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The Corroboree


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Posts posted by mutant

  1. thanks for honesty

    now that's an interesting chart and yeah everyone does it with computers nowdays, not manually ..

    one would argue there are two different grand trines.. also the chart is very unbalanced, not unlike mine, but this one is even more..

    lots of earth and fire in your chart... also an 'easy' chart, lots of positive aspects, and only one or two negative ones..

    for what its worth, I dont see egoism as a flaw, but rather as an essential and misunderstood element of the human nature: the fire element...

    phlosophical hostility towards egoism is common both in hippy/neohippy/neo psychedelic communities as well as left-wing, anarchist, anarchocommunist groups: egoism is regarded not only as a flaw, but also a flaw that capitalist society installed in you.

    This is serious bollocks IMO, because even though capitalism indeed supports antagonism between individuals, people still have personalities and characters.. Just because I am somewhat leftwing, it doesn't mean I will blame everything to society and capitalism..

    lack of air and lack or water , search/google for their astrological importance in a chart... this might be one of the most important problematic parts in your chart.. and not the egoism...

    PS: i am not really the athletic type, but Tai chi seems pretty awesome for a martial art that is!

  2. oh yea the dreaminess! it just turns you into a pro dream-0-naut. Like conscious dreaming.

    It felt like strong and gentle for me...

    In a way it was strong but was screaming about it... its a dissociative (anesthetic) after all

  3. I hear you about having major planets including governor of your chart Jupiter residing in 1st house..

    makes the aries element in you stronger..

    the grand trine probably makes you all the more egoist and firey and me first.

    so you seem to be strong on earth and fire signs . you probably have exceedingly much fire too... (I do have an exceedingly firey chart myself) an interesting thing to check would be to see if you have a lack of airy signs or lack of watery signs.. you can tell this by counting how many planets you got in water signs and how many planets you have in air signs (MC and ASC count as a planet) . There a formula to tell if you lack some element and if yes, what the interpretation might be.. lack of water might mean lack of empathy and emotional depth/intelligence , lack of air might mean problematic communications/socializing

    would love to check your chart with my eyes, pm me if youy like

  4. Amanitas have been classed by some as deliriants, but there are few reports to suggest this. Besides, you need a sitter to tell the story of a wild break-through experience, as the tripper will probably remember few stuff.

    A.muscaria contains traces to little muscarine, which is what is the antidote for tropane poisoning and which is what probably causes oversalivation and stomach pain in some people...

    It seems the species varies around the globe. Muscarine content probably varies too..

    re>> dosing

    dried material is vague... material from both stems and caps can have as low as half the potency of the same weight of caps material! This is coming from a japanese scientific paper analysizing contents ot ibotenic acid and muscimole in different parts of the mushroom..

  5. paradox >>>

    the state of pointlessness is the end of the path, the core of life, the philosophy of all philosophies, the meaning of life, the oneness in everything............................ that or depression...

    OK since all (most) seem to talk about how we should treat other people (love flowers etc)

    here's my take on how to treat people

    1. avoid to revenge people, but only to the point they dont think you're a pussy and abuse you in whatever way

    2. avoid being mean to people, but only if they're good hearted, well-meaning, naive

    3. avoid critisizing people by what they say, unless they're plain idiots

    How's that you hippy bastards?

  6. being a super sagi with Jupiter in its own house (9th, in conjunction with Mars for those who might suspect what that might mean)

    I have to say that Uranus rules for many reasons!

    1st that uranus X mercury conjuction is fucking swell and brilliant , read it up !

    2nd, uranus is the governing planet of the seemingly weird but awesome sign of Aquarius..

    3rd because uranus is freedom of intelligent speech and whatnot

    PS: Has to be said sagittarians like aquariums

    • Like 1

  7. when it comes to air signs, I would gonna have a real problem astrologically speaking, since I have my mercury in the 12th (a sure communication handicap) and I lack real air sign influence BUT, I am saved by the amazing uranus ~ mercury conjuction which makes me unique, very intelligent, and willing to communicative and in need to communicate my initiatives...

    aquarius ( aquariums is a nice nick) is the most weird of us all... they're perhaps the most liberatarian, the most humanist and collective, and yet one of the most free spirited of the signs...

