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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by drugo

  1. So I ended-up scoring some much better video editing gear Check out the seriously revised edition of Dorothy's blown mind. http://vimeo.com/54913350
  2. On an average day average Sophia was sitting down by the city river enjoying the predictable taste of miso soup. Ignoring the spoon she gently took the bowl to her lips smelling the misty salt and letting it steam across her face. Glancing through the mist to her soup she was surprised to see vague patterns emerging, swirling, coagulating and forming into neat shapes. As she relaxed her beliefs a tad further, the geometry fractalled into complex high-definition motion images of people talking, laughing, walking and going about their lives. The figures then shrunk down and the images of the soup zoomed out to broader and broader perspectives revealing millions of people interacting and connected like bacteria or swarms of micro-organisms. Without thinking and yet accompanied by the sneakiest of smiles she quickly gulped the rest of the soup down, warming her hungry stomach. The day had come to an end as the first stars were hung in the sky. Gazing up Sophia suddenly felt the slight warmth in her stomach heating up. It got warmer and warmer and seemed to be filling her whole body when suddenly she was struck by an image invisible to everyone else yet blazing crystal clear right in front of her. The vision was luminous and incredibly detailed and by simply perceiving it Sophia could feel every minute detail as if her skin was watching it too. The complexity and the 'realness' of the vision overwhelmed her. She was strangely sure that she was witnessing the whole scale of life from the smallest of quantum quartz particles to cells, organisms, planets, galaxies and universes. Every detail was captured completely in an extremely dense epiphany that orchestrated all her senses in one harmonious realisation. As she allowed herself to attune to the realities unfolding, suddenly the everyday world started to vapourise and she felt the borders of her body become porous and expand to the size of the universe and beyond opening her perception to the most beautiful of scenes light-years beyond all imagining. The otherworldly realm gently vibrated with patterns that hummed so very finely, powered by an ineffable grace. Sophia turned to see a scroll facing her floating in mid-resonance. It was glowing with soft colours yellow, magenta and blue gently flickering the surroundings. She gazed upon the scroll. Red tilted words silhouetted by a glowing golden warmth began to write across the page emerging from nothing then fading back to nothing. The scroll read... ‘Dear human, welcome to the gates of knowing. First things first, I’ll give a brief outline of the cosmos and then you may play around, if you wish, and most people do wish to play a little ;) So, the reason why you humans all have micro-organisms and bacteria in your stomachs is not simply to help you live with your environments but it is based on the design of a much broader and older style of Cosmomachinery. The earth is in fact a kind of protein floating in the stomach of the giant cosmic god named Bobbita who generally spends her time residing in a variety of gardens including Eden, Yugas, and the controversial fields of McDangleberry land. Before incarnating to earth each human was originally living in the sweet realms of giant cosmic fruit waiting patiently to be eaten by the hungry gods. One day Bobbita munched a giant apple that was hosting your soul and thus ushered you down the Cosmic Thorax to your birthplace on earth. However, as I’m sure you are now aware, there are ways to transcend Bobbita’s stomach-verse and venture out into the broader realms of cosmic life. Meditation, dance, music, poetry, contemplation, crises, pain, and a variety of other things can open the gates to the hyper-physiological realms of the cosmos. But our favourites, chosen so given their expediency and power, are the ever sacred psychoactive plants and chemicals. The neat balance of 5-meo-dmt and nn-dmt in Acacia Obtusifolia, for instance, regularly offers direct access to the veins and arteries of Bobbita’s blood system. Once in this strange realm, neophytes must quickly learn to navigate by modulating the triad of attitudes, emotions, and mental acuity that all become intimately blended together with the multi-sensual resonance zone of the Rainbow Blood Realm. Songs, sigils, and other symbolic orders can help to focus and direct the Substance of Intentionality and allow one to maneuver here. When the neophyte becomes sufficient in navigating the Ship of the Rainbow Rivers he or she can then venture through Bobbita’s body encountering numerous bizarre yet strangely familiar creatures along the way. While this type of exploration is full of absolute curiosity and wonder, most neophytes want to experience, if only once, the Rainbow Blood Terminal of the god-brain where it is possible to transcend the cosmic skull and be projected out as a thought into the God Realms. Those who do not wish to travel these Rainbow Blood Realms and God thought-form Realms and prefer to enjoy the standard earth plane with all its beauty, terror, hope, irony, tenderness, misery, and wonder, there is nonetheless the cosmic journey of transphysiology to attend to at death. Whenever a human dies, the soul is quickly sucked down the Cosmic Colon where it enters a giant processing station named the Manure Heap of the Garden of Eden. From this station, souls are magnetized to the roots of trees where they are transported to the upper branches to reside in the sweet realms of fruit once again. And from here the souls must wait bathed in a sweet dodeca-sensual paradise while occasionally wondering which god will eat them and which world they will be consumed by.
  3. So it turns out that Luminous Chariot Four (Atheism) has born a renegade techno faith in machines under the auspicious title Prometheism. http://www.prometheism.net
  4. An elusive feeling had been burning in my stomach for weeks. It wouldn’t leave and when finally asked to speak up whispered ‘Words and thoughts are not our primary tools of knowing. They approximate the feeling-tones of an infinitely more optimal stratum of wisdom that flows along embodied sense perception — including along the perception of those subtle feelings in the stomach and joints. Words such as love, fear and beauty exist as opaque echoes of these ineffable currents of the sensual world. Learning to navigate principally with sensual ways of knowing maximises health and creativity. When thought is relegated to the role of assistant the spontaneous vigour of eternity is given space to breathe. Listen to your gut’.
  5. http://www.dmt.com/training_main.htm
  6. It goes without saying
  7. I don't have a tv... is it possible to stream channel 7 news online somewhere??
  8. drugo

