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The Corroboree


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About Hazard

  • Rank
    Day Tripper

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  • Climate or location
    Adelaide Hills
  1. Hazard

    First subs of the 2011 season!

    Damn, he did bad? They weren't all from trees, and the ones that were weren't attached to the tree, just growing in the soil against the base. Guess he'll have to try harder next time. Then again, it does say not to trust you so...
  2. Hazard

    First subs of the 2011 season!

    My friend had his first hunt today. Went for a walk in the Adelaide Hills, grabbed a bunch of mushrooms, not sure which ones are safe and which ones aren't (despite having read many, many web pages and books on the topic). Can anybody ID these for him? The last one looks especially suss. They were nearly all found at the bases of trees. Album link I've linked to the album to save space, but I can chuck the pictures in my post if you prefer.
  3. Hazard

    First subs of the 2011 season!

    I'm going on my first hunt soon, I thought SA subs were supposed to look like this?