    I got into astrology natal charts, remembering some previous interest, probably because of aquarius.... an aquarius girl... certainly looked into astrology because I could ΝΟΤ understand what the fuck was going on since we liked each other a lot, as it seemed..

    anywayz >> Dont really try to understand Aquariums... they are troubled, intelliigent and free... as a super sagittarian, I like a true , super Aquarius, but I dont really understand them... I would have to have more air to do this no?

    OK, now this about Libra... MY whole generation has Pluto on Libra, the 79 crowd, yo... probably more years, till this planet moving... Dont have much of you on me its a fact... NOW there are a couple things I dont like in a libra.... not being able to tell opinion, to hold that opinion, to not be diplomat for once.. other than that a libra is a perfect guy to discuss anything, he might be a pussy, especially if he is a man, but he can discuss anything objectively without being offended... women libras can be a pussy too, but they can be saxy in doing it.. Would love doing a libra.... and all the flirting along that,...

    bottom line is I kind like libra fear of deciding extreme stuff, their fear of making a bold decision, because I like their tendency and liberty to talk about anything... And at the same time I hate how they cant take a stand on a matter....

    to be honest, male libras are known softies.... and they literally need a mate this sign...

    Geminis, now... Luv geminis, got many friends... smart, supposedly the smartest of the fucking bunch of 12

    geminis, those fuckers can do the worst jokes and farce and walk cool.,... reall smart, reall communicative,

    real shallow and I sometimes wonder how intelligent and shallow go together...

    I like geminis wit, and the whole sign tendency to bring broadness and carelessness might be one missed trait of this otherwise funny zodiac sign ... At least those mofos seem to appreciate life... even when it seems harder to do so ....

    I would say more about geminis, but I dont have so much jokes as geminis.. fuck them geminis and all fucking air's signs and all this shit..

    • Like 1

  8. after some attempts of me narcisus getting attention with astrology , with variable results , like




    I had to do this, and I joyfully do/did/be doing this.. out


    There has to be said that there no better zodiac positions than others, or at least this is the challenge of our lifes... but I cannot be really objective and us believers has all favourite signs!

    me I love fire signs, we are all awesome, especially us sagis... aries can be a a pain in in the ass with their hastiness, and tendency to injure everyone including them selves, but they nevertheless awesomely first to go and restart... all

    saggitarians, leos, aries , luv and how couldnt you love them?

    especially us sagis , the most supposedly irritating thing about is that we are enthousiastic and fucken children . leo are proud and creative and even if they're jealous and possesive, they dont show it...

    all are real, great egoists, in their own sense, which might ring some bells to real philosophers about what hapiness is about...

    ##### (sun in sagit, asc in sagit, moon in leo, sun in 1st house (Aries) ####

    lets go to water... well I dig some scorpio element, not for my girl though, I think, not second time and especially not with that scorpio asc X scorpio girl, which has her very nice elements though,,, shit, dunno , now that I am drunk enough.... I am more atttracted by her gemini friend.... This scorpio is most definately not for me .... needless to say, scorpio is deep and deep is nice exploring the truth and be able to transform ... I like that I have some scorpio in me, enough to think of revenge and stories in my mind, but not enough or not enough fucked up to feel it threatening my sanity.. on the contrary its liberating in a sense...

    anyways... scoprio is decent, is strong, dont really fuck with scorpio... I am all fire but respect scorpio for a couple things...