    Huasca experiences, Santo Daime in Aus

    They were harvested from fallen trees/branches
  9. drugo

    Huasca experiences, Santo Daime in Aus

    Psychological methods are not the only guards of the gates of 'fact'. What a constipated universe that would be to 'appreciate'. Do we need to look to double blind methods to get evidence on whether our perception of the sun rising in the morning is fact? While a blind person may want evidence, those who have seen care little for such methods. This is fact. Not everyone needs be Roman Catholic. The exact same aya brew can be nothing one night to a bunch of people then mega strong the next, sometimes strong for some people and not for others then vice versa the next/same night or next/previous cup or even beginning and end of the hour can switch like crazy. Obvioulsy these realities perplex double blind methods and suggest that the phenomenological action of ayahuasca is sometimes relative to strange unknown variables or even is functioning with logics that transcend ordinary perception and thus transcend the methods we use for ordinary or empirical investigation such as gathering mean data of populations under double blind.
  10. drugo

    Huasca experiences, Santo Daime in Aus

    @ Shruman.. thnx for such a detailed response. Yeah my method for the conclusion is subjective and to some extent intersubjective ie. based on talking to certain other ethnobotany geeks. We are convinced of the experiential resonance between subs n obtus., compared to obtus. and chacruna or hostilis. You can place that knowledge where you want. I'm not sure how you read my words as an affirmation of organic over synthetic chems... but thanks for sharing the interesting study Torsten was in! Steve Beyer comments that some Shipibo aya shamans do 'diets' with asprin and connect with 'the asprin spirit', and there is the petrol spirit, and taking small amounts of arsenic brings certain spirits too according to some Upper Amazonian shamans. Or to tweak it even further, G. Townsley discussing Yaminahua phenomology talks about how shamans meet the spirits of radios and outboard motors. A strange translogical rationality is obviously at play here, one that dwells in old divergent, yet perhaps not incompadible, constructions of personhood and nature (and artifact). I've recenly found that 25i nbome with then obtus. smokin blend is a divine supernova combo (perhaps given the unique meeting of trypt. and phen.). Martin Ball, one week after trying 5-meo-dmt for the first time, then had salvia (his preferred psychedelic 'plant teacher') and mid way through the trip the experience flipped into a 'perfect 5-meo-dmt experience'. Very strange and pehaps helps your argument on the subjectiveness of trips. Yet I am still under the clear persuasion of the resonant sub. obtus. action, and that courtii is quite different to chacruna. ANd here is one more illogical, qualifed and true statement: The mind is powerful yet so is the world
  11. drugo

