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Posts posted by ZooL
I was talking to someone recently and realized how important it is to just honestly say where your current view point stands at the initiation of the discussion to avoid wasting an annoyingly long amount of time for no reason.
If say there was a house that either was or wasn't on fire, and you have two people disusing how much effort they should be apply to putting out that fire, one will always try drag the result to nothing because they think there is no fire, the other will try drag the result to everything because they think the fire will consume their house if not put out.
Some dude i know ended up with a bunch of immature weed(a grey mold and odd whether issue) a while back, not super immature but enough where the smoke was kinda harsh without mixing with tobacco.
He had an idea to make some alcohol tincture kinda thing but only had a small amount of vodka at the time, he mixed little vodka with water assuming there would enough alcohol in the mix to extract all the good stuff. Let about 20gs of decarbed bud matter submersed sit in a jar for a couple days, couple shakes here and there.
Drank have the liquid after that, was nice but more like 1 g than 10.
For some reason he never discarded the bud matter from the extraction attempt and after noticing the mild effect from the tincture fail he dried the bud matter and smoked it.
Apparently it was by far the smoothest smoke he had ever smoked, much lacking the flavor expected but the kick was still there.
The abv of the water/vodka mix would have been about 10-15%, he assumed that this would have been enough to get all the goodies.
What has happened here? enough alcohol to soak up most of the fats,sugars and the like but not most of the thc? -
My thinking was just more about the inconvenience of transport and disposal of "sharps".
as in your kit, just the syringe, you sterilize and re use this, dump the cartridge after use.
no sharps spoilage or transport issues.
I am not seeing any real issue of sterilizing a full metal syringe. -
Was at the dentist the other day and noticed the syringes they use, they seem like they would be useful for mushroom growing, as in just buying/trading spore cartridges for them and just sterilizing the metal syringe before use.
Is that a thing?
I know you can just buy spore syringes, but something about just cartridges seems more convenient. -
Is it just me or maybe just where i am but this winter has been odd for mushrooms?
There is a pine plantation i pass through daily and for the past few years at least(since i been in these parts) the road adjacent was awash with the orange of saffrons but this year they showed up a little early but only were around in small numbers for a week or 2, then nothing. Then i went to a place where at the time there would/should have been thousands of subs, i saw 4. Have also noticed in my paddocks and yard its been a lot different, even yellow strainers there has just been one or two little patched when once they were everywhere?
That's not to say there aren't any mushrooms about or in high numbers, just not the usual suspects. -
I have noticed that weed can make getting to sleep much easier but can also make deep sleep/rem sleep somehow less effective at whatever it is doing. I have noticed the same thing with most "sleep aid" things. As in easier to achieve sleep but you gain less from it.
I don't think most "sleep aid" things are good in the long run.
I have forgot how to embed vid here
The nazi regime was all sorts of fucked up but that doesn't mean that anyone opposing them isn't themselves also fucked up in one way or another. In regards to eugenics, I see no inherent issue with it in general but any realistic implementation of it runs into ethical issues strait away.
Eg. Two people realising they have some genetic issue that may be passed on to their offspring so choosing to adopt one of the countless already born kids that need love/parents instead is one thing and is not an issue, but the reality of eugenics implementation requires forcing these people to either not breed or to breed with some "desired" comparable partner instead. In reality there is just no way it ethically works.
Eugenics as it is fails, there is no way around this, but I think conflating eugenics and "designer babies"eg. and such is an issue in itself. From them moment we built fences we effectively started to separate ourselves from "natural" selection which is itself having issues we shouldnt ignore, any sort of "unnatural" selection has its own ethical issues but so does doing nothing in regard to
the "natual" selection we have negated/suppressed.
I have always been a bit jealous of people that can emerse themselves in larping,fantasy games and even things like worlds in books. I just can't manage to do it myself.
Does anyone know of anything like this that you can just watch/observe and have the experience vicariously through people that that can do it themselves?
The closest I have come across was some show called harmon quest.
Thanks, this var is out of stock or not available from the sites I usually get things from but I'll wait till is available and give that a try here.
The reason I asked this is that I've heard the synthetic stuff that is like the compound in khat but with a meth like tail added will trigger a result for amphetamines.
I think I need to find myself a corrupt cop and get my hands on some of their lollipops, is all so hard to find clear Info on this, is it 4 hours or 4 days? Will x y and z trigger a positive. I guess I should just smoke crack and inject heroin to be safe.
I once got an offer to enter some trial for a slow release ketamine capsule thing to be placed in the effected area and was supposed to have no mental effects but was meant to numb that nerve area for a year or so.
I never took part as its a back injury issue and have always thought no pain at all there was a bad idea while the issue was still present, i don't wanna be doing more damage and not realise sort of thing. But I do wonder how that trial went.
I am a bit on the fence about how this has all come about so quick with a full 180 from the tga.
