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The Corroboree

Black Rainbow

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Posts posted by Black Rainbow

  1. I've never seen a regular TBM go for anything near $500 on the auction group, and I pay pretty close attention. Sometimes you get lucky with noobs who overbid (I think I saw an 8cm unremarkable, unnamed pachanoi pup go for $50 the other day) but if Jeans is attached to this plant auctioning with an expectation for more than $200 is a bit of a risk. I went through the past 150 or so TBM auctions on the page and the highest price one has gone for is $200 for a plant on its own roots of a similar size to Jeans' - https://www.facebook.com/groups/1316453921842330/permalink/1760240260797025

    Some other highish TBM auction bids from the group for the curious

  2. A similar sized TBM on its own roots recently went for 200 on the Aus auction group. I think you could get this or more at auction.


    Curious to hear more about your PAP opportunity. The few Australians I know who are trained in this area have had to do it through MAPS internationally. If your opportunity is in any way related to MMA I'd advise caution! 


    Good luck on your path, what an exciting time :)

  3. Thanks for your suggestions! I know there are lots of online databases that we could use to find additional texts for the loph repository. An additional strategy would be to review the reference lists of the texts we have found so far. I'd love to do all of this, but at the moment I have my hands full working on getting the rights to publish digital copies of the 200+ texts we have listed so far. If you'd like to put citations or publication rights information in this thread I'm happy to use them to update the repository, but for the moment I don't have the time to search for additional texts :(

  4. Decline in forum posts isn’t specific to The Corroboree. We considered this decline in relation to the Bluelight forum, and one possible explanation we came up with concerns how and why people are accessing different online platforms. The ease of access of FB and similar platforms has helped them become perceived as centralised social spaces, while forums such as Bluelight, Corroboree, Shroomery, etc. have become perceived less as social and more as informational. People are likely to search the forums for information but are less likely to contribute.


    Unfortunately, I’m not sure there are many forums that have retained previous levels of engagement. If trades are what you’re looking for, and you’re not wanting to use FB pages, I’d suggest trying to identify people who live nearby and who have interesting plants via FB/forum search engines and messaging them directly.


    I feel I’m a bit more pro-FB than lots of the people here, and I’d like to point at something positive that I’ve seen relevant to this issue. After the ‘mass MDMA overdose’ in Melbourne a few years back, we were surprised to see there was very little discussion about this on Bluelight, or indeed anywhere online. So, we created the Australian Harm Reduction FB page, which has been quite popular. Engagement hasn’t been huge (I think there is still a gap for online harm reduction discussion, as FB is more identifiable and people are less willing to discuss illicit use there), but this page has been incredibly useful for the mass dissemination of drug alerts. I don’t think it would be unreasonable to assume that lives have been saved as a result of this page.


    I think it is the same as anything going mainstream or public, it is a trade-off. You can engage a lot more people and spread information far more quickly and widely, but social chatter and general assholery will also increase, which you might have to pick through in order to find what you’re looking for.





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  5. I've converted this resource list into a repository by including links to full texts where this is possible on a standalone website. I'm still waiting on replies from many publishers and authors and am planning on making a few more minor changes to the site, but you can now check out The Lophophora Repository and access texts via lophophora.science

    • Like 1
  6. Hey Flux,

    Yes, I have seen reports of a similar listing on three different markets now I believe. If they are wild harvesting and marketing their product as produced from a cultivated source that is a concern, but if not, I think this is ultimately a good thing for conservation of this species. Even if it is false advertising, it suggests there is some consumer demand for sustainable product, or at least producer perception of this demand, which is also good. I thought these listings might suggest the conseracacian project has had an impact, but maybe this is just what I want to believe.

    I don't think $100 is that out there, especially when they're marketing it as a premium product. People regularly pay $50+ a dose for all types of substances. The one listing of sustainable courtii DMT I was tracking in real time appeared to sell out in less than a week. There must be a number of buyers who believe this is fairly priced!

  7. The crystal of the gods method seems to use heat during the soak (which seems a bit weird but may help extraction?) but I think more interesting is the freeze precipitation. My interpretation is that this tek suggests putting an alcohol mushroom extract in the freezer will allow the good stuff to solidify, so the alcohol can then be poured off and discarded. I'd be interested to learn if this works, and if it does, I feel the main benefit of this over the simple water extract method would be a purer final product. I feel like this would only be important if you wanted to freebase or are trying to quantify mushroom content. I think the technique described by Solly is just like the truffle magic tek, without evaporation.

    The thing is, alcohol will extract lots of things besides the good stuff from mushrooms, which is why the resulting product is darker and thicker in consistency than when water is used as a solvent. 

  8. Add water to mushrooms. Strain out mushrooms. Evaporate liquid. Add alcohol to remaining residue. Enjoy tincture.


    Interesting side discussion more relevant to water than alcohol - using acidic water may make extraction more efficient. Using heated water (<100c) can reduce extraction time but risks reducing potency. Ascorbic acid may protect psilocybin from heat degradation. 

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  9. Water is the most common solvent choice for psilocybin containing mushrooms, AFAIK. I can't think of many advantages of using either alcohol or oil over water.


    Even if you were making a tincture, it would probably be cleaner and cheaper to do a water extract first and add alcohol after. You could also add oil after.

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