    Huasca experiences, Santo Daime in Aus

    Hi Shruman, nice to see others interested in such things! I didn't come to these conclusions using psychological 'double blind' approaches. I don't think you would be convinced even if I used these methods, given the example you gave. Epistemological hypochondria or chronic doubt may not be the most productive way of ascertaining fact. Plus, in trying to know psychedelic phenomenology, Nietzsche's critique of democracy (why should people vote if they are not seriously engaged in political discourse) can be exported to the study of random people using psychedelics in 'double blind' conditions. The resonance and dissonance between experiences of acacias, subs., cubes, chacruna, hostilis, etc. has been ascertained through continuously engaging with the plants and mushrooms over many years. This is not 'faith' but an old school method, one that has lasted the test of time given its concrete pragmatics. 'Verification' of 'evidence' is helped by talking with people who I know have had continuous engagement with these babies and are generally solid in their views on things. I guess I see this method as, not double blind, but triple vision to the power of normality. Acacia courtii being virtually only nn-DMT was sourced from Snu's magnum opus Garden of Eden. While it is typically thought that spiritual proof is based on 'revelation' and scientific proof based on 'method', there are definite methods involved in yanking your third-eye open, tuning in, and bring-through knowledge about 'hyperspace'. And, accordingly, things are defined true in science when methods reveal or are in 'revelation' of fact. as for hyperspace being 'fundamentally illogical', I can't help but think of Carbon Based Lifeform's 'Only illogics find hidden flaws in a straight logic line' As our brains continue to mutate our capacity to verbally register logics of hyper-modes-of-consciousness naturally optimises. The question is not, 'is hyperspace real?' but rather, 'in what ways is hyperspace real?'. From here we take psychedelic experience and then, similar to old school photography methods, apply discourse and paradigm 'dyes' and see what truths emerge from the abyss, while remembering that the best stuff always comes from the edges of fact --- in the chaos from which order is nourished.
  12. drugo

    Huasca experiences, Santo Daime in Aus

    also, acacia obtusifolia often has a bunch of the interesting synergistic chemical NMT to tango with DMT, but acacia courtii, for instance, is recorded as being purely nn-DMT and is still very very different to psychotria viridis or chacruna.
  13. drugo

    Huasca experiences, Santo Daime in Aus

    Chacruna has a very different vibe to the acacias. Chemical discourse can be distracting in trying to nut-out the differences. For instance, native Aus. subaeruginosa mushrooms (psilocybin) are much more similar to the acacias (DMT) than chacruna (DMT) is to the acacias, despite the difference in chemicals. The obvious logic is that both the native Aus woodlovin mushrooms and the acacias have lived on the same land for many many years and thus probably share the same hyperspace taverns and holiday destinations. There is more going on than chemicals. Chemicals have actions relative to unknown variables. I'm very curious to try the African or Middle-eastern acacias. Any reports here?
  14. drugo

    What is SHAMANISM?

    Interesting thoughts! Authority and authorizing the world is politically sensitive stuff, though not always a bad thing of course. But, yeah, I'm totally with you. Authority is often a grotesque beast harassing many decent folk. Also, I think that in some ways the democratisation of authority in modern society is exaggerated. Michel Foucault's thoughts on the notion of power showcase how modern people have 'internalised' the authority of elites and therefore the range of possibilities of freedom for the average person is still within the defined laws (cultural and legal) of the elites --- the criminalisation of drugs over the last 100 years exemplifies this. F. says that we have swallowed the shackles of society, the rules have gone underground and become implicit to our choices and perspectives. We no longer are beaten into submission with fists and bats but are cajoled or persuaded into being zombies with indoctrinating audio/visual/symbol electronic-boxes in our living rooms. Sneaky, subvertive, and totalitarian or common. Having said all that, I am impressed by those people I meet who are 'self-shamanzing' in their own ways, sometimes without any entheogens, sigils, magical language, or even spirituality, but with a sense of engaging in the co-creation of reality, say through music, art, socialising, or simply exploring the journey.
  15. drugo

    What is SHAMANISM?

