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The Corroboree

Other active salvia's


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A big hello to all out there.This is my first post and its great to contribute to a place

like this.

Now to my question,ive recently purchased two species of sal. that are legal here

and sites state that yes other sals. are active i was just wondering if anybody here has

had some success.

im quite interested in other 'species'. :saufen2:

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this question has been discussed a few times, but no other salvia is like divinorum.

there are some reports of "normal salvias" producing effects, for example, salvia splendens, salvia officinalis, salvia apiana and many more, the latter two contain thujon...

i once experienced strong mind altering sensations from drinking very strong officinalis tea, after fasting and sleepdeprivation....

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i once experienced strong mind altering sensations from drinking very strong officinalis tea, after fasting and sleepdeprivation....


Lol.I see.I have splendins and coccinea.oh and im looking for my dog,SallyD has

anyone seen her'reward'.

thanx planthelper :saufen2:

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  • 2 weeks later...

birdman, i've had some minor success with coccinea. only recently obtained the plants, but smoking a few leaves and flowers produced some noticeable perceptual alterations. very interesting family of plants indeed

btw, planthelper jst reminded me that some/(idontknowhowmany) salvia species contain thujone which can be dangerous if ingested in large enough quantities (i think). So, like myself, maybe you should do a bit more reading to find out just what your species' contains and maybe how to do an extraction of the active components in sally and test your specimens.

I'll report when/if i have more success with coccinea. Would love it if you'd do the same, birdman/any-other-sally-men-out-there...

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