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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by Cimi

  1. Cimi

    Post your track of the day

    Fuck I love this song
  2. Cimi

    Post your track of the day

  3. Cimi

    Post your track of the day

  4. Yeah that does sound delicious. It reminds me of that 'mint hash' the dude from hash church said he initially made as a practice run for bubble hash, would taste amazing.
  5. Cimi

    Post your track of the day

  6. I think I need to make a capillary bed with like sand and shit. Any tips? Fussy fuckers
  7. Update omg you guys I have just noticed they've started popping up almost everywhere I sowed them! Seems the 1-year dormancy period thing was on the money. It feels great knowing they're now up and spreading their seed around here. There seem to be quite a few 'missing' / dropped seeds. I wonder if the birds are eating them.
  8. Cimi

    Post your track of the day

    We have ALL been there, especially me.
  9. Cimi

    Meet up: Melbourne

    Looks like it's now an online event so no stalls or food vendors It's good that they're recording it so it can also be watched later.
  10. Thanks for all your replies. Sorry for the delay in my response and sparse information in the initial post. Yes, it is now too cold to germinate them, I think. The seed should be fairly new - I ordered it early this year. Maybe the post-harvest ripening thing could be it, because this link says there's a 'dormancy period' after the seeds are harvested? https://www.anbg.gov.au/gnp/interns-2004/themeda-triandra.html "Seed may be sown straight away with some success in mid summer to autumn but generally the seed has a dormancy period of up to 12 months depending on the area where it was collected." I had read a journal article which said it's better to cover them with soil than just place them on top, even though they are a type that drills into the soil when moisture is present. I also didn't want them blowing away or being eaten by birds. The mob I bought them from recommended using a capillary / wicking bed where you get a large tub, put sand and water in the bottom and then sow individual seeds in forestry tubes poked into the wet sand. I didn't have the necessary materials at the time so I just tried sowing them in various spots around the garden and kept the soil moist. I also tried covering some of the seeds with coco coir instead of garden soil, which held moisture better. None of them germinated which was disappointing as I know they don't like being transplanted. Yes I'm trying to foster biodiversity in my garden and plant native and indigenous species. When it warms up I'll try the capillary bed. This link talks about smoke water but that could be tricky to make http://anpsa.org.au/seed.html I became frustrated because I really want this species in my garden and initially I read that they were easy to germinate. And I have now wasted about half of the seeds I bought and feeling guilty because I keep reading how the seed supplies are limited. Maybe more time is what's needed for it to work.
  11. Cimi

    Whomping Willow Nursery

    That's sick thanks for sharing!