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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by Gimli

  1. 26/10/18 (Peru x Juuls) x TPM - 4 areoles (graft I did) Albi - 2 areoles
  2. Doing a Taylor Witness at the moment. Just cleaning up the blade. Going to give it that brushed stainless look and then do new handles from acacia acuminata with brass fittings and pins.
  3. Hey guys, bit of an odd one. Looking for some straight razors that I can refurb for my own collection, so not looking to spend too much per razor or can trade for something Brands such as: Böker CV Heljestrand Dorko Dovo George Wostenholm J.E. Bleckmann Joseph Wostenholm Joseph Elliot Joseph Rodgers Le Grelot Le Jaguar Mappin & Webb T.R. Cadman & Sons Taylor Thiers Issard Wade & Butcher Pretty much anything that has "SHEFFIELD" or "SOLINGEN" on the blade If it has any of the following I probably won't be: Chips in the blade edge Lots of pitting or substantial rust Hone wear on the spine If you have a razor and want to give it a good home, please make your way into my inbox! Thanks
  4. https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Trichocereus-Bridgesii-Monstrose-Long-Form-reverted-crest-Ultra-Rare-Cactus/253947554239?hash=item3b207429bf:g:jQoAAOSw43Jbz~n6:rk:1:pf:1 https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Trichocereus-Huancabamba-Crest-Ultra-Rare-Cactus/253947564784?hash=item3b207452f0:g:vlMAAOSwVEBbz~3I:rk:2:pf:1&frcectupt=true
  5. $40 for a single tbm segment? Lay off the drugs https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Rare-Trichocereus-Bridgesii-Penis-Cactus/253944667421?hash=item3b20481d1d:g:0NkAAOSwOkxbzWyH:rk:11:pf:0
  6. Made a 1% mix and went to town on some plants 18/10/18 'Justin' - 3 areoles 19/10/18 L jourdaniana (grafted) - 4 areoles Fields pachanoi - 6 areoles Mum & Dad - 2 areoles Psycho0 x Sina - 2 areoles TPC x Juuls (Grafted mother hacked to pieces) - 2 areoles TPC x Juuls (graft I did) - 3 areoles (Peru x Juuls) x TPM - 4 areoles Sharxx Blue x TPM (graft I did) - 4 areoles Pachanoi logs for graft stock - 9 areoles over 5 pieces 21/10/18 TPQC x TPM (revert) - 2 areoles 22/10/18 TPM x N1 (revert) - 2 cuts, 2 areoles each (4 total) TP x TPM (15cm seedling) - 1 areoles Post is for keeping a proper log of using 6-Benzylaminopurine for posterity Now we wait...
  7. Up potted a bunch of seedlings (10-15cm) yesterday and today to pots only 1 size up instead of final pot size. Most seedlings had some of their root mass removed (re fibrous stuff but NOT the main taproot). Is this a practice that many do or is it a case of just get bigger pots? Couldn't find much info on cacti root pruning. Contemplating doing this to all the stock which have grafts on top so I can go to the next forestry tube size and continue to use the handy dandy pot trays I have Can see it being a bonus to stop roots of certain spp (ario, astro etc) rotting as easily? Thoughts/suggestions
  8. Been looking for a fields bridgesii but seem to be coming up short. Photo someone? Or a clone name if it's named? Dawsons Pachanoi?
  9. Potted up some chavin herbalist stuff I got from @Mapacho. Come back soon bloke ! Bridgesii 'Albi' roots looking quite healthy. Also potted up a heap of stuff from forestry tubes into 140 or 175mm pots. Buddhist Monastery, from a monastery in Perth. Finally got TBMC. Now, to cut it up and graft it
  10. Started making more BAP mix lately to use on my plants. At and since the last Perth SAB meet I have picked up a few crest revert bits (TPM x N1, TPQC x TPM) Chatting to someone recently has said that using BAP on crests will only throw reverts and these pups will not crest again (also a thread on shroomery but there is only a handful of replies). What is your experience on that? I have hit a number of crests (whole and ones that have been cut for graft scions) with BAP, noted the # of areoles and which specimens. I will keep this thread updated BAP: 19/10/2018: (Peru x Juuls) x TPM - 4 areoles Sharxx Blue x TPM - 4 areoles TPC x Juuls (grafted scion) - 3 areoles TPC x Juuls (mother plant cut for scions) - 2 areoles (this specimen already has 3 columnar looking pups emerging from when I cut it to pieces) I have another TPC x Juuls which is columnar with 5 pups (also columnar so far). I am unsure whether to let them live on the mother plant or remove when suitable for numbers purposes. (BAP mix is 10,000ppm - 1% w/w)
  11. Nothing goes to waste here on the plantation. Removed 5 dead Acacia acuminata today. Cutting up the wood for a few members for making shamanic tools etc
  12. Not sure what sort of bird(s) is eating them, but I know we had some ripe fruits and then we didn't - nothing laying on the ground either. Sorry to hear about your dog. Hope all is good now! Will PM you shortly Not really that desperate for fruit but would be nice to make some jam etc
  13. Feeding the neighbors animals some Acacia acuminata foliage
  14. The expensive way and have the kernel and husk of the fruit tested in a lab. Will be some years away though.
  15. Oh, my bad. This is not the poison specimen. I should have mentioned that. The poison experiment will have to be started again unfortunately.
  16. Welcome to the second installment of Acacia acuminata broad phyllode seed giveaway! Half of the seed will be collected from my sandalwood plantation and the other half from another stand of jam trees, approx 80-90km away. I will send 5g of seed to every person who posts below. Seed will be sent out around early jan Only for members in Australia. I do not post internationally. All you have to do is post below Happy (belated) wattle day!
  17. To get some ripe fruits before the birds get them. I want the seed for growing purposes and the husk to eat/make jam. Last year I think from memory we only had 3 fruits but the birds managed to get them before I got back to pick them
  18. Our biggest specimen. It has some fruits and hopefully we can beat the birds this year...
  19. Will also do mailouts as of next week PM for info
  20. When I get back to WA next week I'll be cutting back more trees if anyone is interested Cheers
  21. First LW flower of the season. My Jourd flowered today too! Didn't realize how good LW are as a seed factory
  22. @MeanGreen just took this about half hour ago (wasn't there this afternoon) Peekaboo!
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