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  1. THE London Sun newspaper has apologised to aliens for linking them with the Church of Scientology. The one-sentence mock apology, which is trending on Twitter as the "best newspaper apology ever", is the Sun's response to a demand by lawyers advising Scientology's UK branch leaders. The church - which says humans are aliens who landed on earth - took offence when the Sun published an article about flying saucers sighted over its headquarters in the English countryside. The church demanded the apology for the article, subtitled "Close encounter of the absurd kind", and got more than it bargained for. The story began last Saturday when the Sun published a report about the pilots of three passenger jets who saw "two flat, silver discs" in the airspace over the Scientology HQ in West Sussex as they were queuing to land at England's second major airport, Gatwick. The encounter, which happened on the morning of December 30 last year, lasted seven minutes and was substantiated by air traffic control staff who spotted six UFOs on their radar before they suddenly vanished. The Sun quoted a former UK Ministry of Defence UFO investigator, Nick Pope, who called the sightings "spectacular" and said the evidence was "first rate - the witnesses are experienced pilots and there is radar evidence to back up their stories". UK airport authorities said a Boeing 777 pilot first raised the alarm at 8.53am after spotting "two flat silver discs", followed minutes later by a Boeing 767 and an Airbus 319 which saw the same "saucer-like" shapes. The 777 crew said they looked "man-made" and "toylike". The Sun spoke with investigators, who had considered the objects might be balloons or kites - a notion dismissed by Mr Pope, who said "none of the theories hold water". When the newspaper published the story with a Photoshopped picture of Scientology's West Sussex property, the church sent a letter of complaint, requesting an apology. The Sun duly published it's apology yesterday: "In an article on Saturday headline 'Flying Saucers over British Scientology HQ', we stated 'two flat silver discs' were seen 'above the Church of Scientology HQ'. Following a letter from lawyers for the Church, we apologise to any alien life forms for linking them to Scientologists". Read more: http://www.news.com.au/world-news/aliens-overhead-scientologists-get-apology-for-ufo-sighting/story-fndir2ev-1226663853086#ixzz2WApGtz5oAwesome stuff!
  2. here is something i just sent to someone and thought others here would be inclined to benefit also do this over the next few days before you do the calae, say this when you goto bed: (i ask my spirit to remember my dreams when i wake up.) you will be amazed, Wright the dreams down when still half asleep. it will surprise you just asking your spirit for things works very well, then the calae helps a lot also with dreams we can see/change the future as we access our powerful sub-concious, with practice we can make the dreams while half awake, the power of creating worlds in our head is no words, we can access all realms all things are energy, the spoon is not real. i know/learn stuff just meditating on a problem and asking my spirit to be released from confusion, i get an epiphany later if i dont expect one i am NOT religious, i am a Concious Realist and i like to point people to the light, there is nothing greater. We are meant to pray to the Creation and OUR Spirit, we are from The Creation and we are The Creation 1. My spirit, you are all-mighty. 2. Your name shall be honoured. 3. Your realm shall open (incarnate) in me. 4. Your might (might of the consciousness) shall unfold in me, on earths and in universes. 5. Give me my daily bread (love, wisdom) today so I recognise my responsibility and I recognise the truth. 6. And do not throw me into confusion and delusion, but release me from my misunderstanding. 7. For the realm, the power (power of knowledge) and the knowledge within me are yours (universe) in eternity. http://ca.figu.org/M...in_Geist_Prayer the universe learns from us, we are seeds of universes to come the purpose of all life is to evolve over countless incarnations animals are instinctive evolution we are concious evolution we evolve from good and bad, so have reverence for good and bad. Fear is good for nothing just learn and understand things so we evolve, like Captain Kirk and Spock with logic no fear. Forgive everyone its nice and powerful. we are naughty star men on prison earth (the watchers, we get what we deserve), most stars you see are galaxies with trillions of planets , thriving like a wild forest do you think all the races evolved here from a black man e.g. red,white,yellow et all in the past pole shifts wiped the slate clean as the oceans sloshed about you know the gov and powers that be cant tell the truth about anything humans need to meditate http://ca.figu.org/Meditation.html Spirit teaching and contact notes http://futureofmanki...Meier/Main_Page i know its not for everyone and that its MOST important i respect that http://ca.figu.org/Talkativeness.html ibogaine is the active ingredient that was in the tree of life, it allows us to process our whole life from womb to now, like we do in the spirit world in-between lives, result is we evolve a lot faster strong energies are coming from the central sun so to maximise the evolution benefits we need to be at peace if possible the peace symbol people use is upside down Our spirit is eternal, like Lenny Cravits sings (I was born LONG ago) Star Trek and Star Wars is for us to learn how to be, no fear and respect for all life, a real human being, its written by Star Men milk has female hormones as its a female cow and the farmer ads more female hormones, it makes men soft and think like girls. Soy is bad for humans unless its fermented e.g. soy sauce is ok, Rice milk is delicious so is oat milk (found in long life milk section). Humans need to eat meat. men need vitamin c and zinc daily spirulina moringa olifera powder tea to cure most things google: mms1 and mms2 they could cure all the cancer in Australia for peanuts with mms2, the FDA is a revolving door for medical execs so dosnt tell the truth Fear is good for nothing i have no affiliation with anyone, i am a computer technician Salome (Sal-om-ay) Peter
  3. Just wondering everyone's thoughts on this video, it was taken early may this year and apparently there was 26 witnesses. Theres a bit on google about it, but here's the vid: The end was weird, two of the lights disappear then the last one bails
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