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The Corroboree


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About Jonstn

  • Birthday May 1

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  1. Cheers mate There's quite a few pups on there so if anyone else want's to do some trades hit us up a PM
  2. To avoid it being deleted after a few months on your usual free file hosting sites, I've put it on photobucket and changed the extension to .jpg So if you like, right click the link below - save link as - change the file type from "JPEG image (*.jpg)" to "all files" - then change the .jpg extension on the file name to .pdf then click save Alternately i still don't mind emailing them out, might just take a bit longer is all http://i1209.photobu...ROUGHCOPYpd.jpg ^ right click - save link as.
  3. Cheers EG here's some more pics, it's flowering like crazy!
  4. It's loving life atm, don't know why anyone would want to get rid of it! Pollinated it with Huasca pollen this morning, and did the reverse hoping i get some viable seed
  5. Cheers guys, still not sure what it is, my noob guess would be some sort of E Multiplex hybrid. When the other flowers open I'll probably try breeding it with something, the only other thing I got flowering ATM is a T Huasca, might try out some of the intergeneric breeding EG posted. Im keen for a trade Stillman I'll hit you up a PM
  6. Got first flower today here's some pics: so puuurrrddyyy
  7. I got some bhut seed, datura, ephedra and some p viridis seed if you're keen wouldn't mind some khat seed if you still got some to trade.
  8. There's an app for jailbroken iPhones that you can use to remotely control your camera, it's meant to be used for if someone steals your phone, you can take pics of the person that took it, use the gps to track it and you can even wipe the whole phone if you wanted, all from your computer at home. But an app designed to hack into any camera is going a bit far
  9. I think I know which sp you guys are on about, I picked up tube of it last spring it's just over a foot tall ATM, lost all leaves over winter I thought it was dead but then nearing the end of the season it sprung back to life. I could be way off though haha, I got 2 acacias that are meant to be good timber, the other is pretty well knows for what's inside it though.
  10. Ahh poo that makes it a bit more difficult, maybe you could breed Fragaria chiloensis and Fragaria virginiana to get viable seed? That's a fair bit of effort though hahaha
  11. Have only found them on eBay so far :s around $10 for 10 seeds, would prefer a more reputable source but ebay might have to be the way to go.
  12. Just read about pineberries, never heard of them before until now they sound delicious, but I can't find any suppliers of seeds/plants in Australia Has anyone on here grown them? I'm curious as to what they would be like to grow in aus, a white strawberry that tastes like pineapple sounds the bomb!! http://strawberrypla...ry-pineberries/
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