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The Corroboree


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About JayJ

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  1. JayJ

    Whippit cracker

    Ebay is the cheapest option, a mate got two cream canisters for $15 inc postage
  2. JayJ

    Nurofen Plus

    They were definetly splittable, and as far as i know many chemists in SA still have old stock. reading bluelight suggests that the reason is becuase ibuprofen and codeine isn't a stable combination hence keeping them separate.. I'm not qualified in this area tho, try google i guess..
  3. JayJ

    Entheogen DVD's

    Pelinster, Big thanks, DVD's arrived today!! After my exams are finished and i can get my shit together, i'll burn a few copies for people to keep it going\ Thanks again
  4. JayJ

    Can you buy a good bulk substarte from stores?

    My local Bunnings only stocks very aged cow manure; 25 lt for $3, I haven’t tried it however as I believe cow manure to be inferior to horse since a cow's stomach is much more efficient and able take out a lot more nutrient, though I’m sure it would still work. I also saw zoopoo but reading the label it says that it contains other organic matter as well. ..Coincidently, today on my drive home I passed a house on the side of a main road that had bags of horse manure for $2.50, I was so happy it brought a tear to my eye. I've also seen stocked at bunnings shredded pea straw at a reasonable price, what are people’s opinions on using this in a mix with poo? or should I just drive the extra 200m to the stock feed supply for the real straw? *I’m just feeling lazy as exams are taking their toll and I’m not in the mood to chop manually, i'm sure it will be fine yea?
  5. JayJ

    Entheogen DVD's

    I'll Have a copy and i'll gladly burn a few more, thanks
  6. JayJ

    Mushroom Pix mania

    nice, thanks for the link
  7. JayJ

    Entheogen DVD's

    If someone would kindy pass it to me i'd glady burn a few more copies to pass around.
  8. JayJ


    yes ^_^
  9. JayJ


    The other day a friend of a friend purchased some millet from a bulk feedstock supply store. He was offered japanese (Echinochloa esculenta) or white french (Panicum miliaceum). Not having much experience in this area he chose the japanese because it looked more interesting, however since his purchase he's been doing more reading- & he told me that the use of the white french is much more common - is there a reason for this?. My friend wants to know if using the japanese will be ok? *Considering that millet is dirt cheap he doesn't mind using the japanese to feed his birds and getting some french white if that would be better. Any input would be appreciated Thanks
  10. JayJ

    Need fruiting recommendations and critique.

    I'm quite new to this too but I believe it depends a little on species. Most people on the shroomery suggest 23 - 26 deg celcius. I've also read that humidity needs to be 90%+. If I used the method above, what does the humidity drop to when you take the lid off or rest it on the handle? and does this cause any issues (with fruiting or contam)? *Sorry for hijacking a thread I'm just new at this too and questions are related
  11. I'm after P.cubensis spore prints (for microscopy). If anyone is able to help me out, i am willing to offer some cash ∨ i have a small collection of seeds for trade (off the top of my head): papaver somniferum trichocereus pachanoi calea zacatechichi heimia salicifolia nicotiana rustica PM if interested . Thanks
  12. JayJ

    Getting Humulus Lupus (Hops) To Flower

    My Humulus Lupus came from SAB around january last year (as i remember). I don't think it takes much to flower, mine recieves much neglect as i usually forget i have it. Location is full sun in Adelaide.. It's currently in full bloom with maybe a couple thousand flowers (female). I've heard tea can be relaxing.. Any tips for uses?. How are the flowers prepared, are they picked fairly green and fresh and then dried.. Anyway plant looks nice also slightly unusual.
  13. JayJ

    New Khat clone available in a few months

    I'm sure you'll keep us updated
  14. Here Here^^ totally agree buddy