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The Corroboree

Is Sydney worth a hunt


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Hi all!

ive been on two hunts,both times to mt wilson with only the first time bringing

only small results.My question is has anyone found subs etc in the syd basin?

or are they usually more confined to the cooler climates of the mountains.thanx guys..

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Man i say everywhere is worth a hunt you just have to find the right climate for it whether it be under a water tank with leafy woody debris or ouside the centrelinks or police stations where ever the gardens are watered and have woodchips. Persistence is the key to the hunt. GOODLUCK







Edited by mazatec_luv
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Man i say everywhere is worth a hunt you just have to find the right climate for it whether it be under a water tank with leafy woody debris or ouside the centrelinks or police stations where ever the gardens are watered and have woodchips. Persistence is the key to the hunt. GOODLUCK







your right Maz persistence/patience is the key.with last weeks rain my backyard was rife

wth small flushes of shrooms,almost as if to tease me.im on the road for a living so ive always got an eye peeled.thanx for the good feedback!

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Do you guys that pick from public gardens/office buildings etc ever worry about possible chemical/fungacide/pestacide/exhaust contamination?

I hear many story's of people picking from out the front of office buildings/public nature strips/city streets/council landscaped traffic islands etc.. and it really worries me because some of these places are treated wiht pestacides and funagicdes, suffer from chemical run off and major pollution from exhaust etc.

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exhaust contamination is a big one - the subs i found in the carpark of a servo near my old house actually sorta tasted like diesel! Yumyum!

But subs seem pretty sensitive to pesticides/fungicides - if a patch has an orange or pink mark its been sprayed and usually you dont see subs again there for two or three years. Just look for more secluded spots if your keen for more prestine mushrooms

I know some excellent spots in inner sydney that my friend regularly goes to - efel free to pm me.

Syndey subs have the largest divergence of morphology and sporesizes and cystidia veribility.

Im sure if Guzman had decided to travel to melbourne he would have called the whole subaeruginosa the one entity rather than the four he broke them up to - the specimens of eucalypta and ventricose cystidia'd subs came from Sydney and also southern NSW. Ofcourse, they all turned out to be compatible so work that out - they are basically all the same species.

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Sydney is definitely worth it...

After some searching for spots that looked 'suitable' before the rains, and then checking those spots after the rains I have discovered some patches that could only be more convenient if they were in my backyard.

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Found two locations in syd, one near a creek and one behind a house near a national park. The house had some areas with runoff and that is where they were growing. I would hazard a guess that if you head out looking you will most likely find.

Just had a call from my partner and he went for a walk in his lunch break just then and found some more subs!

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  • 11 months later...

If any Sydney myco's are keen to teach me a thing or two about identifying species and check out potential spots you want to have a look at but can't get to I can arrange transport, although I won't be free for another week or so.

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If any Sydney myco's are keen to teach me a thing or two about identifying species and check out potential spots you want to have a look at but can't get to I can arrange transport, although I won't be free for another week or so.

I'm a total NEWIBE, but I found a shit load of what I believe are SUBS (based on suggestions from an ErOwid board poster).

They are all dry now, and got spore prints, but I never got to take pics (my girlfriend had the camera). Her and I left half of the patch inctact so we could return at a later date. Ill prob throw them in my backyard incase they take off...

I also have a long list of places in / around Sydney that are supposed to be really good. However, my identification skills are not that great.

I'm keen to share these places if someone who is good at ID'ing is keen to come along and share their knowledge about ID'ing species with me?

-Send me a PM.

I have an assortment of Mushroom IDing books on inter library loan arriving at my local library for borrowning, tomorrow

I also have a car, and am happy to drive us.

I'm available during the week and on weekends.

PM me if keen.


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