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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by Distracted

  1. Distracted

    Post a random picture thread

  2. Distracted

    Youtube vids

    Ultra violence in first person, very well done. http://www.awsm.com/13883/now-this-is-how-you-use-a-go-pro/
  3. Distracted

    Carvings of Cats, domestic or feral..

    Etsy is good too http://www.etsy.com/au/search?q=cat%20carving&view_type=gallery&ship_to=AU
  4. Distracted

    removed post. apologies.

    It's not a hard document to find on the internet but it is copyrighted material. Here's an Australian government report from 1965 which led to Scientology being banned... before they got back in in the early 70s.due to a name change, then officially state by state in the 80s. http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~dst/Cowen/audit/andrhome.html Here's a list of all the FBI files that are on L. Ron Hubbarb, or at least all the letters he sent the FBI, some including original notes by the agents that read it including calling him crazy as he denounces all his members that he has disagreences with as communists, even his own wife after they pull Operation Snow White (the biggest infiltration of the US government in history) and she gets caught. http://www.xenu.net/archive/FBI/table.html Here's an interview done with L. Ron Hubbard Jnr. and Penthouse back in the day... as they were the only publication not afraid of speaking the truth for fear of litigation, talks about Hubbard's obsession with trying to create a moonchild, a child of Satan and the mental abuse of his followers. http://www.rickross.com/reference/scientology/scien240.html Warning though... I found reading about cults and their use of control to be quite depressing... we are all very bad people, just to different degrees.
  5. Distracted

    Youtube vids

  6. Distracted

    Shaman-australis: known dr*g website

    please don't self incriminate
  7. Distracted

    Post your track of the day

    Interesting dubstep remix of Bill Mathes - Sunshine There's quite a few out there... but i like this one the best
  8. Distracted

    coober pedy shale oil - around 200 billion barrels

    I think Coober Pedy has enough holes in the ground. edit: may make finding opals harder if every rock has an oil sheen haha
  9. Distracted

    Post a random picture thread

  10. Distracted

    Psychedelics and urine testing

    I would not recommend taste testing your own urine on psychedelics.
  11. So if every household were equipped with these maybe we could cool down the earth? :D
  12. Distracted

    Peak Water - Scary overuse of water

    I'm gonna start hoarding my water now, when it all goes down i'll sell mine to you guys for mates rates.
  13. Distracted


    looks gross!
  14. Distracted

    What does "body load" mean?

    To be it's just the effect of making your body heavier and harder to move, most noticably on mushrooms or MDMA. Also marijuana food too. I never considered it to be a 'bad' thing, your body just becomes extremely sensitive to everything and it's more uncomfortable to move than it is to just sit/stay still. Usually makes me lay on the floor because it feels just so much better than doing anything else at the time, any other movements or actions are just a distraction from the amazing feelings that can be reached through concentration.
  15. Distracted

    First American marijuana brand

    I wonder once this starts taking off if the punishment for growing your own weed will be more than it was when weed was illegal.
  16. Distracted

    Teen seizuring on some kind of Drug - Allegedly Bath Salts

    Automatism caused by diabetes maybe?
  17. Distracted

    Purple, the fake color

    The article seems to end half way for me. The last paragraph starts with "Before we get back to the discussion on purple it is worth looking at one other observation about the CIE diagram." and never continues on about purple...
  18. Distracted

    K Rudd comeback!

    So you do reckon some vested interest will decide whether we get a fiber optic cable, independently of whoever is in parliament at the time? I think the rise in independent parties is promising, i helped get Xenophon into SA's parliament where he got two seats and had to choose someone else to take the seat in his name, then helped him get into the senate afterwards too. I think if more people realise if they vote for an independent who actually wants to put initiatives that contribute to their local area, rather than just look at issues that people all over australia are talking about... then our country will get a bit better. People stand to gain more by not voting for a party, all depending on who you vote for of course I'm not sticking my head in the dirt here and trying to say everything works perfectly, of course the system is fucked... but that doesn't mean it will always be fucked.
  19. Distracted

    K Rudd comeback!

    As much as you guys can say they're all the same... doesn't an Australia with Abbot as a figurehead scare you? If only for the barrage of embarrassing quotes he's bound to come up with.
  20. Distracted

    Free Club Nintendo code!

    I got apples/oranges, got any other fruit to trade or want em? :D
  21. Distracted

    San Pedro on the big screen.

    there's enough publicly viewable pedros to go around I think. Michael Cera didn't get high off the brew, Gabby Hoffmann did though
  22. Distracted

    Found this?

    The gills may look right but the cap and stem is the wrong colour, not active, do not eat. I may update with what it is later if i can be bothered to look through some books and find it.
  23. Distracted

    King of subs?

    If someone were to pick and process such a big mushroom one may want to be careful about making sure the inside of the stem and or where the stem meets the cap is dried too. That is if one were to think about long term storage. Thank the Lord no-one on this forum would do that though.
  24. Distracted

    Botanical Collections vs Drug Plants

    Settle down Matilda.
  25. Distracted

    mermaids NSFW - NOT SAFE FOR WORK
