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The Corroboree


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Status Replies posted by Alchemica

  1. Hi mate, I would love some Ashwagandha seeds and any Romanesco broccoli if still available!

  2. hey Al,

    thank-you for posting such lovely photos of your flowers of love and sharing your heartfelt emotional journey buddy. best wishes and more power to ya.



    1. Alchemica


      Thanks @etherealdrifter, means a lot to have your kind words and for you taking the time to stop by. Best wishes in return.

  3. Happy days then


    1. Alchemica


      Have to fall to the bottom of the abyss so you can bounce back in such a way!  It was seemingly hopeless but there was only one way to go left other than killing myself and thankfully I just hung in there long enough for things to do a drastic turn around when I was least expecting it.

      Best wishes!

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  4. Happy days then


    1. Alchemica


      Thanks @ThunderIdeal

      All is going really well, happy days, free from all the things holding me back.and nice and mentally healthy now. Free of the tics, voices and addictions.

      Feel like a new spirit. How's life treating you?

      Picture of the transition:


    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

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