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The Corroboree


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Posts posted by ZooL

  1. I made a post shortly after (re)joining making a reference and questions to whether kratom would be theoretically effective for pain relief for my specific issues, but since browsing after joining i have noticed a flood of "oh no, i got a splinter, please send me kratom seeds/cuttings).

    Imo this site since i have returned seems to be suffering from a big deficiency in moderation and admining.  Simply utilizing delayed bilk admission will help weed out some problamitic users but no moderation of blatant illegal request  along with many technical issues of site left unresolved really doesn't bode well.

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  2. Probably would be right as is likely the reason it is still grown commercially that way. I was just thinking that if the content of useful things was comparable then it could possibly allow it to be grown in trays on racks stacked many high instead of just 1 layer planted in a field. and also seasonal time(not sure if poppies even require that) and light would not really matter and could allow for perpetual replanting at any time. 

  3. A week or so ago I caught up with an old friend i hadn't seen in a while and at some point during the night of heavy drinking the conversation arrived at the topic of opium, the old friend made a reference to someone that they knew(that had a relative, etc) that said they used to grow opium poppies from supermarket bought seeds and then let them grow for around 4 or 5 weeks planted in a pot(like alfalfa as described) and would then harvest/dry and smoke and this was said to have a very noticeable morphine like effect at around 2g smoked. at the time my skepticism dismissed this and just bs or misconceptions around the opium poppy as i am under the impression that the only viable concentrations of alkaloids would be present in the sap from seed pods. I sort of forgot about this then remembered the conversation a couple days ago and did a little bit of crude research and found some references in some old books from the 30's-50's from a guy named Peter Valaer that did in fact detect alkaloids present  in seedlings but the information was very sparse and made no mention of concentration, but after this i am now somewhat curious if there may be something to this story.


    Does anyone have any knowledge around this that could shed some light as to whether there is something to this story or if it is just random bs?



    (clearly i have no interest personally in the application of this and any such knowledge should only ever be employed by the commercial poppy producers that supply our benevolent pharmaceutical companies and i am just asking out of curiosity)

  4. Missed this reply...

    Someone has already sent me a pm and offered me some, but hanks for the offer in reply.

    Hopefully they all go well and am able to sprout them, i have read they can be tricky at times.

  5. I'm new to them but from what i understand..

    The female call = damn, that's annoying...

    The male call =  screw this, where's my gun...

    but as mine are all young it's just a generic annoying squeak for both male and female.

    I think once the are full frown you can tell the male and female by their appearance and facial features and sounds but when young it's more complicated(invasive).

  6. I have noticed the store tab/button just directs to some blank template?

    I'm guessing this was intended to be a link or connection to the https://www.shaman-australis.com shop?

    If so ideally this would have a full inventory listing of that shop available via forum, but this can be a lot of work and if this is currently an issue then it could be best to just direct this link/tab strait to the main site/shop. I am taking a guess here but a lot of guests visitors may be finding this forum via google search results and be completely unaware that the main site and shop even exist.

    In an ideal world and where possible the forum/site may also benefit from a small iframe(or the like) somewhere up the top that cycles through shops new/sales/restocked/limited/etc that links to the inventory item in the shop.

  7. 3 hours ago, waterboy 2.0 said:

    I've found geese bother snakes more than guinea fowl. Like smash em.. Lol


    Guineas will let you know if they are about though. Could always tell when they found a Joe Blake. Been a few years since I've had em about now, grew tired of their noise


    They pair bond well, rather than a dominant of a harem. So reduced risk of inbreeding depression. 


    Only lack of habitat /food deters snakes, and come breeding time they'll travel far and wide if necessary. If you've got paddocks around ya rodent control particularly when they get pushed out would probably help a lot. 



