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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by Foo

  1. I would really like to have a go at growing such a plant. Count me in
  2. Not keen on the orange either (and the red backgrounds on some texts ...)
  3. I would love to attend, but i will be in cambodia for all of Jan. Goodluck to all that attend, i hope it can become an anual event
  4. Foo

    Well camouflaged...

    Good god, took me a full minute ...
  5. Foo


    closer to my orig question though... Would a look under the bonnet constitute a "search". Its inside of your car and it is locked.
  6. Foo


    In Western Australia, it is standard practice to recieve the "bigger blow machine" as the final test. Normaly 1 blow into the hand held then one blow into the bigger machine, either on the bus or at the station. Never heard of someone to recieve a blood test, but i havent seen the legislation regarding this. I will add that i have worked in some capacity with a law enforcement agency.
  7. Foo


    Im not anti police in the slightest. I dont think ive put that acros at all. I didnt like this cop, but im not the kind to generalise. I was a bi-stander to this event. The driver made there own choices. Im really angry at all, as for "finding a crack factory ... the cop found nothing as there was nothing. Implied consent is far more importent then you might think. Anyway im not sure why your hating on me, all i wanted was a chat on the subject. Happy holidays
  8. Foo


    I see a problem with a police officer "looking" for a yellow sticker violation. There are some stupid things they can give them for (practicly anything). His maner is a seperate issue.
  9. Foo


    I dont think you can have informed consent without an explanation. I know first (i wont say how) hand what happens to complaints against police, not woried in the slightest about the cop taking revenge. Complaints are sent directly to the district office and answered in person by a Snr Sgt (the Supers lacy) and all corispondance is filled with the police officers name. I know he wont get shat on from 1 report of bad manners ect. But it think it is the right thing to, to make sure it is stated in writing that this person is less fit to serve then many other police officers i have come across. Hopefuly my report along with the other he probly has recieved will hold him back from a promotion. Its a broken system, but avoiding the system altogether is not how fix it.
  10. Foo


    I will also add that unless another couple down the road driving a Hyundi of the same color robbed a bank, there was nothing even close to a reason to suspect a crime had been committed.
  11. Foo


    The car has a 1.5L engine or something to that effect. Everything is factory, driver was a straight as anything ... The cop that actualy gave the RBT was curtious and did nothing other then his job. The asshole did not state why he was searching the car at any stage. I wasnt the driver but i did grab the cars call sign, i think i might make a complaint at the very least as to assholes attitude and manner (considering this was a nothing out of the ordinary RBT).
  12. Foo


    Is it usual or leagle for a police officer to search under your bonit during a random breath test? (driver blew ZERO, car is immaculate, driver has no criminal record, was not speeding ect either)
  13. I assume ive missed out, BUT just incase
  14. God damn terrorists are everywere! check these radicals out
  15. Any good sites for cacti seeds? (a site that will ship to WA!!)
  16. I found an ebay seller willing to ship me some san pedro cuttings. SAB and pretty much everyone else wont even send me seeds I do have a few links around though for sites servicing WA.
  17. FYI about 15 of the 25 M geometrizan i soewed have come up using the takeaway teck. This method is truely briliant for a beginer (thus far) Edit: EXCITED!
  18. If you are releasing these pics for free, attach a licence to them. The GNU Licence is intended for software but works perfectly for images. http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html The creative commons licence's are also good ones. http://creativecommons.org.au/learn-more/licences By letting someone use your photos under these licences protects your rights and makes it clearer for the person recieving what they can and cant do with the images.
  19. Cool, thanks. Ive sowed about 25 M geometrizan using the takeaway method. I might start a second container with some trich's soon
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