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Everything posted by somnif

  1. somnif


    If my experiences with Dutchie and Dutchess are anything to go by, you can trust them.
  2. somnif

    Amyl Nitrate

    Oh wonderful, we've been reduced to disguised ad hominem attacks based on hygene eh? Anyhow, if you want to see a profession who have dubious hygene habits have a glance (not too close) at your average software developer. ;-) On a more serious note I would be a little wary purchasing sodium/potassim nitrite as it is an ingredient in a particular MDA route. Then again purchasing *any* chemical from a chemical supplier without some sort of acceptable usage story is risky.
  3. somnif

    Amyl Nitrate

    How that changed one Tasty night. Ah well, cost the Vic. Police about $4 mill or so and possibly made them reasses drug policy in general. [This message has been edited by somnif (edited 21 May 2002).]
  4. somnif

    Ephedra germination question.

    I have been succesful with getting eph.sin. to germiniate but inevitably I have been getting it to about 2cm high and it stops growing and dies. Initially I though it was due to too much water, or lack of nutrition (I was growing in sand) so next time around I made an effort to minimise watering, and also added a 1 part potting mix to 5 parts sand - result, the same. Is there something I should be doing at this point such as transplanting or adding a food source? These babies were also left out in the (Melbourne) summer sun - could this be a factor? [This message has been edited by somnif (edited 02 May 2002).]
  5. somnif

    Need Energy...

    Gomaos was not entirely off the mark when he mentioned 1,4-BD. (none of the following is recommended BTW) In the days when its bigger brother, GHB, was legal I used to use it for the dopamine build up and release it would cause. So while you would be euphorically drowsy while it was in your system, on ceasing the substance you would end up in the most energetic states imaginable. It was a useful drug for study periods. You would take a reasonable dose so to have a short deep sleep. Then on the dopamine rebound study for a number of hours or so, and then take a dose to sleep and let what you learnt imprint itself on your longer term memory. Repeat, rinse etc. The sleep it induced really did seem to have benefits as far as placing ideas into medium term memory. The drug does have negative effects, namely the potential to completely fuck up your dopamine levels and a tendancy for addiction when use on a continual basis. Anyway, just thinking back to the days before October 1996 or there-abouts :-) [This message has been edited by somnif (edited 21 April 2002).]
  6. somnif

    All users must have valid e-mail addresses !!!

    As an Aborted Catholic [TM] (ie never quite made it all the way through) I suspect that it, as with many rules created by the church, has been made because it is impossible *not* to break. The Catholic church is very big into emphasising human failability and also cultivating guilt associated with these failings. One mechanism which they have which I must admit has some degree of psychological benefit is the idea of confession (in which whatever "sins" have been commited would be absolved): the idea ties in with the above idea of emphasising failability. When forced along to confession at school I used to suggest that my sin was possibly that I was an atheist which used to lead to more than an hour of intense theological discussion of whether, as far as I was concerned this was a sin or not. Anyway, in answer to Torsten's question I would suggest that catholics do not get such a blockage. Which is a round about way to say that some rules are designed to be broken.
  7. Somnif waves at everyone, as this is his first post since his account meltdown (thanks Torsten for fixing it up!) *waves* Does anyone know what type of Morning Glory seeds were given away in the folders at the start of EB2002? I put some Heavenly Blues in earlier this year they have added instant colour to my backyard but they scare me a little, seemingly growing at a number of cm's a day! Hmmm, I must check that noxious weed list again - this seems to have all the qualities.
  8. somnif


    Wira, I am really sorry to hear about your decision. Your display of knowledge has been truly inspiring, also a little humbling. Take care, and ensure that you let us know when the book is done! *sigh*
  9. somnif

    Thankyou for the Conference

    Thanks for your time, I learnt a lot from your talk. Good luck with your research Henry (and also your snoring aversion techniques ;-) ) !
  10. somnif


