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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by Foo

  1. Foo


    From the album: foos garden

  2. Nope! Always 6 ribs for me
  3. Enjoying this magazine very much so far. My only gripe is that the magazine always arrives bent. This of course isn't the fault of Dragibus, but it couldn't hurt to stamp the parcel with "do not bend".
  4. Looks like Myrtillocactus geometrizans to me
  5. I went to an art store and asked for their finest scalpel set. Might not be the cheapest option, but has worked far better than breaking open disposable razors.
  6. They have been pretty common the last few years in your average retail, like bunnings and big w. I found a decent place online a few years back, but i have forgotten and lost the invoice. Regardless the cats ate/destroyed them, who knows why ...
  7. Regardless as to weather its listed or not, it cannot contain soil. On the roots or otherwise Edit: This doesn't apply if they are treated etc.
  8. Try this thread mate http://www.shaman-australis.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=30523&page=31
  9. i swear someone else posted these photos recently and claimed to have grown them?
  10. They dont look very healthy. From were im sitting they are solid white!
  11. I am still waiting on confirmation that my solid gold medal and catha plant have been posted. Not sure if this guy is legit or not?
  12. Yep, definitely too much meth. Do you wear a helmet when standing or walking around? I assume you administer rectally, twice daily, with a glass of orange juice or milk. As for the place i once again assume this takes place at your parents place or at one of your rad friends parents places while listening to "wicked sick dance tunes" and perfecting your super awesome dance skills. Damn! Ive been cataloging my music wrong all these years! your more likely to be treated like a 22 y.o if your not acting like a 14 y.o
  13. enable the option "Don't track", which will send a request not to track you. Good advice. But even google ignores the do not track request.
  14. Interesting idea. But to what end?
  15. your being a wanker. Maybe less talk about peace and love and a little more practice? Also, maybe less meth?
  16. Looks like the growth on the pups is warping the pots!
  17. defontes! no "the"! If you add the "the" its makes me think of the mighty mighty boss tones (maybe i have problems)
  18. Zardonic takes dubstep to an extreme. also combichrist after reading halif's comment i feel i should add that i didnt check out your links. Mostly because you rated skizmix at 7.
  19. First one is not Tersheckii or Myrtillocactus geometrizans IMO. It looks similar to a Peruvian, so it wouldnt shock me if its a peru x ?
  20. IME digging and then fire is the go. fire goes up, not so much down. I was amazed at how much easier it was than the axe!
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