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The Corroboree

Halcyon Daze

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    N/E NSW
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    burning flags

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  1. Jimmy C in the driver's seat. Smashing Pumpkins -Geek USA. Live drumming by the Wizard.
  2. It's merely a political stunt to hopefully get voted in. It's expensive and complicated to build, and would lock us into expensive power for decades. It would also put us in danger during warfare, not to mention meltdowns etc. Remember how opposed these same people are to EVs because they can explode, well how about our very own Chernobyl? All that for approx 3-4percent of out nations electricity supply. I honestly dont believe they'd even build it, -just promise it and forget it once they're in. They'd make up some big excuse. That's my opinion. A total joke really, but it will earn them votes.
  3. I know a guy in the US who made a concoction of home made cannabis oil, orange oil, lavender oil and 50% ethanol. He sprayed it on his skin before bed and had had great sleeps. He also sometimes sprayed it on his skin in the morning if he was feeling anxiety/PTSD etc. Came on slow but worked wonders apparantly. I'm now wondering if the orange oil had a lot to do with the anti- anxiety effects that he reported. Man, that dude was an AWESOME guy
  4. I know a guy who had this issue back when both plants were legal. He told me that he changed one thing and everything improved. He decided that it was OK to swallow the juice and to not even try to stop it happening automatically. Pretty soon he completely forgot about trying to hold in the saliva and everything just went well after that (for both plants). With Khat, he would swallow a shot of 'Juiced Tips' first, and then chew a bunch more soft tips for a couple hours, and then swallow some more 'Tips juice' a few hours later, and then keep chewing and keep repeating for hours. It takes an uncomfortably long time so you gotta find a comfortable way of chewing. Basically you gotta go all afternoon and night, which he said "pretty much sucked", but he loved the feeling. With Sal, he'd prepare a scoob or two of simple dried leaf, chew as many leaves as he could for a while until he felt it start kicking in, and then light up with just a normal bic lighter and get as much of the scoob down as fast as possible. Usually by 80-90% of one scoob it was just right to let go and sink right into it and become one with nature like never before. "Most amazing feeling ever" he reckons, and "Best done in the evening or night with the soft golwing embers of a campfire". Apparantly it really helped with some crazy PTSD shit so it sounds like he had a totally positive experience. What a shame they banned it etc.
  5. The drug addiction stuff starts at 13:00 mins
  6. Looks like coke bottle tek can be used for shrooms too (use captions).
  7. Only one way to find out. IME such pieces usually shrivel up, but are perfect for areole grafting.
  8. Depends on the dimensions of the box I guess, but I've found it really beneficial to pack them into something where they're held neatly together saving space and won't fall over etc. Any box would do, but styro just has that nice insulative quality to it. I've recently found some really large and thick styro boxes available for free out the back of a local pet shop. They ship live fish in from overseas. Best styro boxes ever ! Can't wait to try out these square bottles.
  9. Love it, I'll have to go find some, the square shape is brilliant too. I wonder if you could neatly fit say 10 in a styro box
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