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The Corroboree


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Posts posted by Birdman

  1. HAHA i love the instant negativity...

    Sina there were hundreds and no its not were you

    describe,they were there too and yes i did admire


    because of the numbers taking one innoculated wood

    chip will not harm the myc mat and i have nothing

    but respect for our little friends and dont really appreciate

    being made to sound like a cowboy pullin' every shroom he

    sees.I wouldnt contribute here if i did.

    If it sounds like im angry im not,just feel the need to defend

    myself,peace love and mungbaens and all that

  2. My friends its definately not over in Sydney.

    Taking advantage of the good weather today before the storm,

    the lady-bird and i were happily stolling through our magnificent botanical

    gardens,taking photos of the Flying Foxes starting to spread their wings.

    When i happened upon a sign that stated something about not all mushrooms

    being good etc,when i looked down and found my first 2 subs. What i love is

    that i dreamed about it last nite! The lady-bird and i cheersed and i detached

    the Myc and the wood chip its growing off from the base and put it in a dunny roll

    in a strw filled box in my fern garden out the back.At the mo..feeling pretty damn good!

    Its taken prob two years to find but finally,so Ace dont give up,they do find you..


  3. Hey Lachy,

    According to Bruce Fuhrer' "A field companion to Australian Fungi"

    It appears that it is an Amanita, 'Amanita Ananaeceps'.

    He states:Amanita Ananaeceps displays its annulus as mealy,

    ragged fragments suspended from the cap margin.The caps

    and stems from unweathered specimens are covered with powdrey

    meal.Caps of A.ananaeceps range in size from 7cm to20cm in diameter

    Colour varies from pure white to grey and grey-brown.Perhaps a

    complex of closely related species is involved.

    Did i win?

  4. Awesome pics mate.The star puff ball thingy is called "Geastrum indicum".The tall one 14 down is the

    weirdest mushy ive seen.Ive got a couple of good books on ozzy fungi and cant find anything that remotely

    comes close..and the black one!! awesome finds,i like you have found everything but a lonesome sub

  5. Hey all!

    A little random obsevation over the weekend has got me a tad pumped for the months to come.

    Over the weekend i in the Jenolan area enjoying my dirtbike with some close mates and one could not help

    to notice that tha argarics are coming up thick and fast.with all the rain over the non eventfull summer..reckon

    we could be in for an early season?..hope so.

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