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Found 15 results

  1. Hi all, Looking for a caapi or calea cutting/plant in Victoria. I have a variety of trades available. Pls pm if u grow caapi in Victoria, been wanting to grow her for ages cant find a plant though and herbalistics and SAB are way too expensive with shipping. Cheers Good Growing Irpini
  2. Come join the Australian Psychedelic Society - Melbourne for an evening of expert talks on LSD, including a look at the past few years of Bicycle Day and psychedelic advocacy in Melbourne. WHAT IS BICYCLE DAY? Bicycle Day celebrates the first day in which LSD was purposefully ingested - April 19th, 1943. On this day, the chemist, Albert Hofmann ingested what he thought to be a small dose, before riding his bicycle home. Since this day, LSD has forged an influential place in the history of Western culture. SPEAKERS ASH BLACKWELL will emcee for the evening. Ash has been a grass-roots drug law reform campaigner for nearly a decade. He joined the Drug Law Reform Party in 2013 when it was founded and ran as a candidate for the seat of Wills in 2016. He was the founding Vice-President of Students for Sensible Drug Policy Australia and has co-hosted the weekly radio show Enpsychedelia on 3CR community radio since 2015. Ash has a passion for human rights and harm reduction and has been highly involved in several grass roots activities, including; the campaign for pill testing, the High Alert campaign against sniffer dogs, the Victoria Street Drug Solutions residents group campaign for the Supervised Injecting Room. He has also worked with the New Nicotine Alliance and Legalise Vaping Australia to provide a safer alternative for smokers. DR PRASH works in the psychiatry department of a major metropolitan hospital. His primary intellectual and research interest is in the therapeutic use of psychedelics and their potential role in psychotherapy. He sits on the clinical advisory board of The Australian Psychedelic Society and some of you may know Prash from the research discussion group Psychonauts Onymous, which brought together individuals professionally or intellectually connected to the psychedelic paradigm. When not pontificating on the topic at talks and conferences, he is actively seeking your money, or that of your philanthropist grandparents, to help get psychedelic research off the ground in Australia. JENNY VALENTISH is the author of the Walkley-nominated research-memoir hybrid, Woman of Substances, which investigates the female experience of drugs and alcohol. It will be published in the UK and US in 2018. Jenny is a consultant for Australia’s National Drug & Alcohol Research Centre, an ambassador for Monash University’s Brain & Mental Health Laboratory, and a board member of SMART Recovery Australia. She regularly updates her Facebook page with related stories. GREG KASARIK is a psychedelic activist and mystic. Described by The Age newspaper as, "a drug user who is probably too honest for his own good", Greg Kasarik is a drug law reform advocate, who is open and honest about his use of Enthogens for spiritual and religious purposes. Since 2010, he has been campaigning for the Victorian Government to provide regulated access to "Transcendent Compounds" for these purposes and as part of this campaign, he has completed a 28 day Hunger Strike and publicly taken LSD four times on the steps of the Victorian parliament house, after having announced his intentions to all members of the Victorian Parliament. On the fifth occasion, on Bicycle Day, 2016, Greg was arrested and charged with LSD possession. In January of 2017, after being unsuccessful in having the matter referred to the Victorian Supreme Court under the Victorian Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities Act (2006), Greg pleaded guilty and the charges were dismissed. He immediately announced to the court that he was once more in possession of LSD and was escorted from the court and immediately re-arrested on charges of LSD possession. At his latest court appearance in early May, Greg successfully argued the legal aspects of the case for referral to the Supreme Court, but was unsuccessful in obtaining referral, because the matter was not considered important enough for a referral. Since then, Greg has continued to lobby the Government and politicians for implementation of sensible drug policy. Greg is also the founder of the post-dogmatic” spiritual movement, “Community of Infinite Colour”, which is based on the realisation that with greater understanding, comes less certainty about what can be “known”. He openly admits that he “doesn’t have a clue what is going on” and encourages others to engage with their own spiritual journey, that engages with both their lived experience and the realities of the universe that they happen to inhabit. CAM DUFFY Cameron has an interest in the science and art of health, human optimization, and peak experiences. He currently works as a practicing counsellor in the field of dual diagnosis assessment and treatment. His research background includes the philosophy of transpersonal experiences and associated paradigms. Cameron is also passionate about issues relating to human rights and cognitive liberty. WHERE 11A Hope Street, Brunswick WHEN 6pm-9pm, Thursday 18th April TICKETS $20 - Eventbrite FACEBOOK
  3. Just in case people in and around Melbourne have missed this going around on facebook, the newly(ish) formed Australian Psychedelic Society is looking to host integration circles: The fb event is here: https://www.facebook.com/events/166531263997722/ , or you can contact them via the email above.
