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Found 25 results

  1. Hey all! Refrigerated some of my colonised jars for a few months but they're quickly springing back into action. I noticed this anomaly in one of the jars (the largest ). I'm assuming its yeast (but hoping its primordia forming lol) thankfully isn't present in any other jar. I'm planning to fruit it in a separate small tub as I'm told yeast contam can prevent fruiting. What are your thoughts on this? Have you seen these spots before and is it consistent with yeast? Thanks so much everyone!
  2. Hey guys, Was just after some help identifying these two cacti. I believe them both to be pachanoi but am unsure whether they are the PC clone. Any general tips on identifying this clone would be much appreciated as I have a great deal of trouble discerning the difference.
  3. Hey guys I was hoping for some help identifying these wattle species around where I live. I am north east of perth in the hills. The images show three different wattle plants, I believe two of them (long, narrow, elliptical leaves) may be the same species but am unsure due to colour differences in the branches. Sorry for the noobish question and any help is very much appreciated!!
  4. Greetings all. Over the past few days council workers are doing some drainage work and have detoured local traffic such that I was required to drive down a local street that I don't normally use. In doing so I saw some amazing cactii growing and took a couple of pics for identification purposes. Can anyone here help me id there please. Apart from a few lophs on my windowsill, I'm pretty ignorant of cactii. Cheers, Sam <3
  5. Hello everyone, A friend of mine overseas sent me these pictures of degrafted and rooted lophophoras which he bought for an amazing price (around 25 bucks each?). I was rather suspicious since it sounds too good to be true so decided to ask if these are just some of the more common lookalikes out there. The three heads in the photo are approximately 6 cm each and the one with the roots is around 5 cm. The ribs are clearly defined but these do not look like any of the classic williamsii's I have seen on the web so far. Unfortunately I don't own any so I can't compare. Any of you guys know if this is a particular variation of williamsii or another species altogether? Thanks in advance!
  6. Good afternoon everyone! Firstly i would just like to thank the kind human for accepting me to this great community! So i was wondering if i could get a possible id on some acacias growing around my area, I have been searching up a lot about acacias and trying to id these variants myself, i even have the book "Acacias of Australia" but i cant succesfully id any. Guess i dont have knack for it yet. all of these plants were found in a paddock with a riverline close by in brisbane, qld about 64m altitude above sea level. I have uploaded all the photos through an external source so I'm not burning precious bandwidth! thanks Acacia 1 - taken on 20 JUL 17 Acacia 2 (Acacia Phlebophylla?) - taken on 20 JUL 17 Acacia 3 (Acacia Maidenii?) - taken on 20 JUL 17 Acacia 4 - taken on 20 JUL 17 Acacia 5 - taken on 20 JUL 17
  7. Hi all. New to the Yarra V area and fascinated with all the amazing fungi popping up around my property and another I caretake. If anyone can help me with IDs for some of these pictured and whether they are edible or psychoactive/toxic (and binned immediately!) I'd be most grateful. Thanks! Have a great weekend.
  8. Never got an ID on this guy. Methinks stenocereus of some sort... Any help is appreciated.
  9. Hey folks, I have two queries one is a cactus growing in the ground down the road from where I live and I would love to know what species it is. The other is a cactus gifted to me by a friend who picked it up at the SAB nursery. It's an impressive looking thing and I'm wondering might it be a cuzcoensis? It is labelled "Echinopsis sp. SABO22" Let me know if any more pictures are needed. Your thoughts are much appreciated :-)
  10. Gday everyone. While I'm still only new to the corroboree, i can see that it's a great little community to hang onto and grow... Much like our beloved plants. So I'd like to contribute. Would you like some nice signs for your plants? Something more attractive on the eyes than a piece of plastic? Well here's your chance. Im selling wooden signs for anyone who wants to add them to their garden. For the remainder of June, 10% of all profits from the sale of these signs will be donated to SAB to assist with the server cost. All signs are individually made, sanded and oiled with raw linseed oil. Signs can either have wooden sticks attached or just the sign itself. Signs are 200x65x12mm with 140mm sticks *Signs can be made different sizes* please ask and I'll try fit your request. Larger signs may attract additional cost - please ask. For 1-5 signs = $5 each for 6+ signs = $4 each postage within Australia is $8 (any recommendations for cheaper postage please let me know) international buyers please advise of your location so I can work out a postage cost. (I am also always looking for plants and cacti of interest. If you have something you'd like to offer as a swap please ask) How to get your signs: 1. Comment on here to keep the thread going for others to see. 2. PM me with the followings - # of signs you want. - specify with correct spelling what you want each sign to say (see pictures for examples) -specify after each sign whether you want it with a stick attached or not. example: - 3 signs - (1) Banisteriopsis Caapi 'Cielo' (stick) - (2) Pachypodium Lamerei (stick) - (3) Zedo's Garden (no stick) I will give you a reference number, total price, and PayPal address to pay into. (Bank transfer also possible please ask) when you make payment please give the reference number and postage address for your order. Signs will ill be made upon payment and posted 7-10 days after. It takes time to make, sand, oil and dry the signs. At the end of the month I'll donate 10% of the profits to SAB. Please feel free to comment and ask any questions.
