I have just acquired a bunch of rare ephedras. Unfortunately they were very exxie to get, and my financial situation is not the best at the moment, so I'm going to have to put some up for sale - I've never accepted money for a trade before, feel kind of dirty . 25% of all gross money will go to Jim's Kiva drive, maybe that will help. All are $20 per pack including postage. Ephedra sinica 15 9 bags of 20x seed available Ephedra fragilis 15 10 bags of 20x seed available Ephedra distachya GONE (you can try offering me one a trade) Ephedra equisetina 10 6 bags of 5x seed available Ephedra intermedia 10 5 bags of 5x available Of course if I owe you a favour and you are interested in any of the above let me know. High end (legal) trades are of interest, PM me. cheers guys -ef