    pisces, like them, got some in me... esoterica, introvertion, the hidden, the untold, the unspoken... how could I tell you here about them? its lots of stuff I dig them... Drugs is also a piscean subject, like that too. Also find interesting that piscean people relate themselves better with hospital/institutional stuff better, like in keywords "prison" and "mental house"

    cancer ## now this zodiax sign is of some problem to me as I totallly dont seem to fit / match with those people even though I often find cancer women sexy and attractive.... what a bummer... I have many friends that are somewhat cancers, and my father is too.. I have to make friends with cancers and their mentality if I am to find peace in this world... or at least thats what I am thinking of the combination astrology experience with past shit....

    cancers misunderstand everything and often miss what the fuck humour, sarcasm and all playing aroung is about ... get fucking real and stand up for your sensitivity you fucking softies... we need your sensitivity yuo fucken idiots dont mijsjudge every fucking thing one might think about you.. you got your home, your sense of security, we dont come to steal you that , just to see what the fuck you standing for... peace out

  9. nice funny text about sagi-man


    "/ hope no bones are broken?" "None to speak of," the Knight said,

    as if he didn't mind breaking two or three of them. "The great art of riding, as I was saying,

    is-to keep your balance properly. Like this, you know-"

    He let go the bridle, and stretched out both his arms

    to show Alice what he

    meant, and this time he fell flat on his back,

    right under the horse's feet.

    I don't want to discourage you, but Sagittarius men have this odd habit. They leap on a big, white horse and go charging through the streets, waving a sword and defending causes. Then they have another idiosyncrasy. They tumble around like clowns in a circus, indiscriminately mixing with (he elephants and the bearded lady, gaily scooping up cotton candy.

    He can be captured with certain maneuvers. But first you've got to get him down off that white horse, away from those elephants, and of course the bearded lady has to go. Causes and circuses don't leave much time for family life, let alone sentimental hand-holding.

    You have one thing going for you right away. So many Sagittarians charge around and tumble through life that you'll have plenty to choose from. Remember the Victor Herbert refrain; "Give me some men who are stout­hearted men, who will fight for the right they adore; Start me with ten, who are stout-hearted men, and I'll soon give you ten thousand morel"? It happens like that. The idealistic enthusiasm and curiosity of a Sagittarian man is contagious. Of course, sometimes his innocent exuberance can get a little out of hand. Like he'll throw you up in the air in a moment of mad, impetuous exhilaration-and forget to catch you.

    There's almost always a crowd around him. That's an­other obstacle. You'll have to push your way through all those people to get near him. But don't get pessimistic- because this man is an optimist supreme. He's so optimistic, if his enemies mailed him a huge carton of manure, he wouldn't be offended. He'd just figure they forgot to include the horse. That kind of optimism can be dangerous. It's really just another term for blind faith. The Sagittarian man has stacks of it. Now, blind faith is fine. I'm all for it, being a fire sign myself. But it can lead to trusting with such naive belief that he frequently falls into puddles. It's easy to fall into puddles when you're running with a bow and arrow, always looking up in the sky for some high goal no one else has ever had the courage to aim for-or no one else ever had the lack of common sense to try to reach.

    Trusting is great, but trusting the wrong people can slow down even a race horse. In the strict sense of the word, he's not a misty dreamer. His dreams are always scrutinized by Jupiter's intelligent logic and compelling curiosity. If they stand up under the frank investigation of a Sagit­tarian, they're probably as practical as they are wild, even if the world isn't quite ready for them. Once he's established that there's some hope of fulfillment, he lugs out his paint pots and colors his practical dreams with the most vivid and courageous imagination this side of the designers of the Edsel. But the fuddy duddies are always waiting to stomp on progressive ideas and strangle them before they've had the chance to prove themselves, and you know how many fuddy duddies there are around.

    His soaring imagination can cause him to fall down or go busted. But wonderfully. Lady Luck has a way of rescuing him just in time. This man is usually so lucky it's disgusting and illegal. He could go prospecting in the hills, bring back a bag of rocks, find out they're not gold, cry awhile, then discover they're uranium. If you pick up that shiny object at your feet near the subway grating, it will be a piece of tinfoil from an old chewing gum wrap­per. If he picks it up, it will be a chip from the Hope Diamond Harry Winston dropped when he was hailing a cab.

