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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by vadub

  1. I'm going to go with Mirabilis jalapa from the looks of that seedling.
  2. Nice plant! Seems to have the same growth structure as mine. They like to put out those lateral branches at the bottom, wonder if they will root adventitiously. Where did you source yours from? Do the leaves taste mentholy bitter?
  3. Finally! I guess if there is any confusion on what the proper 'active' Calea ternifolia syn. zacatechichi looks like here it is..
  4. My clones humble origins...note the dried flower pods Rooted, after a couple of weeks outside... Starting to reach up... Not very long after putting it into a pot about 20" across Most recent shot of it flowering for the first time in its warm greenhouse home Close ups! More to come once these blossoms start opening up. I believe I read these are self fertile so it looks like I'm going to have a surplus of seed. The presence of non-placebo type constituents are abound Think this plant has a lot of potential especially working with fresh material and making sure mislabeled species are kept out of the fray.
  5. Here is a side by side comparison of the falsely labeled Calea and the active Calea ternifolia. Both are growing in a hydroponics set-up and thus the false Calea is getting huuge leaves compared to what it looks like in soil. The differences though are still clarifying to some degree. The correct version is on the right.
  6. I just give a leaf a couple quick chews (something the length of a house key) and hold it in my cheek or under my tongue until the bitterness dissipates after 10 min or so letting the saliva work its way into the membranes. Heres an idea of how big the plant is now, easily over 5 feet and getting even bushier. WIll go into the ground soon at 80 degrees Fahrenheit and 90% RH year round
  7. Not positive what the rules are regarding discussing effects or the specific use of plants but.. When you find an active cutting there is no doubt of its efficacy. I've gotten a couple other people to bio-assay my clone (1 leaf quidded) before heading to sleep. Without being prompted their responses the next day were along the lines of, "you have got to be kidding me." Yes one leaf not grams of dried material. No doubt there are plenty of bitter, astringent almost menthol tasting alkaloids in this clone. Might as well mention that Calea zacatechichi is a synonym for Calea ternifolia. C. ternifolia is used prior in literature. If you have the the ubiquitous branching triangular shaped leaf clone no its probably not going to do anything as it is shown to most likely not even be the correct species.
  8. This is Calea ternifolia sourced from the US Botanical Gardens in Washington, D.C. Pics were taken about a month and a half ago, the plant has gotten much taller and bushed out. Looked like it was going to flower but less than ideal sun exposure and cooler temps stalled things a bit. I handed it over to a friend that takes care of a huge public neotropical greenhouse exhibit who will put it in the ground there. I hope to get some nice pics of it flowering in the next several weeks. Close up of the original cutting
  9. As of now I'm mainly interested in exchanging seeds
  10. Just added a few more species and the pm is now available, please don't hesitate to shoot me one!
  11. Nicely cured salvia officinalis makes a delicious tasting smooth burning smoke with a definite head change imo. Hooray for thujone! (in small amounts )
  12. I'd pm you but it looks like I need more posts here in able to do that, I already have a sally, do you know by chance which strain you have? If I get another sally I'd like it to be the 'Luna' clone personally. Any seeds your working with at the moment I might be interested in?
  13. I thought I would simplify the seeds I have to trade... I can send to AU or the US whichever, no problemo...just interested in some new seed genetics. Open to particularly most all interesting offers...and I'll send out my end of the deal first since I'm a newb here! Acacia melanoyam Argemone mexicana Astralagus Black Cohosh Blue Palo Verde Burdock Catnip Common Sage Corydalis yanhusuo Datura stramonium Datura wrightii Delosperma bosseranum Echinea purpea Feverfew Fork-leaved sundew Hong Kong Orchid Jujube Tree Hylocereus undatus button "william" Maca Mugwort Nicotiana glauca Nicotiana rustica Passiflora incarnata Phalaris arundinacea Romney coulteri Scotch Broom Thai Holy Basil Trichocereus bridgesii Trichocereus peruvianus 'Icaros' Valerian White Sage Yarrow Yaupon Holly Yerba Mate
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