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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by Joshthepainter

  1. Variegated mate grew it from seed sorry bout the poor photo
  2. Hi everyone have this nice grafted cuzco x terscheckii fields hybrid . Scion is 15cm Hoping to trade for some cool cultivar seed in Astro's and Ario's or plants if theres any out there . Australia only plz msg if intrested thanks also open to offers of other trades aswell Thankyou and all the best
  3. Hi everyone ! Looking to add some more astros to the collection. Keen to see what anyone has for sale or trade. If anyones intrested plz send a msg and we can take it from there cheers !!
  4. Seen the odd one for sale but prices were crazy in hunt of seed i shall go any suggestions? have sown a few seeds think one is variegated
  5. Hi everyone really keen to buy a variegated astrophytum myriostigma or asterias thanks
  6. Hi intrested in buying cactus seeds anything but trichos perhaps succulent seeds aswell keen to see whats available cheers josh
  7. Hi everyone thinking about getting rid of this if keen plz msg me an offer i will cover posatage Will degraft it from where it starts to get fatter Cheers josh
  8. Hi mate would be intrested in trade for viridis seeds have some small trichos could possibly trade cheers

    1. liberta


      Hey that sounds cool. I'm not much of a cacti enthusiast but at the moment I only have HB02 and pachanoi X Super Pedro so anything different would be cool :)

  9. Hi everyone looking to buy astrophytum and ariocarpus seeds please and thankyou
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