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The Corroboree


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About plainswalker

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    Day Tripper

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    z9 USA
  1. plainswalker

    I want to make a permanent plot of various plants

    Maybe dig a pond that will fill with rainwater and plant next to it? The clay should keep the water from seeping away if you do it right, then plant useful shade trees around to shade the water from sunlight/evaporation. Then plant the psychotrias and other water-needy species near the pond. I'd suggest watching 'Establishing a Food Forest The Permaculture Way' by Geoff Lawton for some ideas on plants and what to do with land so that plants will grow and be productive absent human nurturing. His 'Harvesting Water the Permaculture Way' video is good and helpful too.
  2. plainswalker

    sexing plants

    Cannabis is dioecious, meaning plants are either wholly male or female. Leonotis is a hermaphrodite. It has perfect flowers, meaning each flower contains both male and female parts.
  3. plainswalker

    "True Blue" Peruvianus

    If I hear one more "True Blue"... No one knows where the myth came from, but we certainly know the person who keeps perpetuating the myth! You're keeping it alive by yourself! Let it die already.
  4. plainswalker

    My first loph fruit!

    Regular caespitosas aren't self-fertile? I thought they were.
  5. plainswalker


    You can't link pics from that website.
  6. plainswalker

    Growing "Peyote" and "False Peyotes" from Seed

    Nice to see this thread back on track. I have been wondering about the pollination of many cacti species and if species are self-fertile or self-sterile. Anyone have any info on any species and whether or not it can produce seeds by itself? I am specifically interested at the moment about ariocarpus (fissuratus, retusus, trigonus) and Obregonia denegrii but any info on any small cacti species is appreciated.
  7. plainswalker

    Closer identification of 4 different trichs

    The one on the right is not a Bridgesii. I would guess it to be Cuzcoensis. The other two both look like Peruvianus. They are all very beautiful cacti!
  8. plainswalker

    Trichocereus tacaquirensis?

    My guess is a beautiful fantastic Peruvian. It looks awesome whatever it is.
  9. plainswalker

    Grafting Book

    I would also like a copy as well if you could.