  11. Hey all, thought it would be good to have a general insect identification thread where we can all seek ID's for the creepy crawlies we find in our ethnobotanical gardens. Hopefully over time this thread could become a reference point so we can all get more familiar with garden insects. Sort your friends from your foes here. A couple of examples... Just found out the identity of this little dude today, many thanks to Tripsis Friend: Brown lacewing - Hemerobiidae. "Hemerobiids, like chrysopids, are predatory, especially on aphids, both as larvae and adults" So I'm quite happy to see them in the greenhouse Foe: Prominent damaged caused by (i'm pretty sure anyway) Asian Citris psyllids on a peach tree.. No sign of the offender, I got told its really really small. Sooo yeh! Feel free to bring your bug ID requests here and hopefully over time we will build up a pretty comprehensive set of garden insect IDs
  12. Found this beautiful one on leaf litter last week in NNSW. There isn't a scale in the pic, it was approx 100mm across at the cap and about 150mm long overall /applications/core/interface/imageproxy/imageproxy.php?img=&key=ed93ee4b8a158835e0af19ead9c794b11af03de360911f7858b9da338588c45d The cap colour was closer to black than brown, and definitely became black after picking. So ignore the colour in the pic below, flash washed it out. Cap texture was mildly velvety /applications/core/interface/imageproxy/imageproxy.php?img=&key=ed93ee4b8a158835e0af19ead9c794b11af03de360911f7858b9da338588c45d At some point I took spore prints and notes on the staining, which was initially red, but I can't remember how fast the rxn was, nor if the colour deepened to black. The notes and spore slides are in the kitchen, so it's quicker and safer for me to ask you here than it is to go find them, if they still exist Am thinking Tyopilus sp, possibly Tylopilus alboater, because staining, and cap/ pore contrast. Any other ideas? Right into the boletes atm, mostly because I didn't think we had any here. Would be nice to find a safe, tasty one, I hear rumours of them out closer to the coast
  13. Darklight


    Found on leaf litter January 2015 after rain. Cap colour was actually closer to black
  14. Darklight


    Found on leaf litter January 2015 after rain. Cap colour was actually closer to black
  15. This is gorgeous. Well written and beautifully illustrated. Local. And free. Fits nicely on portable devices Whoever funded this really got their money's worth A guide to common fungi of the Hunter-Central Rivers region http://hunter.lls.nsw.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0009/516807/guide-to-common-fungi-hcr.pdf
  16. a few others in the same location less then a k away in town.
  17. p1 senery 2 from a distence 5 the long pod is 2 seperate ones its nere a machienry yard, wherehouses, mangrove an a road.
  18. hi ever 1. Last plant for a while, thanks for all the help. is its flowers toxic or bush tucker?
  19. I can't find any records of anyone seeing this here before- and I didn't take pics, cos I thought it was probably a common find But I found what looks like a Boletus edulis yesterday, in open paddock, NNSW, near the dripline of some eucalypts and just down from a pile of timber which burned last year How likely is this? Does anyone know of anything else which could look similar? I know they happen down south in Vic, but I thought I was too far north Cap was 100mm, brown, dry and velvety, the underside was pale cream, pores instead of gills, and nothing changed colour after the tissue was damaged- no colour change at all. Stem was solid, almost same diameter along. It didn't change colour when cut either Stupidly I took it home, cut it up and whacked some in agar, not realising that it needs a tree to associate with to grow /applications/core/interface/imageproxy/imageproxy.php?img=&key=ed93ee4b8a158835e0af19ead9c794b11af03de360911f7858b9da338588c45d Shoulda taken a picture instead ). I still have the cap drying, maybe I should try to photograph some spore? No point in trying to culture the mycelium if it won't fruit that way- unless someone knows of something new? It's been a drier, colder year than normal for this time of year, we've also had the best year for fieldies I've seen in 10 years
  20. Hi All, (1) About a year or 2 ago, I bought a packet of "Ipomoea violacea var Milky Way" from our most excellent benefactors here at SAB. It sure seemed different than the I. violaceas I've grown in the past: A more hairy plant, and the number, size, & shape of the seeds were slightly different. Now I see a Wikipedia entry that says Milky Way are I. purpurea, not I. violacea/tricolor. Anyone point me to a reference that would clear this identification up? (2) Any info anywhere on whether Milky Way seeds are more, less, or similar (in psychoactive effects) to Heavenly Blues or Pearly Gates? (3) Finally, if it =is= I.purpurea, I read a post about that being a more invasive and weedy species. So not likely to die in a typical Melbourne-type winter? By the way: Whatever species it is, I had lots of empty seed pods and no signs of seed on the ground. So the local mice (or ?) probably like it a lot. Thanks very much, Carl Melbourne
