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The Corroboree


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Image Comments posted by poisonshroom

  1. Did you notice any prominent stipules (the "sheath's" that protect the new growth. It looks like there may be stipular scarring, where they have fallen off, but it's hard to tell from the pictures. Also look for glands under the leaf in vein junctions (you might need a magnifying glass to see them). If it hasnt got the first its in a different family (which it kinda looks like from this picture), and if its got the stipules and glands it's possibly a psychotria. The only native sp I'v seen is the hairy psychotria (cant remember the species) around the tablelands and cape tribulation

  2. Yep - my favourite. Still standing guard next to the door - its amazing how fast it grows - I used to be able to see it growing because there is a bench right inside the door, so every day it would be slightly further above the bench. Now its taller than the door frame, so I cant compare it to anything lol

  3. Hahaha blowing - one day it will be in the ground, but for now its just in a nice big pot and seems to love it.

    Ill take some more photos soon. I love the spines - they are massive! This one came from herbalistics and it was small enough that I could put my hand over it and touch the ground on either side, and that was less than 2 years ago. Definitely my favourite and my fastest growing.

  4. Im doing a photo grow log for these and D. myoporoides which ill put up when they get bigger.

    I used 1000ppm GA-3 for 24hr, then after that nothing too special, i just kept them next to a window that gets afternoon sun and misted every time they started to get dry (never got dry on the surface). They germinated after a bit less than a month i think - ill have dates on the grow log, i just cant be bothered to go out in the cold to get my notebook :lol: the D. myoporoides was the same (even took the same amount of time to germinate and the same number germinated)

  5. Ow yea i can imagine :o The guy that fell on mine came close to a few biggish bridges and peruvians, which could have been really bad, but he got a few good cuts on his face and arms.

    The barbed spikes (and glochids on other opuntias) freak me out a bit - at least with bridgesii spines you can pull them out easy enough... i had glochids stuck in my hands for days after potting up some O. macrocentra which had all but the couple that got stuck in me cleaned off, but a big spine hitting bone sounds pretty painful

  6. Ouch - wouldnt want to get in the way of one of them :blink: probably wouldnt go too well (or would it... :innocent_n: ) at my place - last week i had a drunk friend fall onto my cactus garden - falling on one of those wouldnt end well

    nice pictures =]

  7. Hello poisonshroom, do you know what it is? I found one of these at Big W.

    Id say its a Trichocereus pachanoi or scopulicola - they are pretty common at bunnings and big w and places like that
