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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by Dekeius

  1. Dekeius

    Time to Begin; Lageniformis x 'KK1688'

    Planted some more seed last night. Into a moist medium of just perlite. I sprinkled more dry perlite on top. Placed seed and misted before covering in cling wrap. These guys are going to start life indoors. They have an obscured window for light. In an exclusively inorganic medium i really should add some type of fertiliser? I'll add some pictures tonight.
  2. Dekeius

    Time to Begin; Lageniformis x 'KK1688'

    Thanks stu i reckon it might be a bit cold in a month or so yeah. Ill grab a thermometer and measure outside, inside by a window and maybe on top of the hot water system (some light but none direct). Glaukus duly noted on the sterilising. I guess its a bit of a habit from fungi cultivation. I cleaned most of my tools and potting containers with isopropyl haha. Discostu and karl marx I'll check out adding supplements. I have plenty more seed so i may give it a shot straight up. I've really struggled to find any kind of time frame online. Currently they have a cylinder of soil with a diameter of an inch and probably an inch and a half deep. At what point will i need to find my friends a new larger home?
  3. Dekeius

    Time to Begin; Lageniformis x 'KK1688'

    Upon using an inorganic medium for germination would I use verm, perlite, coarse sand or the like in a high humidity environment? I assume in a few weeks I would need to transfer to a more organic soil mixture. I think ill be looking for a cutting eventually. Peace and thanks for the advice.
  4. Dekeius

    Time to Begin; Lageniformis x 'KK1688'

    Yeh I'll probably wait a bit and observe. If it seems like a waste I'll try again with a different medium.
  5. Dekeius

    Time to Begin; Lageniformis x 'KK1688'

    thanks everyone master b noted on the cactus soil. but would heating it in the oven kill any microbes or sources of infection? Maybe I will try some with only inorganic. I have some vermiculite and perlite.
  6. Dekeius

    Beginner Spore Prints Wanted

    Easier said than done. Time poor but curiosity rich. My better half is going away in june so I'll have plenty of time for fun and games
  7. Dekeius

    Beginner Spore Prints Wanted

    Hi looking for a spore print to start my microscopy hobby. Live in sydney. Any help or advice much appreciated. Peace, Dekeius.
  8. Dekeius

    The life of a grafted button

    Truly inspirational. I think i gotta get me a loph.