    Naturally, with that kind of luck, he's optimistic. There's always that day when a rock is a rock and tinfoil is tin­foil, but the typical Sagittarian recovers quickly from such crushing blows. Your Jupiter man is very much that way about love. He's lucky. When he isn't, he recovers quickly. He discriminates against dishonesty, but that's about all, which is why he has so many friends and well-wishers. He looks beyond the external appearance of people for a truer, more intrinsic value. Not that he doesn't have enemies. There are a few, but far less than the number accumulated by other Sun signs. People who have been stung by his frank remarks may glare at him and feel like strangling him, but they usually come around to realizing his harmless intent. The sin of the Sagittarian male is tactlessness and thoughtlessness, never deliberate cruelty.

    You may have discovered by now that his speech is as direct as his symbolic arrow. He can say outrageous things, and if you're in love with him, he may get away with it. But yotfll have every right to take offense when a Sagit­tarian man who has just met you gazes at you frankly with his bright, alert eyes and remarks that you're just the kind of woman a man would choose for a mistress. Just as you're ready to clobber him, he'll get an innocent, boy­ish look on his face, and explain with disarming candor that what he really meant was, well, the kings and aristoc­racy back in the middle ages married for convenience. Their wives, therefore, were often ugly, drab creatures, with good blood lines. But their mistresses were beautiful and brilliant, the kind of girls they would have chosen to fall in love with and marry, if the rules had been different. He's been reading up on it, because he's always been curi­ous about that particular period. You may calm down, and even feel a little smug. You'll also be impressed. How many men spend hours reading history when they don't have to do it? He might even be a genius. Just think, you could be the wife of an intellectual! Wrong. You could be the mistress of an intellectual. By the time he has you ga-ga over his brain, you won't realize that, had your reaction been agreeable to his original proposition-and make no mistake, that's what it was-he would have moved in fast, and you would be a fallen woman.

    Of course, not every female would accept such a fum­bling explanation of an obvious pass; but it doesn't matter. Even after his victims explode in indignation, they return. to be the Sagittarian's close friends again, when their anger cools. That should show you just how much danger you're in with this apparently harmless chap. With that candid, naive grin, he doesn't bear the faintest resemblance to a wolf. He looks more like a Boy Scout troop leader.

    But he is not a boy scout in romantic matters. It would pay to keep that in mind when he asks you to go hiking.

    The Sagittarius male lives his romantic life on a surface level, but he's honest about it. (After all, if you'll brush those sentimental cobwebs out of your ears, you'll remem­ber he did say mistress. He did not say wife. He is not a king. And these are not medieval times.) Sagittarius seeks casual relationships, and sometimes they can get so casual they're downright promiscuous. Occasionally, the shenani­gans of an archer can put a Scorpio to shame, and I prom­ise you it takes a great deal to put a Scorpio to shame.

    Let's get back to his honesty. It's a safer subject. If you've learned through bitter experience how fickle other men's vows of eternal devotion can be, you'll welcome his frankness. You won't even flinch when he tells you how many affairs he's had, and what he expects of this one with you, all very clearly and logically. He won't know­ingly tie a legal knot with a lie in his heart or on his lips, but somehow, he can get himself involved in a flirtation which tangles itself into a proposal (possibly from the girl, not him), and have to run like sixty to avoid the altar. Since he's a little clumsy, he may trip, and shell catch him before he gets too far away. In that event, he'll think it Over and illogically decide that, since she appealed to him in one way-either physically or mentally, no matter which-she'll eventually appeal to him the other way. He'll give in, get married, and the seeds for another Sagittarian divorce have been planted. His normally de­pendable reasoning powers seem to desert him when he's romantically trapped.

