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The Corroboree


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Posts posted by gnomad

  1. Electric?

    Depends where you live. For most of us, right now, it means burning coal. So that means particulate emissions, NOx, SOx, and CO. For every megawatt hour we burn about half a tonne of coal.

    Nuclear? What do you do with the waste, and the question is when will that waste come back to haunt us, or our descedants?

    Fossil fuels are dying. They are finite. The proof is in the rising cost.

    Years ago they weighed up the pros and cons of renewable fuels and the decision was made to go with fossil fuels, mainly due to availability and cost. ...or so they say. You also need to question where the world powers had their money invested.

    Things have now changed, the price of crude oil is increasing exponentially. We need to act.

    I believe the solution is in renewable fuels like biodiesel and ethanol. Less emissions, cleaner fuels.

    A crop can be grown and processed in a matter of months, not thousands of years. They can be grown without artificial fertilisers and the effort/fuel input can be self-sustaining if it is handled correctly. We just need to be smarter about how it's grown, and where.

    I agree that we shouldnt necessarily be replacing food crop for fuel crops,

    ...Although they are the same thing though arent they?

    A compromise can be found, as to whether we eat it or burn it.

  2. Ever since EBA went down I had been checking the site almost every day to see if it was back. To hear that it wont be returning simply breaks my heart. The site was incredibly informative, and there was a great sense of community. Even as a newbie I felt comfortable there.

    I am in full support of bringing it back.

    Cant contribute technically but I can offer a little financial assistance if it makes any difference.

  3. In view of recent unfortunate events (a mouse raiding my propagation chamber), I am chasing seeds of the following:

    T. bridgesii

    T. peruvianus

    T. pachanoi

    T. scopulicolis

    T. macrogonus

    favourable varieties

    crosses considered

    prefer larger amounts

    pm me with offers please

  4. Greetings all !

    Teo I am having the same problem with EBA. The website appeared briely last night again but was not an updated version (some recent posts werent included)... I am sure somebody is working on it.

    SirLSD that's a great photo! Just incredible,... I had no idea a can of coke had 39.8g of carbohydrates. :rolleyes: Yeah I thought there may have been a slim chance for a newbie such as myself winning one of the categories in the comp , but that photo shatters every little bit of hope I may have had. :worship:
