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The Corroboree


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About djpotential

  • Rank
    Day Tripper

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  1. djpotential

    Aging gracefully

    just a dream...a dream for me to ever have such beauty in my garden
  2. djpotential

    need a ID on some trichocereus

    sorry about the pics..had to use the camera phone...Do you think there just PC pachanoi?
  3. Hello, I acquired these trich's from another forum. They have very bumpy pronounced ribs. They look nothing like any of my T's, however there are soo many cross breeds now its ridiculous. I know there are people here who are expert. Can someone help me ID these so I can tag 'em and put them in the greenhouse. Shot at 2010-05-09 Shot at 2010-05-09 Shot at 2010-05-09 Shot at 2010-05-09 Shot at 2010-05-09
  4. djpotential

    check this out

    a beautiful mature plant...gotta love that
  5. looking for eileen...will the real eileen please stand up

  6. djpotential

    lophophora williamsii - Humidity

    I second that...I lost 150 Loph seedlings because i didnt remover the lid and heating mat soon enough. They looked like they imploded...Rot is a bitch
  7. djpotential


    eccentro , would you be willing to trade or sell some cuts from your "Have" list? Im in the US too. Also, If anyone is willing to send an eileen cut to me I dont care what postage is going to be. My PM doesnt work here so reply here or email me at [email protected] Thanks soo much guys!
  8. djpotential

    looking for Trich crosses (seeds)...

    I know about sacred succulents, but they are out in Peru right now and wont be ablee to fill my order for over a month Aussie clones would be ideal
  9. Hi all, Im in the US where its near impossible to find any good trichocereus crosses like you guys have. I am looking for any Trich crosses like psycho0 ect.... Does anyone have here have any? thanks so much donnie tradelist added....... seeds ----- Trichocereus peruvianus (Huancabamba, Peru) Trichocereus peruvianus (Rahuapampa, Peru) ---- gone Trichocereus peruvianus KK 338 (Huancayo, 3200m, Peru) Trichocereus spec. RH 2289a (Pampa Grande, 2000m, Arg) ----gone Trichocereus ICAROS DNA mycology related ---------------- B+ Prints (2) sealed steril syringes Books ------ subjects are Plant Systematics Pharmacology Clinical Microbiology Biology Botany Chemistry Biochemistry Organic Chemistry Physiology Psychology Geology ZooOlogy Oceanography Organic Compounds MDMA I'm looking for the following(seeds/cuttings) -------------------------- SS01 SS02 SS03 SS04 psycho bruce eileen mike "Lumberjack" scopulicola X Psycho0 Juuls Giant' X T. scopulicola scopulicola X 'Juuls Giant scopulicola X pachanoi SS01 X SS02 SS02 X SS01 Trichocereus bridgesii X Trichocereus sp. 'Juul's Giant' Trichocereus bridgesii X Trichocereus sp. 'Kimura's Spiny Giant' Tichocereus bridgesii X Trichocereus sp. 'Luther Burbank' Trichocereus bridgesii X Trichocereus peruvianus And any other crosses i missed are welcome!