    From http://www.melt2000.com/loudtruth/entheosp...icles/0018.html
  11. somnif

    Smart cactus

    Hmm, three replies in a row. Anyhow, I come back from the conference in hope of seeing some sort of results from my pollination and sadly it looks like I failed. Using Ramons San Pedro pollen on the terscheckii X. yeilded nothing. Using the pollen from the terscheckii X. on my flowering San Pedro left a ping- pong ball size green mass which had fallen off. It looks nothing like what I suppose a "fruit" to look like, more like some left overs from the base of the flower so I am assuming no success there. So where did I go wrong? Ramons pollen had been frozen after travelling through the post. Has anyone ever had success with frozen pollen before? The terscheckii X. pollen had sat around for about five days waiting for the 'pedro to flower. Both cacti were pollinated on day one of the flower opening. My technique involved taking the pollen and brushing it over the central stalk (the terminology fails me) Ramon had helpfully pointed me to a web page which gave some good pictures re: hand pollination so I am reasonably sure I was poking in the right place. If my technique is not at fault then the only obvious conclusion for me is that the pollen doesn't have a very long shelf life. (perhaps I should've frozen my terscheckii pollen for those days waiting for the 'pedro's flower to open) Oh well, better luck for me next year.
  12. somnif

    So, how was it?

    I've just got home, so this will be short. (I'll expand later :-) ) While I suspect a lot of not-so-positive will be written about what happened at an organistational/Mulga level etc. etc. I want to point out that from my point of view the online-nerds (yes, that's you) who went seemed to have a really, really good time (I know for sure that I did) and got on fabulously together. So regardless of whatever discussion might follow, remember that for the "people on the ground" (and people on the ground who were sorta floating) it was a very worthwhile event. Hey eccles? Did you get home alright?
  13. somnif

    Smart cactus

    Not to fear - the green, prickly thing decided to flower today!
  14. somnif

    Smart cactus

    I tend to get three, err, "flushes" out of my terscheckii X. A couple of days ago I had a go at pollenating it with some frozen pollen Ramon sent me - I still haven't discovered if this was succesful or not. One of my San Pedro's is about to flower for the first time ever for me after owning them for more than 8 years! However, I am deeply worried about it's possible timing, Melbourne's mild weather makes me think that it is going to wait 'till I am away for EB2k+2 to flower :-( (I leave Melbourne on Tuesday) Any ideas on how to speed up the flowering date? I have seriously considered bring my spikey friend inside and sticking it in front of a heater though I suspect this would be misguided.
  15. somnif

    Research Grants- closes soon!

    This is wonderful, wonderful news!
  16. somnif

    MAOI advice??

    There is little security of hiding behind an IP address - even as far back as 1996 (light years ago in 'net terms) I know of cases where System Adminstrators (at a Victorian University) being told to dig through caches and logs my law enforcement officers. You can imagine what techniques might be used now. While evidence such as this might not be used directly against in court, there are a 1000 reasons why this is "not a good thing". I am not saying to be paranoid, just be aware of what sort of trails you leave and where. The following link may, or may not have some good discussion on anonyminity and privacy on the net: https://www.the-hive.ws/forum/postlist.pl?C...&Board=computer Of course, this site is at the prime drug manufacturing web site so if there is anything which is going to ring alarm bells it will probably be this :-) (it is an encrypted link, note the s at the end of https: which gives you a degree of security WRT the data you send and receive)
  17. somnif

    State of the Yart

    Regarding Darklight's initial post in the thread and the general state of the forums, here is my opinion: I have no problem at all with the less serious threads that appear. I would only really worry if : a) they started to occur in areas other than Chill Space (in general they seem be in Chill Space ) if threads appeared in such numbers that they seemed to take over the board (there might be a lot of *posts* in some of these threads but in general ratio of serious: less serious *threads* is reasonably high) c) (biggest worry of all) is if less serious posts infiltrate serious threads. In general, if I am not in the mood for less serious threads I want to be able to easily skip 'em, otherwise I have no real concerns and usually when I have the time to read 'em I find something to make me laugh or of interest. I do sometimes get bored by the really base, repeatative or content free threads. Occaisionally find parts slightly offensive, depraved, whatever but I am sure this is a reason *why* I read these threads. Perhaps what we really need is a special Message Icon which will indicate these threads. CS- . : Happas- you had a rather traumatic Catholic schooling, right? We all must sleep. [This message has been edited by somnif (edited 02 February 2002).] [This message has been edited by somnif (edited 03 February 2002).]
  18. 'Sharps' are somewhat essential for some of us and I suspect that this rule might be best dealt with on a case by case basis. Insulin is somewhat tricky to administer any other way. As for injecting opiate users - I am sure that they can find another route. I am serious about this insulin point.
  19. somnif

