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Found 7 results

  1. Hey everone, I have some caapi plants propagated from a Cielo plant from Herbalistics. Two medium sized plants and 3 smallers ones. The medium ones will be for pickup in the Sydney area and the small ones could be okay for express post. Happy to swap for any cool veggie or herb seeds or plants. Cheers, thanks for reading
  2. Hey lovely beings! I am just looking for someone who can spare a few B. Caapi leaves? Dried preferable for postage. I need maximum 10 grams - happy to pay postage and trade a little tricho or $$. Thank you infinitely
  3. Hello, I'm looking to find someone with banisteriopsis caapi, preferably more than four years old, who is willing to swap some for some cuttings. I have pscho0, yowie, PC, strandard Bridgesii and TBM, and lots of it.
  4. So I've neglected my B. Caapi and it looks to be in a pretty sorry state. I wonder if simply watering it more often will save it? I've been adding Seasol too. I thought perhaps I need to prune it so it has a chance to properly rehydrate. Any tips guys? Thanks! -Dude
  5. Hi, I'm looking to get/I mean if you could just send me a cutting or a few seeds in the mail I'd be more than happy to pay for postage! but otherwise I can get a few dollars together to pay for the plant so PM me.. or I definitely may have something to trade you -Piper methysticum (kava) -Anadenanthera or Yopo -Banisteriopsis caapi -Voacanga africana -mimosa hostilis -catha edulis -tabernanthe Thanks guys Entheogenic garden
  6. Have Kath. T. Pachanoi +Cuzconesis+ Bridjesii. Psychotria viridis + Carthagenesis Lophophoras.
  7. Mt.B

    Caged Caapi

    I feel a lot for my Caapi and it is testing my own ethics on keeping things that are alive restrained. The feeling is similar to the one I have towards animals, I will only eat animals that I have killed and I am yet to feel like I can cross that personal boundary. It’s like a caged animal at the moment, trying to break free. There’s a runner coming from the main trunk (if you can call it that due to it’s small size) that found and liked the bamboo trellis I made for it, which it scaled in no time. It’s continued on looking for a taller host to climb, though in the confines of my bathroom, it’s got buckley's chance. It’s like it has now figured that this runner has failed and is now sending out TWO runners from the last know stable point on the bamboo trellis. I haven’t the heart to cut the first runner for some reason. It’s the 1st plant that has made me feel this way. For now I have put a hook in the wall for the main shoot. Who knows, I just might have a Caapi vine climbing all around my bathroom...
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