On the one hand I think mdma and psilocybin are clearly effective treatments for some conditions, aside from the research being clear on this I have seen first hand instances of someone near instantly snapping out of life long religious indoctrination and instances of people addressing childhood abuse they had never spoke about while effected by these. If I have seen these effects in an uncontrolled environment I have no doubt you could use this effectivly in a controlled situation to treat ptsd and other similar conditions where current treatment has failed.
But on the other hand I think this "mind medicine" group or whatever they're called that has done most of the lobbying and pushing on this is suss as fuck, any time I have heard them speak to journalists or such their responses to questions are like that of politicians, and i really wonder if they are more concerned about gaining some position where they finacially benifit from distribution than with actually helping people. That and the way this is being set up where this will end up being way above the realistic financial abilities of most people seems to make this almost pointless and designed to fail.
I think a far better approach for these and things like weed as a medical tool are just to decriminalise and remove the absurd scheduling first and then address them being used in a medical sense.
It shouldn't be necessary to do it that way but the whole war on drugs thing has just made it all so absurd as it is now.
Are there any b cappi vars that are better suited to colder climates?
I'm not so good with id's but could be some kind of --(i shouldn't offer possible id if not sure), I have some that look like these poping up in my garden/lawn atm.
But as rc says they are definitely not psilocybes.
I feel like i may have asked this before but cant remember the answer or find the post if i did and have done a bit of googling but got no clear answer.
Will cathinone trigger a positive result for the amphetamines they test for with the road side swabs?-
Haven't tried it yet but plan to try it and a more conventional method at same time eventually. I been a bit overwhelmed recently and got a lot going on.
Really need to get on top of current things before i start adding new things. But if/when i do try it i will post back here to say how it went.
I have often seen clearly unwashed poppy seeds in health food shops etc that i assume are a by product from the tassie poppy fields, i dont know much about poppies but have heard the strains grown there for medical stuff can have a really high thebaine content?
Seems a dangerous game to play to go for seed tea when you don't know the strains they came from. -
I had a dream where i packed a garden hose with a medium then boiled the capped and coiled hose in a big drum, then a injected a spore syringe though the hose every so often, then when it had colonized it all i cut the hose up into 20cm ish chunks and used them like seed/starter colony things.
Every time i have tried to grow mushrooms from scratch i have always failed and they have become contaminated so ill likely never try out this idea but am curious from any that have done so if this idea even makes and sense or would be useful/practical? -
Are you sure this isn't a cult?
also their site doesn't work for me, most of the text is just dashes and lines after it tries to load the font(could just be my sec setting on my browser or something) -
I just think it's odd that some people only seem to get all riled up about free speech when someone cops flak after saying racist or homophobic stuff. Is almost like they just want freedom of speech so they are free to say stuff an asshole would say and not suffer any consequences. I mean i'm sure a lot of people are passionate about the ideals behind it but it seems like a lot of people just wanna get loud* and fight about it right after someone gets in shit for saying fucked up stuff that they agree with. Then they just get bored* of it and go back to being a jerk in private.
Should all just collect in the outer drum thing and will need washing out from time to time i guess. Not sure how much there would be or what i would be doing with it.
If it was primarily from the rain water(pretty filthy rainwater due to gutters and guinea fowl crap) it could prob just be mixed into the compost or garden, if was from bore water i assume it would end up being heaps of minerals , prob mainly calcium and magnesium, not sure what i would do with that but don't think it would be good for the garden or compost.
The bore water is pretty much drinkable here i think but not so good for the plants or garden. -
Yea putting tank 2 lower would mean no need for a pump but since tank 1 is gravity feeding into the thing the i would either need to raise tank one or bury tank two, not having to worry about the pump failing would be good but don't think it would be very practical with the big tanks i got, I can pretty much only gravity feed once without a bunch of construction.
The idea for using the water in tank 2 was pretty much to use it as a clean base water, so would still be boiled before use if in food/drink and yea would need some type of additives if it was an always drinking water and to use it with delicate seedlings, but yea the whole leaching thing with distilled water is an issue that i've not really addressed.
I had thought of doing it without the panels and element but i cant think of any way to get nearly enough output without that unless it was really big. -
Yea i might have just made the term "bobble valve" up, I basically meant like the little valve thing in a toilet that will allow water in until a level is reach then will shut off, the pump would just periodically takes the distilled water that has collected in the center and pumps it into a tank.
And yea im looking for an off the grid type setup, if looked at a few still like things but they all seem to be along the lines of distilling and collecting 5-50 litres of water at a time and require your input. i'm basically looking for something that will just run constantly to fill up a several thousand litre tank over time as long as it has input water available and power coming from the panels. It shouldn't need to be super efficient or fast as it should always running without a need to me to do anything.
Free plant id apps
in Ethnobotany
Anyone have any good free plant id app or site suggestions?
The place i live has a big garden, like 1.5 acres kinda things with many different plants and trees. Who every used to live here must has been a really avid gardener or owned a nursery or something because there are probably more than 1000 different plants, I have used a couple plant id sites but end up getting through a couple meters and then they want me to pay before i can more, some i could use proxies to get a few more free ones before being asked to pay again but that was just a mess around.
Are there any free ways to do this or am i gonna have to pay?