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The Corroboree


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Posts posted by Yeti101

  1. @Glaukus Yeah, I thought no one was paying attention to that inquiry, or anything many of us have written since. I've been starting to suspect I was very wrong about that. Even before the Greens announcement, and the Victorian Drug Law reform report, I had good reason to think that some people in the MSM are very interested in the kind of angle we're keen on here. 

    • Like 2
  2. That weekend is my birthday :) 

    Seriously though, I need to hang out with you guys, for the sake of my sanity of nothing else. Being typically organised, I can't say for that I'll make it, but I'll certainly try.

  3. Just in case people in and around Melbourne have missed this going around on facebook, the newly(ish) formed Australian Psychedelic Society is looking to host integration circles:




    [email protected]m.au

    The APS will host an integration circle for those who have had a psychedelic experience that they are still trying to work through.

    This experience may have been difficult, may have brought personal issues to your awareness, or perhaps has altered your world-view in some other may.

    The idea of these circles is to provide a structured, safe space so that you can process your experiences. They will be guided by therapists with their own personal experience of psychedelic substances. This helps you to feel understood, and to reflect on your experiences free from judgement.

    The March circle will be held by Dr Dean Wright. Dean Is a former Neuroscientist, with a background in psychology. He now works as a therapist for a hospital in Melbourne, and also has several years experience in "trip-sitting" with a harm-reduction organisation in Australia.

    Integration circles are not a replacement for therapy. They are used for people to help discuss their psychedelic experiences in a safe context. 

    If you feel as though you have a mental illness or need ongoing professional help, please consult your GP. 

    If you are in a crisis or are having thoughts of suicide, please contact Lifeline - 13 11 14 
    or if you're feeling imminently unsafe, please contact 000.

    Cost: TBA


    The fb event is here: https://www.facebook.com/events/166531263997722/ , or you can contact them via the email above. 

    • Like 7
  4. Ok, so I've deliberately tried to stay out of this as I feel that I'm stuck between friends with differing opinions. The reality (or not) of binary gender isn't something I feel I'm qualified to lecture people on, so for the most part I'm sticking with: "Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must be silent."


    But I'll stick my head above the parapet to say just this: If you leave, you are effectively letting people censor you. Not directly, but the outcome is the same. You've got every right to express your opinions about who you are, just as other people have the right to comment on your opinions, and you to respond in kind. They are free to ignore your opinions, as you are free to ignore theirs. 


    All that said, lots of people benefit from taking a break from this place when things hot up - get some perspective, and I'm sure you'll feel much better. 


    On a more general note, I've always been a little saddened that the culture wars have made their way to our little corner of the internet. It was probably inevitable, but it might be nice if we can conduct the battles in such a way that relationships aren't destroyed. Just because you disagree with someone, it doesn't mean you don't owe them a little basic human kindness and compassion (you do). Just because they disagree with you, it doesn't mean they hate you, or that they are automatically terrible people (they're not). And if you thrash out an argument and can't some to a consensus, FFS, please consider just letting it go!

    • Like 11
  5. Agastache mexicana - toronjil morado (purple melissa)

    Picked one of these up on a random Bunnings run today as the name sounded familiar, and I like anise-flavoured things. Turns out it's an interesting plant - not unlike a lot of Agastache species. 


    The plant is used in traditional medicine as a tranquilizer, sleep inducer, anti-hypertensive, anti rheumatic treatment, and as a treatment for stomach pain. An infusion of the plant, both fresh or dried, is valued in treating various gastrointestinal, nervous, and cardiovascular ailments. The plant is harvested for drying as it comes into flower since this is when it is most aromatic. http://tropical.theferns.info/viewtropical.php?id=Agastache+mexicana 


    There's a good article mentioning this plant (an many others) here: http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0102-695X2014000500591

    • Like 2
  6. I get a lot of ads for herbal/natural products in my FB feed, and this plant has started to pop up: Terminalia canescens - called Jilungin by the Nyul Nyul people. 

    Apparently it helps you sleep, and gives interesting dreams. It's also reputed to be so strong that the leaves can be re-brewed as tea multiple times and still have effects. When I find a source I'm happy has been ethically & sustainably sourced, I think I'll purchase some. But I'm having trouble finding much on this plant in the way of chemical analysis or published ethnobotanical information on it. It seems to be widley distributed across the top end - especially NT and the Kimberley: http://bie.ala.org.au/species/http://id.biodiversity.org.au/node/apni/2916799


    Any of you heard/know anything? 

    • Like 1

    10 minutes ago, ThunderIdeal said:

    I think Q is real.  Thats not to say he isnt leading everyone on.


    On that I am much closer to agreement. Whoever Q is, they are up to something. 

    • Like 1
  8. 10 minutes ago, Siggor said:

    Just a whole bunch of larping and trolling?


    Or deliberate psyops/propaganda? 


    I'm all for keeping an open mind, but am waiting to see some of the less subtle events come to pass. 

  9. A package of white powder is unexpected delivered to your house - it's not addressed to anyone who lives there, and its label is ambiguous at best. Call me old-fashioned and un-feasibly risk-averse, but does racking up lines of it really seem like an appropriate or sensible response? Depending on what it was it really could have killed the lot of them! 

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