy purposes, and overall mind-bending story lines, I had to watch it ~3 times to understand it.

They have a lot of references around psychedelic icons, and burning man etcc

And so is super jail, a super-grusome and psychedelic show, my all time favourite

This show also makes almost no sense.



references timothy leary and a lot of psychedelic things.

Here's the pilot episode, the whole show has psychedelic properties, but only in small amounts.


Edited by Jaurk
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Check this!

Astonishing Photographs Of Drugs Prove Substances Look Just Like They Feel


"Have you ever wondered what ketamine, speed and Prozac really look like? You may or may not be familiar with the sensory experience of the various legal and illegal substances, but we're pretty sure you've never sat down with a microscope and pored over the celestial images that are hiding inside within.

Enter German artist Sarah Schönfeld, who's performed a similar experiment in her project "All You Can Feel." Whether depicting methamphetamine, heroine or ecstasy, her images present an astonishing side of pseudo-alchemy, the result of sprinkling psychotropics and neurotransmitters onto photographic negatives and subjecting the swatches to the typical photographic process. What remains are tumbling landscapes, planetary scenes and crystallized universes, dancing about in a manner eerily similar to the feelings you might associated with each respective substance."

Awesome photos. So cool.

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Woah! That was great. Broke my mind a little, but great!

Ah soo good eh. I had to watch it about 3 times before I could get over the strange thought-loops and sensations it produced in me.

The director is Andrew Thomas Huang, check out some of his other work if you enjoyed that.


Even the 'making of' Solipsist is psychedelic enough in its own right, it's cool seeing how all the computer generated imagery is layered.


And this Bjork vid is pretty spectacular, and as uniquely weird and intense as you could expect from Bjork.. also directed by the magnificent Mr Huang:


Edited by Ceres
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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Woah.. I think this film just melted my brain a little bit. I'm not sure if I like it, or I'm afraid of it.. A bit of both.

Regardless, it is undeniable Allison Schulnick is one crazy and very special woman.


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Woah.. I think this film just melted my brain a little bit. I'm not sure if I like it, or I'm afraid of it.. A bit of both.

Regardless, it is undeniable Allison Schulnick is one crazy and very special woman.


That was beautifully disturbing. Struggled to gather overarching meaning from it unfortunately.

Gave me flash backs of this classic

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