    Does that mean only 'black' people can be shamans? What about brown people? What about a 'white' person raised 100% by 'black' people, or partly raised, or even simply initiated by the 'black' person? What about the bogan white aussies who spend 50 years on Bondi beach and become brown?
  16. Love knows your ways Love sees your thoughts Love smells your fears Love touches your core Love dreams in colour Love surprises again Love shares no rules Love takes no prisoners Love knows no boundaries Love beckons the sky Love opens your heart Love warms the sun Love cherishes the storm Love tastes like tears Love salts your dinner Love fucks like crazy Love speaks in silence Love knows your ways Love blurs the horizon Love blinks your eyes Love takes a breath Love resides in pain Love carries the load Love moves the stars Love corrupts the mind Love laughs at truth Love giggles at sanity Love shimmers in water Love brings the impossible Love nourishes life Love forgets tomorrow Love begins forever Love dances for all Love seeks out joy Love surrenders to love And Love Knows Your Ways
  17. A ruler with no rules, equipped with buckets of love and a few essential drops of insanity for good measure. And yes folks we must measure it all. The best way to control things is to measure them. To organise, despise and desire them. Yet these perfectly measured shackles made her saviour every drop of freedom that fell down the wrinkles above her cheeks, salty, awestruck, as the quintessence of feeling and connection. So I stoped caring. Who wouldn’t. No really. I mean caring means feeling and feeling means risk. Didn't you hear? The water is cold down there and piranhas love the cold. Well truth be told they actually hate the cold to the point of needing to viciously attack all things with the ultimate goal of forgetting the reasons for hatred and normalising destruction as baseline reality then exporting this morphology to anyone available. The jungle thrives on crunching jaws and unexpecting bodies. My dentist told me to dream. She said it is important for the teeth. The brighter the dream the shinier the teeth. So I dreamt of paradise where graffitited on the walls said "Don’t eat the apple or you’ll birth a world of shit! Once the apple is digested the nutrient rich slimy turd factory is born". While echoing across earth, the waiting room of the drooling and incapacitated moaned “Have no fear, the beginning is the end!”. Oh death you taste as orgasmic as change. Please mosquitos bite me just so I can scratch the bites and doctor please watch the trees secrete juicy angel nectar with roots digging the ground and feeding on the urine and shit of the demonic and demented. Slopped on the table of opulence in random amounts for random consumption, the cosmic soil spoils the controlling wonderment of measurement. Yet why even try to ignore the shit. It is as natural as rivers, as organised and agile, factitious and true as faces in the clouds crying golden, yes, nitrogen rich golden waterfalls of urine. "GO spark and electrify your personal mercurial bandwidths of consciousness today for only $5.95! This exclusive offer includes 720 bits per rainbownic second divided by anal excretion to the power of god unwittingly entangled in the smiles of Orphic masks swarming three hundred and sixty degrees". The accused is guilty, your honour, of unleashing synesthetic punishments that excite the pleasures of time. The beast must be kept hidden, dark in the recesses of promise. Apprehension, tension and released, while cutlery chimes in chaotic peripheries to the hum of desire. With smiles, napkins and all.
  18. drugo

    Nimbin Mardi Grass Meet 2012

    Mind Candy sat-sun at the Town Hall will be an interesting forum http://www.nimbinmardigrass.com/2012/Mind_Candy.html
  19. I like your creativity! The Bahai ideal of absolute tolerence and complete individual freedom is a nice ideal, embracing all the lovely postmodern aesthetics of relativity and partiality, but in practice these contridictions are no doubt slippery and troublesome. The absolute freedom of individual truth and practice would surely amount to chaos and an unharmonic shit-fight on the Bahai wing of the Abrahamic chariot. Plus the whole 'independent' investigation vibe is too lonesome, hermit and neoliberal (read capitalism) for my liking. I'd probably go the indigenous chariot, given the access to sacred plants, tribal beats and art, in social life.
  20. http://www.theage.com.au/victoria/the-drugs-in-the-mail-20120426-1xnth.html More Australians are buying illegal drugs from internet websites and having them delivered by regular post straight to their door. Eileen Ormsby reports on the new frontier of drug dealing. IT'S JUST like eBay, complete with vendor feedback, sales, prize giveaways, gift certificates, and escrow and dispute resolution services. But Silk Road doesn't sell CDs or used clothing - it's a one-stop, internet shop for illegal drugs. Buyers quoted on the site's forums say the drugs are cheaper and of higher quality. Customers are also keen on the fact that they no longer have to meet an unknown dealer in a dark alley somewhere. And the delivery of drugs bought (illegally) on the Silk Road website is not carried out by a typical drug dealer - it's done by the postman. A growing number of people in Australia have abandoned traditional channels for buying illicit drugs in favour of purchasing them on Silk Road...
  21. Why not? I'm genuinly interested why you think its not a good idea.
  22. drugo

    What is SHAMANISM?

    The politics of authenticity or validity in relation to defining shamans is a really interesting question. "Is he a shaman, or a charlatan, a plastic-psuedo-shaman, or..?" It appears to me that while the character 'shaman' and shamanism is inextricable tied to notions of European history and modernity (ie. is a 'projection' of the west), it nonetheless is today personally being taken up by various indigenous folks. So despite being an invention of the 'western' imagination and steeped in the cultural complexes of European secular and religious history, the 'shaman' today may also act as a platform for political and spiritual mediums and processes of intercultural communication and translation. The self-proclaimed shipibo ayahuasca 'shaman' draws on the historical imagination of western culture in his proclaimed identity in order to speak to the 'white man' and create the possibility for hybrid worldviews to emerge. Personally I think that the authenticity of a shaman should be measured not by some absolute definition in terminology (such as adhering to a 'worldwide logics of shamanism', as if something even exists) but by the moral and political (read spiritual) impact of the person on the world.
  23. Great Study! Gee the medical side-effects are a bit over the top. I'm surprised it is so popular. Interesting that internet forums and word-of-mouth seem to be its dominant forms of advertisement. Thanks for posting it