    Yea i was thinking about some geese before i got offered these guinea but i don't yet have any water bodies(am gonna put some dam/ponds in eventually) but there are a few dams near by and was pretty certain the geese would just leave here for there once they got bigger.


    had heard the would prefer pair bonding but if the ratio was off as in 1 male to 5 females they will just make do and from what i cant tell there is no easy way to sex them when young so not really sure what i'm dealing with in terms of ratio.

  8. 12 hours ago, Responsible Choice said:

    I had them briefly and had to get rid of them. They kept on flying onto my neighbour's property, and seeing as I had them to eat ticks I mine I thought "This isn't working.."


    Plus they are loud as when they go off.

     I'm hoping they will act as a bit of a snake deterrent, I'm on about 3 acres here and nothing but paddocks on all sides so I'm hoping they spend most of their time here, will prob have to remind the neighbor to not shoot them if they do stray over there though. 


    4 hours ago, Glaukus said:

    You can trim their wing feathers so they can't take off. 

    I don;t really wanna do that here, there is a chance the odd fox might turn up and i don;t wanna limit their ability to run and hide if one does.

  9. Any one here have or breed guinea fowl?

    I was recently given 11 of them and may end up incubating eggs and raising chicks in the future but the 11(no idea on male/female count) are all siblings, i also have no idea about their parents but am wondering if inbreeding issues will arise if i just let them do their thing or if i should be making some effort to try and trade either all the males or all females to mix up the gene pool a bit.

  10. 18 hours ago, Northerner said:

    If you start making legal high mixes with damiana, mugwort, lions tail etc I'm pretty darn sure some morality policing official will twist some law to fuck up your idea IF you mark it for smoking. 


    Other than that there's quite a bit out there on the market already.

    That's the thing i was thinking though, legal of not their gonna find a way to fuck you if you're selling cigs with some any noticeable "high" effect(because nanny knows best and all). But my thinking around this was simple as alternatives to tobacco cigs(quitting assistance basically) that contain no noticeable "high" effects  but still have a pleasant smoking taste/experience.



    As in lets say I scrape up some grass from my yard, dry it out(happens to taste nice when smoked but has no other effect) ,sell it as a smoking mix, what is the actual legal requirements to make this a legal act in regards to licensing ?


    Any actual law or regulation i come across seems to oddly conflate tobacco/nicotine with "herbal" as only some interpretation of the law as is but doesn't actually math with the law as written witch is written as if tobacco/nicotine products where then only smoking materials that exist.

  11. I have been doing some research(just for curiosity reasons) around the licence requirements for sale of herbal blend(non tobacco/nicotine material) smokes or smoking material.

    Is it just me and the research i have done but most regulation around sale of smoking products seems entirely based on tobacco/nicotine(aside from unit per pack/split pack/advertising and a few other things) regulations?

    Most actual written laws i can find only refer to tobacco and "used for tobacco items" but then i come across a bunch of council/bureaucrat/government workers that extend that beyond tobacco/nicotine with "eg" expansions.

    In the practical world we live in what actually holds more weight when proficient legal representation is applied? the written law or an interpretation of the law via a bureaucrat or some government bodies/persons interpretation or extension of it?

  12. Several years ago i was at a mates place and he was smoking some plant that he said he got of a neighbor who he said  smoked it regularly, he said it was not like a drug to get high off but just an alternative to tobacco, i had a couple drags off his smoke and didn't really notice ant effect that i could distinguish  apart from the alcohol i had already consumed but it did taste quick smooth and nice compered to tobacco.

    I ended up getting a cutting of this plant some times after that and had in with a bunch of random plants i gave to my mom. I recently visited my mom and she mention that she had planted those pots and one of them had started spreading like a weed. I went out and had a look and the one spreading was this one he was smoking, now upon looking at it i can tell it's some type of salvia(not the good one) but then i thought i would have another try of it for some reason. After semi quick drying over that day and the next i then had some dry leaf that i rolled a cigarette out of, again it had very smooth smooth taste but not quick as nice as i remember(possibly quick drying?) i also did notice some very mild effect it was having but was hard to put my finger one.

    So to my question.