    Ethnobotanica 2002 Rules - No Sharps?

    At times I've considered a path to some sort of practical reuse of old syringes, one of my ideas is as follows: Super-glue a matrix of 15 by 15 of used syringes together, then once dry extend each of the plungers out as far as they will go. Next press plungers against face, genitals or any other area you wish to make a lasting impression off. (not unlike those strange toys you used to press your hand into, leaving a 3-D image) Dah-dar! There you have it, an interesting artistic piece to give ya' nan for Christmas. Err, perhaps not.
  20. somnif

    Acacia phlebophylla

    This is a bit of sensitive issue. There was a pretty detailed discussion about the plant at MEBV#2 (Victorian Mini-Ethnobotantica) and there was interest in forming a group specifically dealing with the issues related to this plant. I am pretty sure that some of the people concerned will be at EB2002 so if you are coming along, it is probably a good idea to seek out those people.
  21. somnif

    Ethnobotanica 2002 Rules - No Sharps?

    Wira: yeah, I am very clear with respect to my options. I keep in pretty good contact with advances in all areas. I've tried other options and find that disposable syringes are the best option for a number of reasons. [snip] I just wrote a *long* list of reasons behind my preferences but realised that it wasn't really of much use to non-insulin users :-) I'll just point out that when you have to inject non-voluntarily four times a day, you really get to know what best suits you (sort of like compulsive masterbators I guess ;-) ) The disposable needle-end on the devices I think you are refering to (have a look at http://www.insulinpen.com/view.asp?ID=2038 - there are also pre-packed variation on this device) are a nightmare as they easily go missing and when they do tend to point up 90 degrees from the surface they are sitting on and so when you step on them go in *really* deep. Bleah - only an idiot would leave syringes around anyhow.
  22. My Kratom is absolutely exploding with life at the moment. For anyone concerned with them not thriving in Melbourne, well do not worry! (I cannot yet give an opinion of how it copes over the colder months however) From a sad looking plant with two leaves on the end of a 20cm stick last week, it has burst with the life 8 new leaves in various locations. This is a very impressive growth spurt. I figure that it has just recovered from the repotting I gave it about 5 weeks ago. One problem I was encountering was the removal of leaves via the wind causing me to have to search out and persue them throughout the garden. Putting the plant in a more sheltered location solved this problem. Question: Does the Kratom tend to loose all its leaves at some point of it's cycle in its natural environment?
  23. somnif

    Herald Sun: Drug Pushers Use Logo Lure

    Re: Oliver Sacks latest "Uncle Tungsten" Enjoyable read. Particularly for people such as myself who enjoyed the practical side of chemistry (think: bangs, stinks, sparks etc) Personally, ethnobotany and related pursuits have taught me more about Chemistry, Botany, Law, History, Spirituality etc. than 19 years of various levels of schooling. I've always felt that if I had a child and I had a choice of them coming to me and saying they had a strong interest in either taking Drugs or Being A Born Again Christian (or Young Liberal) I'd certainly choose (well informed) Drug Use. (Which does raise the question of whether or not you can be a well informed Born Again Christian/Young Liberal)
  24. somnif


    Actually, I think that technically the word "virii" is an incorrect pluralisation. Besides if you have one STD, you may as well have them all. If "pluralisation" is a word or not is up to you.
  25. somnif


    Actually, I think that even technically the word "virii" is incorrect. Besides if you have one STD, you may as well have them all.