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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by Gimli

  1. After doing a couple, I think I will leave the film on until the seedling breaks through it. I did a slightly bigger Lophophora onto Selenicereus stock and removing the film was a right pain.
  2. Aug 3 grafts already spitting out pups. 13 offsets across 6 grafts so far and more areoles swelling A myriostigma var quadricostatum TPM Not much else has been happening, what with the pere farming and all. 546 pieces so far. Hope to hit 700 by xmas
  3. 6 of 7 Acacia courtii. The last one is taking it's sweet ass time losing the seed coat.
  4. Update: given the weird season we're having so far, seed might not be ready until around new years. Visited the plantation of an acquaintance today and they are still bright green pods so no doubt will be the same as my trees. Will go back a few days before xmas To claim some seeds, please post here as per the original post. I will then PM asking for your address. Please don't just hit me with a PM containing your address. Cheers
  5. https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Long-Form-Trichocereus-brigessii-Monstrose-P-n-s-Plant-cutting-cactus-cacti/173685897568?hash=item28707c7960:g:yg4AAOSwVldcD2xP:rk:14:pf:0
  6. You get photos of plants grown from your seed giveaways (Acacia acuminata broad phyllode)
  7. Gimli


    From the album: Grafts

    Rosei 1 x Rosei 2
  8. Gimli


    From the album: Grafts

    Echinocactus grusonii
  9. Gimli


    From the album: Grafts

    Sharxx Blue x TPM
  10. Gimli


    From the album: Grafts

    TPC x Juuls
  11. Gimli


    From the album: Grafts

  12. Gimli


    From the album: Grafts

  13. Gimli


    From the album: Grafts

    Lophophora williamsii 'caespitosa'
  14. Was flicking thru my tv download sites and noticed this. Will give it a watch but it is VICE so no doubt trash https://www.viceland.com/en_us/show/kentucky-ayahuasca "Follow shaman Steve Hupp, as he works with people seeking healing from severe emotional and physical issues. "
  15. Looking for montrose seed made by legends zelly and nitrogen. Hit me with a PM Cheers
  16. Wind smashed some grafted jourds so had to re-do them. Only had spach laying around Another jourd I did earlier this year, feb/march slowly chugging along TBMC. Not my graft but excited to have it
  17. Managed a single ripe fruit still on the tree and a heap in the bags I tied over the unripe fruits some weeks back Time to sow..
  18. Visited today to see how the seeds are coming along. Will be a nice little haul in a few weeks
  19. $15 for a rare hybrid trich but doesn't state what the cross is? yeah alright https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Trichocereus-Cactus-Rare-Hybrid-1st-Class-5/163397207374?hash=item260b3b854e:rk:1:pf:0 Edit: it'll be a sick plant, y0
  20. Will be up the plantation this Saturday if any locals are interested in helping out again Cheers
  21. Looking to harvest some WA Sandalwood (Santalum spicatum) in the next month or two. Have my eye on a few mature specimens that are still in the ground If anyone is interested, will be selling timber (heartwood) for $200/kg. Diameter and lengths will vary. Will be debarked Just an expression of interest for now but if there is enough interest I'll do a harvest
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