    Does anyone know what type of salvia this may be? all i know of the neighbor that my mate got it off was that he was Greek, so not if if they would help.

    and if not, Is there any place to test a sample of a material to find out whats in it chemical wise that wont break the bank.

    If if turned out that this plant was not harmful or no more harmful that tobacco long term then i would consider switching to it, but atm i no idea whats actually in it or what type of plant excactly it is so i don;t think its a smart idea to smoke it regularly(prob wasn't that smart even on the 2 sole occasions tbh)

  13. Thanks, yea when looking up images of Epiphyllum varieties the buds actually seem to match up pretty much, i will go out and get some better pics to compare tomorrow.

    thanks again.

    (i also came across some vids of common viruses they have that are now making me think they may be infected with something and not been being eaten)

  14. Anyone know what there are, i went round my garden of a place i recently moved to and found a bunch of these all half eaten and mangled in pots.

    I was thinking the first two could be Hylocereus but no idea on on the 2 in last pic, the one on the left in last pic looks like 2 different types but it's all connected so unless some graft or something i think it's all one plant.











  15. But apparently nanny knows best...

    Yea have realized after looking into grow time that it would take a while before you can get a sustainable amount to use as needed but i think "again hypothetically" that it would be better to prepare now as it's been long enough that i know this injury and the pain isn't just going to go away on it's own.

    I also think with any form of pain relief substance there is also a double whammy potential for habit forming, even if the substance on its own has no addiction properties the sheer fact that it relieves pain can itself cause a habit to form. As in even if fairy floss was to limit or remove a chronic pain you would still have to be careful with a habit forming  around it, so both them factors really need to be recognized especially if you don't have a hard limit of prescriptions given applied.

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  16. I injured my back a few years back and am looking for an alternative to prescription meds, The bad pain isn't constant(usually just an ache) but when it flares up or i aggravate it the only thing i've found to work without taking more than the recommended amounts is Tramadol and the like. I live in a pretty rural area and the major announce is not being able to just zip down to the doc and get a script(is about a 40 min drive and often cant get appointment for days) and was thinking about if there was "hypothetically" something that I could grow myself that i can always have on hand.



    I have heard that Kratom can be somewhat effective and wondering if anyone has had any experience in regards to it and back/disk pain? I wouldn't expect it to kill the pain like stronger prescription meds do but just wondering if it has a noticeable or near comparable effect.

  17. On 08/10/2019 at 10:54 PM, Halcyon Daze said:

    grant him his freedom. :P




    Yea, would be nice but unfortunately there is a bit of a hillbilly infestation around here that would shoot him on sight, that along with the snakes,foxes,wild dogs and feral cats i don't think he would last more than a few days out there, the best i can do for him(and the slaughter he would cause) was to make him and the rest a cattery.


    As a gift i ended up going down to the river and catching a fish for him and them letting him eat it in front of all the other cats without having to share it.

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  18. Around a week ago a tiger snake got into my cattery, I have a lot of cats(too many, mainly rescue/defective cats), one of the cats that has a temperate temperament and is large so i have propped him up as the dominant cat to maintain some order with them all. I have also spent a lot of time with him teaching him to not attack or kill anything and to be restrained when any of the other cats challenge him.

    But yea, this cat cornered the snake under a bush in the corner of the cattery and then alerted me to it being there with the weirdest meows i have ever heard(usually i can get a gist of what the meows mean but had no idea here), as i walk out there to see what was up another cat approached him out of interest and he aggressively lashed out at the cat(very out of character) then went back to the weird meows, only when i got close did i notice the snake and then I quickly got them all out before coaxing the snake away and then spending the day shoring up any gaps a snake could get through.

    But yea over the past few days every time i look at this cat i cant help but realize his actions effectively saved the lives of most of the cats whether he understood it or not. I know he wont understand, appreciate or relate a reward to his action but i still feel like i owe him, anyone have a suggestion for a fitting reward of gift for him?

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