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The Corroboree


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Posts posted by ZooL

  1. Afoaf of mine experiences what would appear to be "pseudo" allergic effect from papaver somniferum extract.

    When taking prescription codeine or hospital setting morphine a common side effect is mild nausea, but when taking a semi refined extract of papaver somniferum they experience more pronounced side effects including fairly extreme itching during onset and seemingly random nausea(extreme but short lived) after the come down.

    Would this just  be a result of thebaine presence or some other element of the plant or is it an actual reaction to either morphine or codeine at the doses this friend is taking them?

  2. What are some suggestions/favorites/recommendations as a base material for herbal smoking blends? So just  from a smoothness/texture point of view and not with any overpowering taste.

    I have been a bit silly over the years and just had a little nibble of a plant and then if i noticed no negative effect i might try dry a little bit out and see what the smoke is like(yea.. I know this is kinda stupid).

    One nice base material i have found is the leaves of what i think is some type of wild raspberry.


  3. I know grafting of acacias isn't that easy but reading up a bit there are some examples of it working, has anyone ever successfully grafted a a.phlebophylla to a a.longifolia rootstock?

    I don't know heaps about grafting but if that worked wouldn't it cause the phlebophylla to grow bigger,faster and also get around the the fungal? requirements phlebophylla has with it's roots for nitrogen?


  4. sab shop has listing for both them but seems closed until end of Nov(they are listing as out of stock but not sure if that is just because closed atm)

    If no users here have avaliable for you then may be able to get seeds or plants from hebalistics .


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  5. Has anyone ever heard of have experience with using ceramic heat lamps to stave of frosts?

    I am planning treeing out about 2/3 of an acre to make a little faux rain forest kind of thing, i have already picked the plats to make a canopy that should all be fine in my zone and will surround it all with a hedge, some of the plants i was planning on putting under the canopy or in the internal area are somewhat frost prone. i had an idea about using those ceramic bulbs(usually used as heat lamps for incubators and such, so no light but just heat) hooked up to s simple solar/battery system. From my basic understanding of the bulbs it should work with enough of them in a semi enclosed area.

    Has anyone here ever tried anything similar to what i am thinking?

  6. Yep, the pin part was definitely not a good idea...

    A necrosisy effect just started to spread across the scions from where the pin was, the honey parts seemed to make a good seal and keep the exposed part of the rootstock clean.

    Will try super glue and honey instead on next ones.

  7. Basically the idea came after trying to cover and weight some very small grafts and realizing i apparently have the dexterity of a drunkard and also noticing some slight discoloration on the cut plane of the root stock after being covered for 5 or so days.

    My thought was to basically slice and place the way you normally would with a razor blade but then instead of trying to cover and weight/apply a little pressure i would instead use a sterilized sowing pin and pierce through the scion into the root stock to hold it in place(to be removed after it takes), then instead of covering with some type of wrap i would warm up some honey and use a small syringe to seal around the scion as you would with gap seal and a caulking gun.

    Any one ever tried anything similar or see any major flaws in my thinking?

    I have tried  already and will update with results(just testing with some random epiphyllum's(i think))

  8. I have a Bee problem, yesterday a massive swarm appeared(like blot out the sun massive) after herding my cats n dogs inside and then staying inside for an hour or so till they left(or so i thought) i then went out side and noticed they had made a giant clump on the guttering  near my front door, assuming the queen had landed in there and they were gonna make a nest i set up a hose with the nozzle on mist to try and discourage them from building there, they seemed to thin out a bit but today they are still there so i dropped one of those snake deterrent things that buzz every 30 secs or so in the gutter next to them, seemed to scatter them at first but now they seem to be ignoring it.

    Is there any way to get them to move on? i have like 3 acres of garden surrounded by farms on all sides so i get why they came here but there is plenty of garden they could nest in instead of right outside my door and above where i park my car.


  9. I should also note where i said you could use maybe use naphtha or other solvents instead, if that did work(again not 100% sure) you would need to make sure you evaporate it off completely (as most solvents are extremely poisonous) and then if you wanted it in a liquid form you would then need to redissolves what was left after complete evaporation into a small amount of high proof alcohol. 

    A couple drops of lemon extract in the final solution could also be beneficial but not sure how that would effect it's shelf life.

    Edit: On second thought I don't think naphtha was the solvent i was thinking of, there is one that has both polar and non polar attributes that can be used for broad solubility that could be worth a try when in doubt but I'm pretty sure it's not naphtha. 

  10. Not sure what you mean by "into oil" but an extract using 180proof spirits works well and will cold evaporate quite quickly under a fan resulting in a golden colored oil substance(so i'm told anyway....).

    Something like polmos spirytus which you can get from dan murphy should work well but isn't exactly cheap. Other solvents would prob work as well, naphtha(shellite) is good at sucking up a broad range of things and could be worth a try.

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  11. eh? if cat waste hast potential nasties in it then i'm screwed either way, i got way too many cats(all the defective ones that couldn't get re homed when i was fostering cats) that's favorite pasttime seems to be pissing on all my stuff.

    But that all aside i still think this kittylitter(probably best if unused) seems like a really good potential outdoor substrate.

  12. I have been using the compressed paper type of kittylitter as mulch in my veggie garden once my cats are done with it, I scoop out the poop, prep the bed then spread it on top and wait for the ammonia smell to go before planting anything.  

    The whole garden is now popping up with many different mushrooms and other fungi(i also dumped all my mushroom scraps in there so am hoping some more interesting ones find a home somewhere in there) when i look under the top layer of the litter the it is pretty much solid mycelium the whole garden over.

    It would prob make for a pretty good substrate if someone was intending to make a deliberate outdoor patch.

  13. Yea, didn't find any when i went out the time after posting that but ended up finding a really interesting spot in june close by on this side of the border, had copious amounts of subs,safrons and muscaria all in the same spot. 

    But i regret not collecting more as have almost run out of the saffrons i collected and dried.

  14. Unfortunately large groups of people need to be managed and that comes at a cost of individual freedom.

    Imagine a small village with a single well, it would be nice if it could manage without any regulation around the use of that well, unfortunately some people either don't understand of don't care that taking a shit in that well will negatively effect everyone else that needs that that well for their clean water.

    Authoritarian creep is a real issue and balance need to be found but that doesn't change that 7 billion humans without any organization will just result in utter chaos and not all measures to manage,organize or regulate them comes from a nefarious intent.

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  15. Way i found is more just a work around that a user could use, wouldn't be a good way to do it on the server as it doesn't technically delete them(i don't think), pretty sure it just makes them invisible to everyone including the uploader and pretty sure the images would still be sitting on the server taking up space but just aren't visible to anyone.

    Hopefully they will yea add an easy to delete in next update though, would be pretty easy to accidentally upload a personal photo by mistake that you didn't want to be visible to the public.

  16. The ones i uploaded just appeared in the bar on top of starting page like normal,  but then i found the way to "delete" the album and they disappeared from there.

    atm in there i also see your lotus one and then the rest just black glitch ones with same filename as lotus one but lacking the .jpg extension

    (just upload another one to double check and yea, still works normal for me)

  17. I Uploaded a few when looking for a way to delete gallery but none resulted in the same multi bugged uploads you're having and they all appeared normally on front page.My guess would be it has something to do with the format or encoding of images you're uploading.

    if they are coming direct from a phone or camera then opening the image in paint or something and then saving them as a new jpg/png file should solve that if that is whats happening.


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