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The Corroboree


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Posts posted by Yeti101

  1. Hey @Humbolt, thanks for that. I’m not looking for anything too modern - old enough so I can do most of the work on it myself, but not so old that reliability goes down and running/repair costs go up. Definitely no pop-tops either. Mostly want to use it for camping, rent it out as a camper when we’re not using it, not much else. Would get a kombi for the right price, but I’ve not seen many for sale. 
    I’m tempted by something like a Mitsubishi Delica, but also know that if I rent it out to ppl, they will inevitably get it bogged because it’s 4wd. 

  2. I was thinking of buying a campervan, or just a van and doing the conversion myself. Figured we’d get a bit of use out of it and then rent it out to help cover costs through camplify, camptoo or similar. 

    Any ideas on what I should look for - best models etc., or where to get info on conversions? Has anyone had any experience renting out their van through any of these companies? I’ve got my eye out for something not too old, and with not too many kms on it, but thanks as far as I’ve gotten in terms of narrowing it down. 

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  3. On 11/07/2019 at 1:37 PM, Glaukus said:

    F me. It ain't cheap is it...


    I’m  for people having access to this, but the prices these Aussie websites like that Charlotte’s Web one charge compared to US jurisdictions is insane. The first store in Colorado I picked at random had products with better info (suspect they are better products, but with the lack of info on what’s sold here, who knows?), at less than half the price (much less in some cases). The prices some people are charging is, and let me be blunt, bullshit corporate profiteering. This is why organisations that get plant medicine to people without profit being the main aim are so important. 

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  4. OK, so there’s to be an inquiry about cannabis in Victoria. (How many has it been now?)



    Even though details aren’t up yet, I’ve been told they will be taking submissions. 


    Now, while I trust that Fiona Patten’s heart is in the right place with this as she’s serious about legalisation, there are likely to be a lot of bullshit reefer madness/drugs r bad m’kay contributions. So when the time comes, it will be important to try to balance that with something reasonable. 


    Will post more info as I hear it. 

    • Like 2
  5. 13 hours ago, Glaukus said:

    Wow. I had never thought I'd read the words "cannabis" and "shelving" in the same breath...



    AFAIK cannabis suppositories are best for some medical rather than recreational purposes (maybe) as the reports seem to be that they don’t produce much of a high. I haven’t read up on the actual real research on this, so I can’t say for sure. If there is an absorption/availability issue, I’m willing to bet that ppl here could solve the problem though. 


    Bypassing the test by packing your THC gummies in a gel-cap though? This seems pretty straightforward, albeit a little less fun than taking the back road.

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  6. When questioned in general terms about the effectiveness of the police’s oral testing method in detecting different types of cannabis consumption, Dr Perl said: ‘if it is ingested it will disappear out of the oral fluid very rapidly, or if it is ingested in a capsule form it will not even be detected [at all]’. 


    There is growing disquiet about the NSW drug driving testing regime. (file pic)

    The magistrate, David Heilpern said this evidence had ‘obvious implications for the efficacy of the state’s drug driving regime’.

    ‘The uncontradicted evidence of Dr Perl is unequivocally that if you take THC orally by capsule or by suppository then it is not possible to have a level of THC’



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  7. @Ethnoob, short of a total collapse of the state and a near-apocalyptic interregnum there are never going to be “no laws on the books” about this (certainly not in our lifetimes). I say we call it a day on this discussion and agree to disagree (or at least move the discussion to another thread). 

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