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The Corroboree

waterboy 2.0

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Everything posted by waterboy 2.0

  1. It's because folk keep stealing from the botanical gardens... 10 years ago it was a glorious cacti house and had a fine trich (any other species) collection. The TBM you can hardly recognize as any pup gets knocked off it immediately. (in raised bed behind it) Was down in December and was sad to see how bad the cacti collection has become. PS-have this in collection and yes it was authorised by staff at the timethe thing was huge when under glass.
  2. Maybe, have to check I've got enough for myself. I'm running ragged so might take a bit to catch up on
  3. DCHIW you go get some medical shit done, and they've got masked up gatekeepers at the entrance and you have to tell them they ain't using their masks right... Yes you need to know how to wear them, and how to take them off... @Responsible Choice Fingers crossed no dry socket bro
  4. I think all my intensive algal culture course notes are electronic... Have to check back... But I can send em on to anyone interested after I get through my shit filing system. From outta Utas school of aquaculture when they were a powerhouse. It's focused from an aquaculture bent for fish food production , but all the principles the same. Hardest year long unit I ever did at unimostly micro but a little bit of macro algae.
  5. Deemed an invasive weed of the highest order across Aus.
  6. @SayN They be Atlantic Giant stock, but theres a heap of variety within it. Some have that butternut look and others a rich orange. Some nice and round and some end up like an old bean bag... Lol Lost the initial one, got a secondary growing... Cooling off but. About the same size as the failed one. Will see how big I can get it.
  7. I have to say it... I actually give Gutters a bit of cred for putting his foot down... The Feds will hold it against us Hope it's all good in da South mate. Been surreal up here when I've headed into civilization.
  8. Because we have a moat around us and some services and shit may slow down ect. This thread may be useful as a point of communication. Some fucker may be able to help another fucker... We are all fuckers now You get the idea... It is a time to unite not divide... Although you gotta stand back a little. Even a simple need we may be able to sort out amongst us. WB
  9. Ima gunna make it hopefully to 5k posts hosting radio covid19
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