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The Corroboree

Raver Buddy

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Posts posted by Raver Buddy

  1. Quote

    The feline tree has a camera really close to it, so advise is to not go water the rose bushes too often.


    ...but I was on the cans, so I kinda needed to water the rose bushes, often. :rolleyes:


    I'm well up for another meetup before easter such as in March. Bring it! :wink:

  2. I really enjoyed watching the movie documentary called "The Principle" Narrated by Kate Mulgrew (the actress who played Captain Janeway on Star Trek Voyager. It was a real eye opener in terms of explaining each of the common theoretical physics models we use today, the progression and history and helping me to knock down how solid I thought some of these various models were.



    Thankfully we have understood magnetism and electricity (same thing) for a very long time.


    It's funny you say that because I thought it was the other way around! I'm only an amateur at best when it comes to physics but when I hear people like professor Julius Sumner Miller or Professor Laithwate talk it always facinates me as to how much we may probably don't know. It seems like the area is ripe for new discovery! :) (Laithwate invented the mag lift train technology and used to demonstrate how gyros counter act. Once of his experiments (that I believe pissed off the Royal Society) was were he would kind of counter act what we think of as "earth's gravity" by spinning up a heavy weight to high speed he was then able to easily lift it over his head. Before spinning it up it was way too heavy for him to lift over his head!).


    Here's an example of Professor Julius Sumner Miller who starts out his lecture on magnitism with this quote:

    "I'm Julius Sumner Miller & physics is my business and our very special business today, I have entitled 'Adventures in Magnetism!' This is a marvelous subject because it is filled with enchantment and with many things we do not understand."  


    Here's the vid of Prof. Miller. Facinating experiments & stuff!



    Also if anyone can explain how magnetism bends the light out of a Ferrocell I'd love to hear your thoughts! I bought one of these for my birthday around a year ago and love showing people the different beautiful 3D geometric patterns of holographic light beams that come out of it with different shaped neodymium magnets next to it. Ken Wheeler has a few videos where he attempts to explain some of it but he says that how magnets work is supposedly beyond Maxwell Equasions, Faraday or Tesla's documents that we currently have. Is this true? His youtube name is Theoria Apophasis and you can find the vids if you just seach youtube for "Ken Wheeler Ferrocell".


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  3. Quote

    You don't need essays or arguments waterboy, it just comes down to it doesn't actually work under any replicable condition.


    That is all.


    No need to refute any claim to authority or logical fallacy.


    This quote reminds me a little of the discussion I've heard surrounding the supposed constant "big G" from some parts of the physics community. I've heard interesting lectures to say that supposedly even after hard digging it is diffucult to find solid evidence for a fixed value for this supposed "gravitational constant". Although much of this goes over my head in terms of how they try to measure it (I was never very good at physics), I think I understand what they are getting at when they say there are major issues when it comes to replicable experiments for gravity and I think that maybe why it relates to a measurement issues. (Eg who commonly has a lab in their basement that is supposedly far enough away from the earth's "field" or "force" (that we call gravity) to test this "force" in terms of other objects that may or may not have their own "field" or "force" (that we also call gavity). Bottom like, it's kinda crazy and facinating for me to see physics experts give a lecture where they pretty much seem to destroy much of the basis for what we think of as the law of gravity and rather they seem to have almost reduced it to nothing more than a theory and possibly even a somewhat flimsy one at that.

    • Like 1
  4. I came across a few interesting finds in the last year or two researching this topic...


    When you see the numerous photos and videos of the skyline of the city of Chicago visible across the massive distance of lake Michigan the bottom of the tallest buildings all seem to be hidden below the horizon line. The missing bottom of the buildings is often attempted to be explained through the calculations of supposedly accurate earth curvature measurements. I found it interesting when I realised that the same phenomenon of the bottoms of the buildings dissapearing can also be attempted to be explained from just simple 1 point perspective drawings of the vanishing point. This is similar to the phenomenon in the picture from my post above where it shows the parallel train tracks converge or the same height telegraph poles get smaller the further away.


    I do have some hand drawn 1 point perpective drawings that might help to demonstrate what I'm talking about with the buildings. I just need to scan them and can probably upload tomorrow if there's interest.

    • Like 1
  5. Seeing as this discussion thread seems to have devolved into a who's who of "Yes it is flat!", "No it isn't flat!", I thought I might lighten the mood with this picture I took out the front of my place...


    One day I strangely found this in the front of my driveway and I can say without a doubt that it looks pretty damn flat to me. :lol:5a7f3737bee72_FlatEarth02-temp.thumb.jpg.3ccd64e7bf8e0703bdcafe48e6286c22.jpg5a7f363350b5f_FlatEarth01-temp.thumb.jpg.82fefdb35843b8dc64663f4b838f1798.jpg







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  6. I also do like Francois' suggestion of a park in the eastern suburbs for a future meetup. The one near the 70 or 75 tram line west of Hawthorn Station.


    Sorry if I wasn't my usual conizent self. The dual 4hr sleeps over the last 2 nights kinda turned Saturday into "Scatterday".  :)

  7. Quote

    one person poured  sun dried tomato oil down their back


    I wonder if this was the same lovable character that decided for accuracy of their story telling they needed to strip down to their underwear mid convo. :P ...and may have been semi rolling around in the pavillion shirtless at one point. :lol:


    Another great meetup folks! Sorry I had to love ya and leave without warning... (appologies to Amazonian). I went to water the rose bushes near the feline tree and ran into some trouble from the bot guards at the bot gards. Decided to make an exit before things got potentually more interesting. :unsure:


    Now that my user profile has been approved, maybe I can facilitate some more convo on kick'n off a camp out trip while the weather is still warm!


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