  21. OMG I found this cute fringed mushroom after yesterdy's rain It captured my imagination because of the entirely entertaining fringe it sports. Yesterday it looked like this ( not my pic ) https://secure.flickr.com/photos/borninborneo/7360712092/ But today the fringe or tufts were fully formed and pointing upwards- they weren't ragged edges of the broken cap, they were properly differentiated Here are the collection details: Found growing solitary on 30/5/2013 after rain, cap fully opened at 31/5Approx GPS co-ordinates: -28.596731,153.097572Grown on what appears to be leaf litter at a treeline in a cow paddock so unsure of substrateCap- 150mm light/mid brown with raised fringe edge kinda like a parasol. Really. Not broken, but actually fringed! Really distinctive ring, kinda blobby or knobbly like Calendula seed, stained mildly yellowStem about 100mmGills blue/greyCap broke off during transport and no staining observedSpores appear to be blue grey, no pics as yetDidn't have a camera with me so I didn't get any pics in situ I whacked some stem mycelium on an MEA + chloramphenicol plate I had sitting round, but I may have over-enthusiastically sterilised it, if it is interesting I may try to grow it on from the spore print Pics so far- links are to thumbnails, full pics in Gallery here: /applications/core/interface/imageproxy/imageproxy.php?img=&key=ed93ee4b8a158835e0af19ead9c794b11af03de360911f7858b9da338588c45d/applications/core/interface/imageproxy/imageproxy.php?img=&key=ed93ee4b8a158835e0af19ead9c794b11af03de360911f7858b9da338588c45d/applications/core/interface/imageproxy/imageproxy.php?img=&key=ed93ee4b8a158835e0af19ead9c794b11af03de360911f7858b9da338588c45d /applications/core/interface/imageproxy/imageproxy.php?img=&key=ed93ee4b8a158835e0af19ead9c794b11af03de360911f7858b9da338588c45d /applications/core/interface/imageproxy/imageproxy.php?img=&key=ed93ee4b8a158835e0af19ead9c794b11af03de360911f7858b9da338588c45d/applications/core/interface/imageproxy/imageproxy.php?img=&key=ed93ee4b8a158835e0af19ead9c794b11af03de360911f7858b9da338588c45d/applications/core/interface/imageproxy/imageproxy.php?img=&key=ed93ee4b8a158835e0af19ead9c794b11af03de360911f7858b9da338588c45d
  22. Ok i inherited a few new brugs today and some pollen for my hybrid endeavours :D Have a pretty fair idea but would like confirmation on them please if possible. They should all be relatively standard clones and the lady said she brought them up from melbourne some 10 years ago. This one is labelled as 'Apricot Datura' The flowers and leaves kind of match up with B. Versicolor 'Apricot' as shown here (slightly longer flowers than most seems the biggest giveaway) But in reality i have no idea. Leaves feel 'furryier' than my aureas or suavolens, more like a candida. any ideas? Brugmansia Candida 'Double White' Brugmansia Aurea 'Yellow' (i am 99% sure it is identical to every pic i see of it anyways) although the flowers seem a lot more curled than my Aurea White, are the whites typically known to have straightdown type flowers?
  23. Hi guys, first post on these forums I found a few little mushrooms on my sisters property in stoneyford, about 20 minutes drive west of colac. The forest where I found them is made up of mostly gum and blackwood trees. I found multiple small patches mostly between rocks in low lying damp areas. They are only small, the biggest one I found had a cap about the size of a 50 cent coin. The stems are all fairly thin and the gills are a yellowish colour. The colour of the caps look the same as most pictures of subs I've seen and the stems bruised blue. The only thing different from the description of subs on these forums are that the stems are really thin, rather then the thick meaty looking ones I have seen photos of. I've never taken shrooms before and only know what i have read on these forums so I'm a bit wary of them. I'l post a picture, any help would be appreciated . Thanks guys.
  24. Was thinking maybe we could get together and make a app for IDing cacti for corroboree members? I'm not meaning a smartphone app but a application embedded on the forum Could make it in flash, have sections for shape, colour, spineage, flower etc, then the section you are in gives you a bunch of options to choose from, and after going through and selecting the traits you are given a list of possible candidates, with pictures and info of the species alongside the names. Can have pics and info donated from members, flash programming is pretty easy I havnt done any in years but would be willing to pick it back up to get this up and running, action script is like riding a bike, there's probaby some members on here that could smash it out easy As there are so many freaking different cacti out there it would be silly to try and make a whole library straight off the bat, but maybe just starting off with the common requests that pop up on here then expanding out updating it with a bunch of new info over time. And possibly having it embedded in a pinned thread in the ID forum? Not wanting to do this to eliminate all ID request threads, but it may give people a good idea of what they got and instead of coming on with "I have no idea what this is" they may go "I'm pretty sure it's this, or one of these" Theres an app on iPhone called "fungi" used for mushroom IDing, guess that's what I got in mind, but instead of fungi it'll be cacti and instead of phone it'll be here on the forum, and instead of paying it'll be free for the community Thoughts?
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