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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by niggles

  1. Hey mate, I have had many life changing experiences.. I started actively cultivating them in my life after I had a powerful experience of an altered state that shattered my view of myself and the world and brought me out of a decade of suicidal depression. After that I slowly realized there were a lot of things making my life difficult and Ihad to figure out new goals, new way of living. Everything had to change. It was a slow transformation with many difficult steps. Ihad to shed a lot of friends who were living destructive lifestyles. Meditation was of massive benefit to helping me stay strong and focussed. Ten years later of taking baby steps towards my imagined goal Iam happy I am healthy and I am living my dream of being in the bush doing whatever makes me happy! Aim high and never lose sight of what you want. I am very happy to talk to you more if you want to
  2. Hey folks, Iam back from vipassana now - that was pretty incredible and very challenging. I posted more about it on https://nigggles.wordpress.com But now Im back and refreshed and keen to get stuck into Wim Hofing again. Iwas doing 3:15+ retentions last night.. I haven't done any pushups in a fortnight now so that might be a bit trying.
  3. Next installment is up now. That tick remover looks great.. I have lots of spare medical equipment that has been good for the ticks so far. but Ido love my gadgets! Advice on building a chook shed would be most welcome!
  4. Not sure what you are talking about but happy to see you pop back up! Hows the garden?
  5. about 4 usable acres surrounded by around 150 acres of bush
  6. oh really? I find that calm relaxed breathing for oxygenation before retentions makes the biggest difference for me,, and lying down. I focus on the bodily sensations and just try to relax
  7. i would just like to put in a word for rescue greyhounds. they are affectionate cuddly lazy things that dont need much exercise and sleep all day. they various organisations around the country work really hard to find a temperament that suits you. they are awesome
  8. Hey folks Ihave released week three update. Yay!
  9. today I had breath retentions of 4:15 it felt great. Was starting to get some pretty lights in meditation after breathing (this is meant to be a good thing)
  10. dont wait, give it a try. it feels amazing and it take 5 minutes
  11. If you use facebook at all there is a wim hof group there who help with any questions you might have - i bleieve they dont have a working forum on the wim hof site yet so use facebook for exploring ideas and clearing up confusion. I would say - keep push upping and do more wim hof breathing when you run out of breath! Go you! Sounds like your an ice man machine.
  12. Try this again - post keeps disappearing. Thanks for the reply.. the site wants me to authorise comments before they appear, im trying to figure that out so it will just come up I am not having much luck with the rat traps. the classic snap kill trap didnt work for me and I had to beat injured rat to death with a stick. Imight give your bag technique a go next live rat caught. I would love some more infor on the flupropanate. Ilike to explore all avenues if possible
  13. Just a little update - I got to week three, then had several weeks of freakout with moving - see my moving to nsw thread - so I kinda dropped off for a bit. I am now back into daily practice - and I havent bothered to turn the hot water on here, I just have cold showers. Its not so bad. I think I can actually rewire my brain to think that cold is nice if i do it enough. I am not following the program at the moment, as I am about to leave and do Vipassana for 10 days - and they dont let you do other practices will you do the thing, so I will pick it up again after vipassana. Anyone else here done it? Like it? Thoughts?
  14. Yes please I am keen to fill my new place with acacias!
  15. Hi folks, As you may or may not know, I have just moved up to NNSW to attempt living a completely different lifestyle. Its already showing me many challenges and many rewards. I have started a little blog about it, mainly to keep my mum in the loop now I am far away from her, but also for all my friends and interested parties. A lot of what I am trying to do is very new to me and it is all a grand adventure/experiment in freedom and gardening a deprogramming my head from the city. So I am very keen for feedback, advice, assistance - anything at all really. You can follow along my blog here at : https://nigggles.wordpress.com but I will probably update it here each week too.
  16. there is a few things left.. get in quick if you still want something!
  17. good timing seeing as i want to adopt one soon! http://gap.grv.org.au/ http://www.gapqld.com.au/ http://www.gapnsw.org.au/home/ I heard mike say he guarantees that tracks will not be used for real estate, only community something like parks or facilities.
  18. dammit i wanted a peach cactus
  19. Eth: I have a phone so call me! the warehouse party is this weekend the 9th so you havent missed it! All is well we shall see each other soon!
  20. So I am having a leaving party at a crossfit gym warehouse this weekend.. if any melbourne sabers want to come and i have forgotten to message them, send me a line and ill give you details
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