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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by etherealdrifter

  1. etherealdrifter

    Native Ephedra Book

    you said this b4 T!
  2. etherealdrifter

    Native Ephedra Book

    add a reply cunt
  3. etherealdrifter

    Native Ephedra Book

    actually,it's ssssssssssome seeds from herbatrannycxzajjj'''
  4. etherealdrifter

    Native Ephedra Book

    i've got one sida rhombifolia growinhg\
  5. etherealdrifter

    Native Ephedra Book

    i've got one sida rhombifolia growinhg\
  6. etherealdrifter


    i just larfed me ars off
  7. etherealdrifter


    you shood,make a,dance and shimmer avatar
  8. etherealdrifter


  9. etherealdrifter


  10. etherealdrifter


  11. etherealdrifter

    New Year's Resolution

  12. etherealdrifter

    New Year's Resolution

    I'l be the the first cacti customer you have order #1. do u sell any HornamenTAls?
  13. etherealdrifter


    i hear him he clearly states: "I see the seagulls of your mums" we can make this happen. instructions -people in Boston experience magicians." and so on and so on.... (clap loudly) .......loudly
  14. etherealdrifter

    kraftwerk and hwbr

    Hi centipede! Salutations >The man machine - 1978 , was i was raving about. Helps me when i'm working "We are the robots....... love ya dance avatar/picy. it's be cool if u click on it and it plays a sound byte/bit/byebyebyte/bytenbyte/oontunitofbyte
  15. etherealdrifter

    kraftwerk and hwbr

    sorry i edited this thread "In a State of mind" All i was tryng to say was that Kraftwerk sounds different(weirder & better -if thats possible lol) on hbwr Fresh seeds otta the pod, was the last thing i remember my friend saying
  16. etherealdrifter

    Khat on ABC's "All in the Mind" on Radio National

    great series. this was part3 http://www.abc.net.au/rn/allinthemind/stories/2010/3092672.htm
  17. etherealdrifter

    drug busts

    Fuck lot of good it did the brumby govt. Head adviser to Brumby, Um er, i know, lets bust up all these allegal viet refos growing dope" Brumby, "Er yes? dope.what's that?" Aweek later, brumby's gone.
  18. etherealdrifter

    Help the Shulgins

    I'm no chemist. but i have read pihkal & tihkal front to back. and followed the shulgin story for as long as i can remember........and i find it absolutely, astounding that any member on THIS forum could front up and suggest that they're rich from selling millions of books - "they surely don't need donations do they?" or words to that effect. All Ann is merely trying to say is "show your support(and if u can help with med bills-that would be extremely helpful) thats all. I normally dont get so fired up but.... then again, it's christmas time and it's usually the time to go all postal. As for "i dont prescribe to leary shulgin charles manson type hero worship) i dont feel they should get preferential treatment just because of a superimposed morality based.....more or less on drug creation." ???? Go read "The Family" by Ed Sanders and then discuss the similarities between Manson and shulgin. One used drugs directly to mindmeld weak people into killing defenseless souls, the other used an empathogen analogue to help people - until the fda got all up in his face about it. I'm not writing this to offend..............i just wanted to share a little bit of my mind set.thats all. peace
  19. etherealdrifter

    Quotes of the day.

    Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored." — Aldous Huxley (Complete Essays 2, 1926-29)
  20. etherealdrifter

    Youtube vids

  21. etherealdrifter

    Youtube vids

    Fuckn mesmerized me. unbelievable , how the human body can morph . killa moves
  22. etherealdrifter

    recurring teeth dream

    Yes, Yes, good 'ol Dr toothurty. "Hey Doc, the knock out gas you gave me was grous. I mean , it really works. My toof extwacshun wov painwess, but.....howcum my bum'ol is bleedn?
  23. etherealdrifter

    Youtube vids

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C7prENXU09A Dave chappelle show