  4. Hey guys, I'm having a huge spring sale all day Saturday the 7th of October in the western suburbs of Melbourne, 3029. This is an invitation to anyone I've MEET BEFORE to come and grab some awesome Trichocereus clones and hybrids, I have hundreds of plants and cuttings of all sizes to sell so bring your Ute or Trailer Most plants will be .50c to $1 per cm. Please message me for more details. Cheers
  5. Hey Everyone Tickets are selling fast for the 920 International Psilocybin day events celebrating magic mushrooms around the world on Wednesday September 20th. SYDNEY | 7pm Hibernian House, Surry Hills $10 A New Understanding: The Science of Psilocybin MELBOURNE | 6pm Film and panel discussion on the history and effects of psychedelic prohibition in Victoria and Australia State Library of Victoria $30 full | $25 conc A New Understanding: The Science of Psilocybin Screening (920) Hope to see you all there for this thoroughly engaging film and equally stimulating discussion.
  6. Just saw this on Indeed job site. It's unpaid and only for 3 months, (potential for paid position in the future) Might suit someone here?! Medical Cannabis Research Intern BuddingTech - Melbourne VIC Internship BuddingTech is a medical cannabis tech and innovation company helping bring to market innovative solutions focused on addressing key challenges across the supply chain. We are quickly growing, and are seeking an enthusiastic individual for an unpaid internship over a 3 month period, based either in Melbourne, Sydney or the Northern Rivers (NSW). Working with a small and experienced team, you'll get exposure to a startup, and to the medical cannabis industry in Australia. Initially, responsibilities will be limited to research and administration, however there is great capacity the position to grow into fields such as operations and logistics, business development, digital marketing, graphic design and more. You will do most of your work from home, and the time requested is flexible. There may also be potential for a paid position in the future. Please send your CV and a brief cover letter through to the email provided. Job Type: Internship 2 days ago (listed prox 14/5/17 https://au.indeed.com/m/viewjob?jk=1f366ba25e40ad3f&from=serp&prevUrl=https%3A%2F%2Fau.indeed.com%2Fm%2Fjobs%3FsameL%3D1%26q%3DMedical%2Bcannabis%2Bresearch%26l%3D%26from%3Dzrp-SearchOnSerp.
  7. Hi All, ***** (1) Pavilions at Melbourne's Royal Botanic Gardens being burnt down: So it's true? The Tecoma Pavilion wasn't burnt? Anyone been there to have a look-see since mid May? Even so, I'm thinking that the officially scheduled demand for Tecoma will shoot way up (for weddings, anniversaries, etc.) because the others were destroyed. Meaning (especially in winter) we'll probably be sitting around in the rain, looking at others who are under cover. ***** (2) A new (better) venue from now on: An alternative venue may be called for. Someplace cheap, not too far from the "centre" of Melbourne, with ample parking and weather cover. Glen Iris has been the "centre of population" for Melbourne since the 1990s (q.v. Wikipedia). The Monash Freeway, Metro stations, and bus lines are all close, and I'm sure the parking would be better. It seems the fairest and most democratic place to shoot for, and may result in an increased turnout. Anyone live in that local government area, and want to check out cheap meeting hall rentals? I'm happy to pay $2 to $5 for a warm dry place with a kettle. It's not like we get together all that often. (3) Next actual meeting: When ARE we gonna meet again? I really miss you guys. My propagation successes are still overwhelming the capacity of my garden, so I've got lots of established plants to give away. (4) A name: Maybe change our name from "the melbourne botanical garden ethnobotanical appreciation group" to something a bit less "botanical garden", and maybe with the word "growers" added? (We are uniquely interested in the practial aspects of cultivating and propagating very challenging species from all over the world.) Cheers, Old Man Carl
  8. http://www.theage.com.au/victoria/arsonists-burn-pavilions-in-melbournes-royal-botanic-gardens-20140517-38g86.html D:
  9. Any body spot anything in the suburbs or surrounding towns? Anything in the southeast yet?
  10. Hey everyone, I picked up a few macadamia nuts whilst near Main Arm last year for Bluesfest, and upon arriving home I threw two into gardening pots, not expecting much of anything. To my great surprise, one of them took off and I now have a foot high macadamia plant growing in my collection. Given that maccas prefer sub-tropical climates and are native to northern NSW and QLD, can I ever (10 years from now) expect anything from this plant, and will it tolerate Melbourne's chilly winters and frost? Wikipedia states: "Macadamias prefer fertile, well-drained soils, a rainfall of 1,000–2,000 mm, and temperatures not falling below 10°C (although once established, they can withstand light frosts), with an optimum temperature of 25 °C," but I don't necessarily regard Wikipedia's word as law. My one nut (ha!) took off some time after spending winter on the surface of soil in my garden, and by summer's end, was demanding to be noticed. Will it cope with impending winter, or should I bring little mate inside? Thanks for reading! I've attached pics because proud parent. Anyone willing to take a stab at its species? Dunno whether integrifolia or tetraphylla, or a hybrid...
  11. Hi Melbourne-area Growers, Let's have the next meet on Sunday the 5th of May. 12 Noon. At the Tecoma Pavillion, Melbourne Royal Botanical Gardens. It's near RBG's Gate C, and at D1 on map 2L of the Melways. Doesn't seem to be any holiday. It will be a good time for the collection of local therapeutic fungi. Maybe a discussion on the identification of popular local plants found in the wild? Hopefully it won't be raining on the 5th (but will be on the days surrounding that date.) Cheers, Carl
  12. Its getting colder and wetter in melbourne#subs# Jus sayin!
  13. Hi All, My great mate is going back to America in 2 months. We're currently living in this modern, spacious, quiet, beautiful 3-bedroom home in Bayswater (25km due East of the Melbourne CBD). I need a new house mate, to share it with. (The rental fees are great, but I can't afford it all on my own.) If you know someone looking for a new place to live, especially an ethnobotanist, please let them know about me. PLEASE DON'T REPLY TO ME VIA THIS THREAD. Direct contact is preferred. Comments you want all to see are OK. (Sadly, I don't check here nearly often enough.) According to the by laws: Must be 55+ years old. Must NOT have any pets. Thanks for your help. Regards, Carl Turney Home 03 9720 3975 Website www.boms.com.au
  14. I recently was accepted to the university of Sydney to study honours in pharmacology, and as such i have to make the move up north really soon! Less than two months in fact. So i was just wondering if any of y'all kind folks had any advice for me on a range of topics. Having only spent about 100 hours in sydney in my life, you may consider me an almost complete noob. Unless it involves public transport, then i am all over that shit, yo. "Monorail, monorail, monorail...." So like, where should i live? I need Melbourne based reference points. What is the megarich wanker area like Toorak (where i live now )? What is the hipster/bohemian/fitzroy-like area ? What are the lower class scummy suburbs? (Or are those a fiction created by newsreel footage of the cronulla riots?) Also i know King's Cross is the nightlife capital, but how much of a hole/sick joint is it compared to say, St Kilda? What kinds of plants grow better there, and worse, than in Victoria? Are there any important legal differences in this area? Cacti, khat etc. I know in NSW i can finally get a crossbow! yeeehaw I am sure i had more questions back earlier this evening when i was less inebriated... Oh yeah, to that member i was talking about trading a miracle berry plant to, i forgot who you are and accidentally deleted your messages. but i wanted to tell you that i have decided to keep it because i think it will grow better up there, and it is showing signs of recovery. sorry friend. but i will make you a clone when the plant matures a bit over summer. just hit me another message. That's all for now!
  15. hey guys, found this on ebay for sale - nice looking plant. melbourne pick up only , looks too big for any form of shipping. I've already got one about that size but figure someone here may be interested! http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/5ft-tall-Arabian-tea-Vienna-white-plant-in-50lt-pot-/281072678036?pt=AU_Plants_Seeds_Bulbs&hash=item41713cb494
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