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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by Gimli

  1. I germinate using the takeaway tek and remove lid once they sprout, keep moist. Works a treat
  2. $80 for what's pictured? Is that correct?
  3. Do you require a minimum number to move forward?
  4. If you are experienced in slab or areole grafts you'd make a bit of money with 11cm of material.
  5. https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Trichocereus-Hyrbrid-Crest-TPQC-X-Juuls-Giant-Rare-Cactus-Plant/283329335333?hash=item41f7be9025:g:ZiQAAOSwwZxcLcDi:rk:1:pf:0
  6. And that's a wrap Thanks to those who have been waiting patiently. I will be sending seed out on Friday Happy growing
  7. Variegated Gymnocalycium mihanovichii Psycho0 x TPM TPM x (Pach x SS02)
  8. Acacia courtii from the wattle day giveaway by Communacacian
  9. Here are the only photos I really have. I have found that broad phyllode is pretty consistent over it's entire endemic range. Without flowers it's hard to say for sure. If you could smell the heart wood that would help also... Did you take photos of the specimen(s) you collected from? I hand* threshed the pods and the seed basically fell out. Does help if they are really dry. Then winnowed it a few times.
  10. @S35H4T @shadowcreature @Danielle Rose I still need your address via PM. Please get back to me before Friday or you'll be skipped. I will not be holding seed past then, I plan to mail 43 letters on Friday and close this giveaway. Thanks
  11. HWT 24/12/18 (12 hours overnight) Sown 25/12/18 Today: Bit slower than normal but the % is already there
  12. Only a few days left for anyone interested to get your name down for seed, cut off 7/1 Anyone who hasn't replied within 2 weeks of me messaging for their address will be skipped. Happy 2019
  13. Which variety of N tabacum?
  14. Stopped off on the way home from a plantation to check out these beauties...
  15. Your name is already on the list. Patience, young grasshopper Edit: final threshing and winnow yield is around 80,000 seeds by weight estimate. Pretty chuffed
  16. Thank, worth the effort. Have a little more to process, maybe another few thousand seeds. Drop in the bucket though
  17. Visited today and picked just over a kilo of seed (pictured). Might go back for more next week. Some trees are still covered in green pods, some are hanging ripe and some have dropped all their seed For now, running this giveaway until 7/1/19 and then I'll get mailing. Still waiting on a few people to send back their address too Happy festivus
  18. Items for giveaway at the next meet #1) Lophophora 'Jourdaniana' grafted to pachanoi #2) Lophophora 'Jourdaniana' grafted to selenicereus #3) Validus x Lumberjack (rooted), zelly hybrid #4) Peru 'Los Banos' cutting (rooted) #5) Pachanoi 'Rod' cutting #6) Scop x Super Pedro cutting (rooted) Maybe some other stuff by the time this meet rolls around. Same as before, names drawn from a hat
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