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The Corroboree

waterboy 2.0

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Status Updates posted by waterboy 2.0

  1. "People that know they are important think about others. People that think they are important, think about themselves". Hans F Hansen

  2.            ___           _,.---,---.,_
                |         ,;~'             '~;, 
                |       ,;                     ;,      
       Frontal  |      ;                         ; ,--- Supraorbital Foramen
        Bone    |     ,'                         /'
                |    ,;                        /' ;,
                |    ; ;      .           . <-'  ; |
                |__  | ;   ______       ______   ;<----- Coronal Suture
               ___   |  '/~"     ~" . "~     "~\'  |
               |     |  ~  ,-~~~^~, | ,~^~~~-,  ~  |
     Maxilla,  |      |   |        }:{        | <------ Orbit
    Nasal and  |      |   l       / | \       !   |
    Zygomatic  |      .~  (__,.--" .^. "--.,__)  ~. 
      Bones    |      |    ----;' / | \ `;-<--------- Infraorbital Foramen
               |__     \__.       \/^\/       .__/  
                  ___   V| \                 / |V <--- Mastoid Process 
                  |      | |T~\___!___!___/~T| |  
                  |      | |`IIII_I_I_I_IIII'| |  
         Mandible |      |  \,III I I I III,/  | 
                  |       \   `~~~~~~~~~~'    /
                  |         \   .       . <-x---- Mental Foramen
                  |__         \.    ^    ./   
  3. Teenage Mutant Ninja Boffins

    1. El Presidente Hillbillios

      El Presidente Hillbillios

      from from outerspace, playing pokemon 

  4. I'm too sexy for this shirt

    1. waterboy 2.0

      waterboy 2.0

      too sexy for my shirt


    2. El Presidente Hillbillios

      El Presidente Hillbillios

      so sexy it hurts?


  5. I wanna follow you now.... I'll be watching...lol:wink:

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Yeti101


      Still fairly freaky though. 

    3. ThunderIdeal















      ┳┻| _

      ┻┳| •.•)



    4. Yeti101



  6. *hmmmm.....fancy stuff HB

    1. El Presidente Hillbillios

      El Presidente Hillbillios

      you know me, im a fancy guy 


      All style no substance 

    2. waterboy 2.0
    3. El Presidente Hillbillios
  7. WB was here as well

  8. WB was here as well....lol...pip pip matey:wink:

  9. WB was here...lol

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. waterboy 2.0

      waterboy 2.0

      had to check, thats a roger

    3. El Presidente Hillbillios

      El Presidente Hillbillios

      i keep looking in the store, hoping i can buy an SAB singlet LOL

    4. waterboy 2.0

      waterboy 2.0

      only if its a dark blue one...lol

  10. In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity

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