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The Corroboree

Halcyon Daze

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Posts posted by Halcyon Daze

  1. i have only seen a little of this but it doesnt impress me at all, its just a mob of people with 100 different interests who are gathering in one spot, there is no leader, there is no direction....


    That's exactly what the media wants you to think and you've swallowed it hook line and sinker.

    These people know exactly what they want, an end to wall street corruption and they represent the will of the vast majority of the population.

    This is the kind of democracy that can bring real change and that's why the media is scrambling to hose it all down.

  2. Will 'The Black Death' one day be available on the black markets like anthrax?

    Scientists have sequenced the DNA of the Bubonic Plague and hope to reconstruct the organism for research purposes.

    "The researchers hope eventually to modify a living plague bacterium so that its genome is identical to that of the agent of the Black Death."


  3. How did it go? Good luck with it all.

    Here's a pic I took ages ago showing some of the awesome biodiversity of the area. A cliff face covered in flowering king orchids surrounded by grass trees, Giant Spear-Lilys and Araucaria pines. Such a magnificent part of the planet.post-8867-0-33374200-1318298176_thumb.jp

    king orchids .JPG

    king orchids .JPG

    king orchids .JPG

  4. A while ago I grafted a young tricho seedling onto some Opuntia, I took the first pic at three months but soon after I had to leave it in the care of family for a while. When I came back (at 14 months) I found the rootstock had suffered some major damage and the whole graft was lying on the ground but unscathed and still attached to the Opuntia.

    It's now de-grafted and growing happily in it's own pot but here's a look at the progress after 3 months and then again after 14 months. see if you can guess the Tricho it's a hybrid. Needless to say I'm now a big fan of Opuntia as rootstocks.





    graft 3 months.JPG

    graft 14 months a.JPG

    graft 14 months b.JPG

    graft 14 months c.JPG

    graft 3 months.JPG

    graft 14 months a.JPG

    graft 14 months b.JPG

    graft 14 months c.JPG

    graft 3 months.JPG

    graft 14 months a.JPG

    graft 14 months b.JPG

    graft 14 months c.JPG

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  5. A friend s interested in planting some Trichos in a tropical region,up in the mountains and with fairly high rainfall, think Atherton Tablelands.

    I guess the high rainfall is the main concern for the cacti so we were wondering which Trichos deal with higher rainfall the best, (and which are the worst for that matter)?

    What other planting strategies can be used to help ensure the don't fall victim to the evil black rot death?

  6. Teoz in my opinion is one of those super-women like Oprah, just like a regular woman in every way except she is hiding a little monster that gives her super powers. So be careful, she is extremely competitive and will take pleasure in kicking your arse if you give her half chance. And if you're really nice to her she might even show you the little monster lol.

  7. How do ppl know that SOME gm food isn't actually better for us if gm plants are bred to be healthier and stronger then they could have more nutrition

    I know some gm food is bred to be pesticide/herbicide resistant which would not be healthier but if they were bred to have more nutrition they could be very beneficial

    I'm not saying Monsanto is doing the right thing just that gm food has the potential to help a lot of ppl if used right and not just for profits


    Wow, do you actually believe GM foods can be better for your health? What about CSIRO's pea that caused cancer in rats and reduced productivity in pigs?


    GM foods can be patented and therefore our food supplies can be controlled and profited from in a way never before seen by humanity. Who's behind this not so secret conspiracy? Huge multi-nationals who don't give a stuff about your health.

  8. What a coincidence, I just deleted my account late last night. Mainly due to all the people I hated at school. I don't want them to know anything about me, I don't want to have to live up to anyone else and I don't want them to know the good things that are about to happen in my life. Fu#k 'em.

    I've had a sense of freedom ever since.


    I didn't realize how old this thread was. Any tips santiago? I already deleted most of my content weeks ago but I want to be free for good. How does one deal with life after facebook?

  9. I've had pretty much everything except the flu shot which I'm getting in 2 dys time. I've had no troubles from any of them, not even from the Japanese encephalitis.

    I do worry about rabies because if I get bit by anything I have only 24 hours to get the post-bite vac. Problem is I'll be 2 days hike from anywhere.

  10. Hutch tries to make himself the focus of every climate discussion. He just likes to be the center of attention. Every single post it's all LOOK AT ME! ME, ME, ME! While never hesitating to use base language at anyone who doesn't agree with him. He talks shit and I get tired of his constant push for the spotlight.

    His behavior sums up that of most chronic denialists these days... Empty Vessels!

    (Sorry Hutchie-boy, someone had to say it)


    Don't get me wrong, I love constructive debate. That's what I'm hoping to engage in here. But it would be nice not to have to deal with someone who speaks a constant flow of shit like some busted sewer pipe, ruining things for everyone.

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