look, i destroyed most of my cacti because of the law changes years ago.
one specimen i kept, is what some people here call a true blue.
mine fell over by it's own weight (the bastard sneeked a tap root, through the decking into the soil, very smart on behalve of the cacti!!)
and i had to cut it into sections to rescue it and avoid injury to me (fell over my decking).
i am recovering from surgery, and can't to as much in my garden as i would like to...
once the cut's are dried up and ready for planting, could i plant them and root them over winter (in other words right now) or wait till spring?
i hate to plant callused sections which are old, they don't root as fast and as well, as perfectly timed ones.
pls advice me, but only if you have experience about this subject, in the same climat zone as mine.
if uou live in a cold climat don't respond with advice as it could be wrong, unless you have lived in my climat zone, and have moved somewhere else now.
my feeling is to plant them out soon, and keep one section for spring and learn from this scenario.
i get frosts some years over winter, but day time tems can be quite high even in winter.