Just heard an interview this morning on Triple J - Ben Lee's been delving into the world of ayahuasca. The interview will be up on the podcast later today. It was only a short interview, and Ben didn't go into that much detail.... it sounded like Tom and Alex didn't really know how to react when Lee started discussing ayahuasca. They did ask Ben if he had ever taken it, and Ben said yes; he had been working with Ayahuasca. Looks like Ben Lee also published a brief article on Ayahuasca when he was guest editing Magnet Magazine last year- http://www.magnetmag...-lee-ayahuasca/ There's a documentary showing on ABC1 tonight about the life of Ben Lee, at 9.30pm; I doubt there will be anything about aya in the doco... - haven't seen it yet myself... - still sounds interesting though! http://www.theaustra...l-1226257033009 Anyone checked out his latest album, Deeper into Dream?