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The Corroboree

Ishmael Fleishman

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    USDA Zone 9B

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  1. Picked up the second batch of cacti - tomorrow I go back for more I have a huge amount of repotting to do,
  2. A friend of mine is moving and is giving me over 200 cacti because he cannot take them with him. He said I could keep them or sell them, but I don't have enough space for so many cacti. I have already collected the first 88 and need to go back for the rest. The collection includes Trichocereus pachanoi, Trichocereus validus, Trichocereus bridgesii, and Trichocereus peruvianus. Some plants came with labels, while others had lost theirs. They include Fields Shed T. Validus OP, various crosses of Shark XXXX, a few sausage crosses and more. They are in good condition, but a couple are nitrogen deficient as seen in the photos. I am essentially offering to give most of these away, keeping maybe a dozen that are interesting for myself. If you are interested, message me. I can assemble a care package with as many cacti as you desire. You will need to cover the postage costs, and I will send them to you bare-rooted to non-quarantined states in Australia. Or you can pick up in Gippsland Victoria. If you have something you are willing to trade or if you would be so kind as to make a cash donation, it would be appreciated. I wish to buy some plants for my friend so he can start his garden again. These items are listed on other sites where I charge money for them. However, here you can have them for the cost of postage plus an optional donation or swap.
  3. My plant arrived. It was purchased from https://herbalistics.com.au/product/anadenanthera-peregrina-yopo-plant/ - I can only assume that they are being truthful about it being Anadenanthera peregrina. The plant arrived bare-rooted and was wrapped in coco coir and wet newspaper. The instructions indicated that it should be cultivated in a mixture of 50% coco coir, 12.5% perlite, 12.5% pumice, and 25% washed sand. The taproot was very long, so I found a suitable pot and prepared a mix according to the instructions. The guidelines also recommended leaving it in a shaded position for a month. It is currently placed on a shelf and is looking good. I will leave it shaded for a month, then move it into the grow tent until spring arrives. By that time, I expect to need to repot it and slowly acclimate it outside. As I mentioned, this is not about the seed; I am just trying to grow the tree. I will post a photo as soon as possible.
  4. @withdrawl clinic I think you are thinking about Flava the yellow sanguinea - believed to be a subspecies. Yes that is why I opted for the sanguinea, its also the one the Hoffmann references in his books. It is a shame sanguinea does not have a scent or a strong scent fro what I have read. It seems easy to grow and the one white flower brugmansia I had was doing great and then bang dead from the cold. The other one I have heard to cold tolerant is Brugmansia vulcanicola, but again rare. https://www.rarepalmseeds.com/brugmansia-vulcanicola-orange
  5. Hi - I am looking For Brugmansia Cuttings Again - I got some cuttings from a member last year but the frost killed it. I have bought some seed for Brugmansia sanguinea and will be germinating those in a grow tent until summer. Then into pots outside and inside over winter until it gets big enough to survive the frost. I am in Victoria, so I am looking for cold hardy varieties. If you have any cuttings available please let me know happy to trade cacti or cash.
  6. I live way further south and will have to grow in a pot. I do not expect seeds, I just want to grow the tree. Maybe it will survive maybe it will not. Maybe I can acclimate it and maybe one day it can be in the ground. Maybe.
  7. Supposedly in the US it is sold as a ornamental tree with advice to grow in pots so it can be brought indoors over winter. However supposedly it can survive -3c for short periods. It is worth trying to grow and it is legal. I have read that in cultivation it is kept to a bush rather then allowed to grow into a tree. found these two snippets https://www.worldseedsupply.com/tag/growing-yopo-indoors/ https://www.weekand.com/home-garden/article/grow-anadenanthera-peregrina-18054240.php Since it is in the family Fabaceae maybe a good native Native Premium Potting Mix might do the trick?
  8. I have always wanted a yopo their is just something about the the plants that attracts me to it. So I am interested in growing Yopo (Anadenanthera peregrina) I purchase a small plant in a 50mm pot - I plan to grow it initially in a grow tent under lights - can anyone got any experience growing this plants. In my zone, I will grow it in a pot, then move it indoors over winter. Will it ever make seeds in a big enough pot? I have read that it will flower in 3 to 4 years even in a pot. The only reference to substrate is "planting site in a full-sun location. A. peregrina does not tolerate frost and grows best in a sunny site with fertile, well drained soil. "
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