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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by freakazoid

  1. freakazoid

    bad design thread

    Oh, ooh, I've got one! How about the glass doors between the carriages on Every tangara train. Hit a bump in the tracks or whatever and they go "BANG!!" With such force like, I'm sure, just a few neutons less than would be required to shatter the glass, scaring the shit out of passengers on a regular basis. I dont think they mentioned this design flaw when they cut the ribbon at the great unveiling of the new shiny Tangara fleet.... when was that?....'88? Anyhoo..
  2. freakazoid

    Men hallucinate after eating fish

    You are in one right now
  3. freakazoid

    The Random Thread.

    They have porn here? I shall check it out but it sometimes interaction with actual responsive humans is nice too, starting to refer back to your original question
  4. freakazoid

    The Random Thread.

    Might depend on duration of visit and services included... but im just fishing for titilating details
  5. freakazoid

    Quotes of the day.

    "I got here the same way the coin did" Anton Chigurh and Cormac McCarthy
  6. The eyelashes and the anus are both definitely erogenous zones but yes, I agree, assigning them gender is a rabbit hole. And thus, cigarettes also. but I'm tempted to, at some point in the future spam my own thread with stand up comic YouTube vids talking about nicotine like it's a bitch.
  7. @MountainGoat I haven't but I will
  8. I like sharing many possible interpretations. It helps.
  9. Well, depending on how ya look at it some might say that a dick does have a opening on the other side and this is where a man keeps his.... man magic, life essence, inner self e.t.c but then you are creating the spark that allows the magic to happen now I'll go read the rest of your post
  10. freakazoid

    Post your word of the moment

  11. freakazoid

    Post your word of the moment

    From the exodus wiki link..."In these cases over 90% of the Jewish population left, despite the necessity of leaving their property behind." I thought that was quite interesting
  12. freakazoid

    Sharing knowledge

    Or perhaps, I try to enjoy empowerment in moderation
  13. freakazoid

    Sharing knowledge

    I share my ( limited ) knowledge. I hope I enrich my environment. I keep ( some/not many ) things for my self. I feel moderately empowered.
  14. freakazoid

    Sharing knowledge

    And hilarious "are you crazy? Can you give me a lift to the cemetery?" "jump in" ok ok didn't happen like that but nonetheless amusing
  15. freakazoid

    Define God

    So if he is "I am" and i am "I am" and you out there looking at this screen are you...right?.....because you are "i am" and he (or she 'eh ) is "I am" then maybe we should join forces and try and become each other's "ServantLeader" because he or you or I may or may not, actually be here
  16. freakazoid

    Define God

    I am the great "I am" not sure many different religious texts refer to him in this manner, might be an interesting search.. but that can be a pretty "hot" answer at, say, a psych evaluation
  17. freakazoid

    Youtube vids

    Spaaaaace! Ghoooooost!
  18. freakazoid

    100th Post giveaway

    Oh Kay, I reckon entries are now closed. I'll open a dialogue to discern a winner. The obtuse wattle are gooone! but I have a 1-1.5 tip cut of scopulicola definitely to post to the winner. I'll go private group message to work things out in the next few days...
  19. freakazoid

    100th Post giveaway

    *clears throut* Hiya Peeps, yes, I'm late. Following tradition; I'm gunna russle up a little, little, something, I'll visit a few of my gardens when we've found a winner. Effort will be reciprocated ;-) The Contest. Entheogens + you = "insert answer here" As stated, folks involved in thread will, in a few weeks time or whenever we call it, send a 123 vote to me to be collated I'm thinking about 12 wattle seedlings but the ones in mind I haven't checked on lately........so there she goes. Game on
  20. freakazoid

    Post your word of the moment

  21. freakazoid

    Post your word of the moment

  22. freakazoid

    don't cha love it when...

    When for a fleeting tantalizing moment you become physically aware of your heart and mind in sync. But it to give it a bit more detail, when you briefly feel your heartbeat tethered to your neurons. But to explain a bit better, you become aware of the rhythmic amplitude of your neural firing becoming excited and then fading with each beat of your heart like... ah ah! Ah! Lub OH! Oh oh Dub aaah lub oooh dub and then you think ooh, I should post that shit on some forum somewhere
  23. freakazoid

    Define God

    And sometimes lately when I think about God and the Devil I kinda click more and more into quantum physics mode so both opposing views are correct/incorrect like it's the one and the zero and I think up stuff that ends up sounding a little flippant in a discussion of such magnitude but I'm also realizing that beliefs are as individual as fingerprints. God and the Devil are real and don't exist/just made up, at the same time so then when I'm at a bar with a priest, a satanist and an atheist things get real interesting cos everyone's right and wrong
  24. freakazoid

    Define God

    I really like this thread and have dared not approach such a huge topic that peeps can hold their beliefs so cherished that even uttering a wrong.....but in the mood for a go at it right this minute so what was I saying? define God Computers in 15 years us now