    Women often misinterpret the attitude of a Sagittarian, and think the relationship is more serious than it really is, and this same quality also sometimes makes it appear that he seeks a dark liaison, when he's only after a light, non-physical friendship, or just a girl to pal around with. It seems the archer loses both ways. But he's lucky, and most of his messes turn out straight. He's a flirt, that can't be denied, but he's not looking for sex alone. He likes variety and mental stimulation. If a woman gets sticky when he was only diverting himself, hell try to pass the whole thing off as a joke. She may definitely miss the punch line. (Remember how unsuccessful the typical Sagittarian is with jokes.) Lots of Sagittarians get accused of making passes at every good-looking receptionist or pretty girl they see-sometimes even the little old woman who sells news­papers on the comer, or a lady policeman. Now, no man in his right mind would seriously flirt with a lady police­man-at least, not while she's on duty-so you can see that unjustified suspicion is annoying to the archer. In all fairness, most of the time, he was just being breezily friendly.

    If you're a smart girl, who uses her head for something besides an object to poke under a hair dryer-and you'd better be, because these men insist on intelligence in a woman-you'll have caught on by now. Don't be jealous. Don't be suspicious. Give him lots of rope if you want to hang him eventually. Don't question him, weep, nag or threaten to leave him. Smother him with freedom. Imagine how refreshing that would be to him. If you take life in the same spirit he does, and take people as you find them, you have the basic requirements of being his kind of wife-woman. As long as you're basically honest with each other, flying kites together can be a ball. Why worry about when they'll hit the ground? They look so beautiful and free, soaring up there in the sky. No, you don't have to give this man everything he wants to get him. Just be what he wants. Be wide-awake-let him direct and dominate your energies. Love sports. Go camping with him and take your St. Bernard along for a chaperone. Be generous, affection­ate, enthusiastic, and don't try to keep him locked up in your pantry making fudge every night. Make it clear he can't keep you all to himself, either. Let him know you're a free spirit, just as he is. Never throw water on his fiery ideas, and keep yourself busy with other things while he's out shooting his arrows at impossible targets. That way, he'll tell you honestly some lovely night that you are just about everything he needs in a woman. Once he's gone that far, then tell him just as frankly that he's okay in your book, too, but it's time to make a decision. Point out that you like him so much you'd even consider marrying him, if he'd promise not to interfere with your freedom. Otherwise, you really don't have any more time to camp around with him. It's a shame, you're so compatible, but you've always been curious what it would be like to have children. Motherhood is a new kite you'd like to fly. Be sure to arrange for an old flame to call you on the phone in the middle of your speech. Accept the date casually, in front of your archer. When you hang up, smile brightly and remark that there's no reason why you can't still good friends. Then invite him to come along on your date, so he won't have to sit around all by himself. That should do it. (You're welcome!)

    After you're married, you probably won't have in-law trouble. Many Sagittarians are shockingly disinterested in family ties. They don't accept the theory of loving blood relations unless they deserve loving. Even those who are fond of their parents and brothers or sisters manage to keep a healthy distance. They visit and show warm affec­tion, but they never expect relatives to interfere with their private lives. Better see that your own relatives don't meddle, either.

    Keep your suitcase packed. You'll be doing a lot of traveling. You'll still want to take the St. Bernard along on camping trips-not as a chaperone anymore, but be­cause your new husband loves animals. (Tell the dog it's okay now, he doesn't have to stand guard outside the tent flap.) Keep yourself busy and give him as many nights out as he needs. Never question his honesty. When he's in a temper, the archer can break down a door, or punch a hole through a wall. He's just letting off steam, but it does make a lot of work, and how many times can you call the plasterer? It's a lot easier on everyone's nerves not to accuse him of a lack of integrity in the first place. When he does something wrong, he'll almost surely tell you. That will be hard enough to take without worrying about imaginary things. Practice facing his frankness, if that tomorrow ever comes, and be prepared to know he still loves you, instead of chasing after false rumors today. Be as practical as he is about human emotions. You'll be surprised how strong love can grow in such honest soil. Truth has a way of encouraging permanence in a rela­tionship.

