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The Corroboree


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  1. I could never meditate by imagining a rose and thought that I just didn't put the effort it, then a few years ago this aphantasia was discovered and it all made sense. I can't imagine being on a beach etc etc. As usual, the media makes it out to be some debilitating condition- instead its no big deal. You can't see a picture in your mind when awake but you know what things look like, you can draw, but Im not sure if your artistic talent would be lacking, but luckily you still dream. It makes me think that some people may have the auditory version, where you don't have an inner voice?
  2. Here is an update on my experiments with Galantamine now that I've been experimenting with it for months now. The first few times, with the wbtb method (sleep 6 hrs, wake up, take galantamine, back to bed) it was pretty much 100% successful. Lucid dream every time with no effort. They were rather short in duration. With time, and even with choline BT and alpha GPC, it no longer worked. Even when spaced up to 12 days apart and with double the dosage (8mg). Apparently it doesn't irreversibly damage receptors, like nicotine or opiates, but something did change. Well, last night, one week after the last failed attempt, I had the longest lucid dream ever. Felt like 20 to 30 mins. I never lost control, and did many tests such as look in mirror, observe hands, read some writing, convert it into an astral projection (unsuccesfully) etc. I took 600mg alphaGPC at bed time, 1030 PM, and 8mg Galantamine at 4AM. The main difference is that rather than drifting off with random thoughts I focussed on the blackness behind the eyes. At some stage I was awake in a dream. Now, perhaps it was a fluke, and next time it will again fail, but I am grateful it started working again and the receptors aren't screwed 🙂
  3. When I purchased it , price was around $100 for 60x 4mg capsules. Now a different brand is available, with 90x8mg for $300. Galantamind is the current one. Quite pricy, but more per dollar. Just google -> galantamind australia As an update, I find that a break of 9 or so days is required before it works again. Apparently piracetam taken just after the lucid dream can cut the time down to about 3 days. I havent tried it, but noticed that 100g of Piracetam is $58 on the same site as the Galantamind right now. I tried 8mg galantamine twice, instead of 4, withing a few days and all it did was make the dream very memorable. A friend tried it a few times, both 4 and 8 mg WBTB and it did nothing. For me , when it works, it gives me the knowledge that I am withing a dream. Other sources of G might be overseas suppliers who can get it in labelled as a vitamin or chinese chemical suppliers. The latter are cheap, for the $300 you can get ten grams of pure galantamine hydrobromide, but again, it has to bypass customs. No idea if you will get into trouble having these substances in the gram quantities, or even just the tablets, I mean they are not drugs that get you any sort of high or low but you are supposed to have a prescription. I'm sure someone on here knows the law very well 🙂 Try Huperzine first , as that is very available at the moment, and only get galantamine if that did not work. No need for alpha GPC , choline bitartrate etc. The galantamine works by itself, and if its not going to that night, the other stuff does nothing.
  4. Get it on amazon. Only ever try one substance at a time, never mix them and dont be tempted to quit early, give it time. Use lowest dosage first and increase only after a couple of weeks.
  5. Be very careful with 5HTP. I had to throw mine away yesterday. I tried it for inducing dreams. 200 mg did nothing, so I tried 400. I was sick, flu like with chills for two days. I repeated it a month later and got the same, so it was for real. Real bad crap for some people like me. And no dreams of course. 400 is supposed to be a tolerable amount, but for me was scary. The correct pharmaceutical could really help you, just keep working with your doctor and find it. BTW, Don't try to treat yourself with psychoactive drugs, they are more likely going to fuck your mind if you already have a problem. The internet is full of bs miracle cures, but I've seen the opposite occur.
  6. Its time to stock up before the Nanny country makes these impossible to get. They are less harmful than alcohol unless you're a nangaholic. Too much of anything is bad. A few people spoil it for the rest as usual.
  7. Neuroscience is not my strength, would you say that this difference is a possible reason for galantamine being effective and the other not, although both increase the ACh in the brain? I took 300ug of Huperizine A last night, this time before bed time, rather that after 4 hours of sleep, and all it did was to prevent me from sleeping. I though that perhaps it began to work at a slower pace than galantamine. I'm a bit disappointed as it is easily available and cheaper. I have suspended its use for now as I want to focus on one supplement at a time. The 50mg freebase was based on the journal article "Use of DMAE (2-dimethylaminoethanol) in the induction of lucid dreams" by W. Sergio. He claimed that after 2 weeks, the level built up and he was able to have lucid dreams of the WILD type in the mornings. I will most definitely focus on this substance again in due course as it may have helped with my everyday memory. I haven't as yet, but I soon will receive alpha GPC, 600mg. Apparently, it can also trigger lucidity by itself, according to the book "Advanced Lucid Dreaming - The Power of Supplements" and as you mention works very well with galantamine, I will will see if Huperizine can be made to work with it too. Some other things the book mentions include tiny doses of yohimbine and nicotine, although the latter is said to damage some receptors crucial for lucid dreaming. L-Dopa from mucuna pruriens is also recommended to better quality dreams. The book is rather old , so there is no mention of using huperizine or salvinorin A. Next plan of action is the alpha GPC, by itself, with galantamine and finally with huperizine, all after 4-5 hours of sleep. But first I will take P5P for a week to investigate if this form of vitamin B6 truly helps with dream recall. I'm interested in lucid dreams and etheric projection (astral projection on this plane). I've never had the latter, not even sure if it is a real thing or a type if lucid dream. Author links open overlay panel
  8. Galantamine is the real deal for lucid dreams. It worked again last night. Unfortunately the more easily available huperizine A is useless for me. Took up to 400 mcg and simply felt weird the next day. DMAE , 50mg eq. freebase for a week did nothing for dreams either. Calea has done nothing in the past, but I never took it after sleeping for 4 hours first , like needs to be done for galantamine. So I will be giving that a go in a few days, after the G has cleared from the system.
  9. Quick update, I've taken Galantamine 4mg three times now, and became lucid twice. Also been trying Dimethylamimoethanol for 5 days, 50mg, but no luck. Also tried 200ug Huperizine A twice with no effect.
  10. It was good to see our old mate selling plants at the East Vic park Markets today. I grabbed a few specimens while I was there. He had quite a few random customers, intrigued by his unusual plants.
  11. Pm sent Gonna try Huperzine A and DMAE over next few weeks as well. Can't say I have any good or bad side effects from it today.
  12. I've only had a handful of lucid dreams in my life and none for years. Last night I slept for about 4 hours and took a 4mg GalantamineHBr tablet for the first time ever. Went back to bed and fell asleep after what felt like 10 to 25 mins. And while dreaming became lucid! Incredible chemical this galantamine.
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