    You'll have to put in some hours being a Polly-put-the-kettle-on woman. Since he's a sports fan, he'll probably ex­pect you to watch all the big games on TV with him. But he'll also take you along to all his many social activities if you're pretty and fun and you like people. Sagittarians can't stand droopy clinging women who aren't good mixers. He'll be proud of any special talents you have, and do try to have one or two. Read lots of books, and be prepared to defend a few of his causes, especially the lost ones. -'

    He may be a little extravagant, and he'll like an oc­casional game of chance, but the same impulse will make him pretty generous about your spending money, if he's a typical archer. He probably won't mind if you want to work to buy yourself extras.

    Expect a little forthright criticism, often painfully lack-; ing in tact. You should be used to it by now. Let it pass. You'll be busy enough patching up the damage with his friends. You're supposed to understand him, remember? You gave him that, the night you forced the issue.

    He'll enjoy the children more when they're older, but babies and toddlers might puzzle him a little. Sagittarius fathers usually love to take the youngsters on outdoor excursions. He may be closer to the boys and share their sports and activities, but he'll be tender with the girls. They'll find him more of a pal than a father image. The older they get, the closer they'll be to him. Now and then, his frankness may disturb them when they need privacy. Children are sensitive about their secrets, and their feel­ings may suffer from his curious questions and plain-spoken observations. Youthful escapades will amuse him rather than anger him, but his very tolerance might keep them in line. He'll probably be strict only if they tell a lie. It will be one of the few occasions they'll feel his dis­pleasure. Don't ignore him for the little ones. When he wants you to fly some kites with him, drop the diaper pins and the talcum, call a sitter (not your mother) and go.

    The archer thinks with both his heart and his mind. He won't always be wise. Sometimes he'll be foolishly coura­geous. He'll stumble and fall, then get up and try again. But you'll forgive him for almost anything, because he'll set your heart free with a very great gift-an honest love.

  10. ohcactusisgood>>well , not pennies... it looks as if he adjusted the prices to more normal... thats good...


    philocacti>> check out pimento's post and crest and zellys comments + pics in page one of this thread..

    The characteristic in my clone is the general lack of many spines, the thin narrow wavy edges (from time to time) and the tendency to make penises, either as a normal branch or extending from the mainbody.. and the tendency to be often spineless, when making a real crest

    PS: Looking for buying or trading the cresty/spiny strain

  11. so its a taurus - gemini mixture... awesome... gotta love natures irony in it all...

    many are born from 20 -24 of each month

    many have an ascedant or a moon that is contradictory to their sun.

    Hey T,

    hope you live as many years and many more and as interesting as those first one half of yr life

    cheers, peace, justice, sweet to the sweet, knowledge, and playfulness


    I feel like saying this, and this is a tribute to T alone, I think.

    I have always showed an inapproriate, provokative, debative, often agressive behaviour in interwebz destinations and IRL alike ... Havent really found a place where I kind of enojoy being part of the collective... except here! I haven't done very well with political collectives in the past, and I now know I am a strong egoist, not really good with collectives and all.... during the years, I have somewhat changed, but what hasnt changed is the fact that I pride to the fact I have been the tiniest but all the same alive part of this awesome thing, SAB, an australian (ethno)botanical forum, the earliest, and the most important of its kind.

    The absolute freedom of speech enjoyed here really has no match. All my respect to T, father of SAB

    Well, this is forum has always stayed with me not only becuase it tolarated with me, but becuase of the way it handled mishaps and all kinds of shit.. and a well maintained |bitches" section, which all forums should have ..

    cheers , ciao,


    • Like 2

  12. I am off, they died becuase I didnt give a tent.. forgot all about it, never used a tent in bigger pups and parts...

    am offering the winner, seeds from the hottest peppers I make this year , will be close to the competition ending... when the peppers make fruits...

    do you think I should try again? :) to try to graft once more?
